You can download the default and complete config file.
Here is another sample with two allowed clients for logout.
# Enter the certificate to identify the CAS server. Set to false if you do not use it. In production, you must use one.
certificate: false # Example: certificate path
# Enter a filename to trace log or leave empty to use the default filename. Set to false to disable debug function.
debug: '' # Example: phpcas-trace.log
# Enter the hostname of the CAS server.
hostname: ~ # Required, Example:
# Enter the language for phpcas error and trace. Possible value could be read here: .
language: CAS_Languages_English # One of "CAS_Languages_English"; "CAS_Languages_French"; "CAS_Languages_Greek"; "CAS_Languages_German"; "CAS_Languages_Japanese"; "CAS_Languages_Spanish"; "CAS_Languages_Catalan"; "CAS_Languages_ChineseSimplified", Example: CAS_Languages_French
# Server cas port
port: 443 # Example: 443
# REQUEST_PATH of the CAS server.
url: cas/login # Example: cas/login
# Route node.
# Name of your home route.
homepage: homepage # Example: home
# Name of your login route.
login: security_login # Example: my_login_route
# Name of the route where user is redirected after successful logout.
logout: home # Example: home
# If true phpcas trace will be more explicit.
verbose: false # Example: true
# Version of the CAS Server.
version: '3.0' # One of "3.0"; "2.0"; "1.0", Example: 3.0
# Logout node.
# Are the CAS server and your application supporting single sign out signal?
supported: true # Example: false
# Are your application handling single sign out signal?
handled: true # Example: false
# List of host names allowed to send logout requests.
allowed_clients: [] # Example: ["", ""]
# true if you want to provide the url to the user to go back to your application after logout.
redirect_url: false # Example: true