Hidden founders web coding challenge
This is my Frontend participation for the challenge. The Backend is linked on another repository which you can check from the link Nearby Shops Back End.
The App is built using ReactJs and a couple of handful javascript libraries such us MomentJs,lodash and Axios
The app functions as a SPA (Single Page App), and it's main functionality is displaying a list of nearby shops to the user's location, ranked by the closest.
The App uses a set of coordinates to calculate the the distance between the user and the shop.
- The user can Sign up a new account using an email and a password
- The user Sign in with his created email and password
- The user can view the list of shops ranked by the closest to his location
- The user can like a shop, and it will disappear from the main shops list and will display in the preferred shops list page
- The user can remove the liked shops from his preferred page
- The user can dislike a shop and it will be hidden from the main lit for 2 hours
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Alhydra/Nearby-shops.frontend.git
To run the app you have Two options:
By running the start script
$ Yarn start
$ npm start
The server will run on the local machine on port 3000, http://localhost:3000
Which you can get running the build script from the command line.
$ Yarn build
$ cd /build
$ npm build
$ cd /build