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- Python Official Website
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- Online Editors:
- Literature Programming
- Git Download
- Git install → in step 5 use default as vim
- GitHub Account Setup
- Python Open Source Repo
- Bash Scriping Cheat Sheet
- Doc Formatting
- .gitignore Templetes
- How to choose a license
- Sample Project Document
- Portfolio Templetes
- GitHub Pages
- Open Source Contribution
- Open Source Contribution2
- Udacity VCS Course
- Git Cheatsheet
- GitHub Cheatsheet
- Student Developer Pack
- Web Hosting
- Free Git & GitHub Course
- Everyone should have professional LinkedIn profile for future job purpose build nice LinkedIn profile.
- If you are a programmer you should have GitHub profile with your learnings and projects.
- At the end of the day it is not only about learning but we have to apply the things which we have learned. so try to explore more on the concept and also share your knowledge to the community by writing a blog of what you have learned on day to day basis or on entire training program @Medium, or @dev.to, or write an article @LinkedIn.