Coming into this module I felt weak on JavaScript. I used Exercism three times per week, read the "Eloquent JavaScript" book, and tried to apply these concepts in my individual and team projects. In the end I feel much more comfortable with JavaScript.
- Ruby Syntax: 3
- Rails Basics: 3
- Javascript Basics: 3
- Workflow: 4
- Collaboration: 3
This module I attended all days and classes on-time with the exception of an absence on Friday, May 3d.
I completed the following individual work this module:
In this three-day project I implemented a linked list with recursion. It was evaluated by Horace with the following results:
"This is one of the better linked list implementations I've ever seen."
- Ruby Syntax: 3
- Decomposition: 3
- Functionality: 3
- Test-Driven Development: 3
In this week-long project I built a sudoku-solving machine. It was evaluated by Steve with the following results:
"Good object decomposition, but it only solves the easiest of puzzles."
- Ruby Syntax: 3
- Decomposition: 4
- Functionality: 2
- Test-Driven Development: 3
I participated in the following team projects:
In the previous module feedback from my peers encouraged me to ask for help more frequently rather than get stuck and stay there. This module I set a timer when I ran into a problem and, if I got to 20 minutes without progress, I'd ask for help. My feedback this module showed improvement and teammates said I'm a better collaborator.
According to the Feedback application:
- I delivered 100% of the requested feedback
- 96% of those submissions were approved and delivered
- 84% of my submissions were meaningful to the recipient
- On Friday, June 20, I ran a student-led workshop on Tweaking Your Text Editor
- On Friday, June 27, I delivered a lightning talk "Hello, Mr. Roboto"
- On Wednesday, June 30, I delivered "Hello, Mr. Roboto" at Community Night
- On Saturday, July 15, I organized a bike ride attended by seven Turing students
- On Thursday, July 24, I published a blog post "How To Link Your Lists" on my personal blog and it was included in that week's Posse Post