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Exception when using lm. #18

JocuperDARY opened this issue Feb 1, 2024 · 7 comments

Exception when using lm. #18

JocuperDARY opened this issue Feb 1, 2024 · 7 comments


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JocuperDARY commented Feb 1, 2024

Some coords might cause a problem like the below:

  File C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\circle_fit\ in lm
    DelPar = mldivide(np.vstack((J, lambda_sqrt * np.identity(3))), np.hstack([g, np.zeros(3)]))

  File C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\circle_fit\ in mldivide
    sol[nz, :] = np.asarray(np.linalg.solve(A[:, nz], b))

  File C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\numpy\linalg\ in solve

  File C:\ProgramData\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\numpy\linalg\ in _assert_stacked_square
    raise LinAlgError('Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square')

LinAlgError: Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square

The Exception appears when the varible "rank" is not equal to "num_vars" in the function "mldivide", but I have no idea how it happens.
According to the Stack Overflow (, repleacing the function with the following might solve the problem:

def mldivide(A: npt.NDArray, b: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
    num_vars = A.shape[1]
    x1, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)
    if rank == num_vars:
        sol: npt.NDArray = x1  # not under-determined
            sol = np.zeros((num_vars, 1))
            for nz in combinations(range(num_vars), rank):  # the variables not set to zero
                sol[nz, :] = np.asarray(np.linalg.solve(A[:, nz], b))
            Q, R, P = qr(A.T, mode='full', pivoting=True)
            Z = Q[:, rank:].conj()
            C = np.linalg.solve(Z[rank :], -x1[rank :])
            sol = x1 +
    return sol
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nup002 commented Feb 2, 2024

Hi @JocuperDARY , thank you for the bug report. Can you post the coords you provide to lm that causes this error? Please try to reduce the amount of data to the minimum amount that still causes the error.

I took the liberty of formatting your post with triple quotes so that the code snippets are formatted correctly.

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JocuperDARY commented Feb 2, 2024

import numpy as np
import circle_fit
coords = np.array([[-1.56078000e+03, 6.92745426e-01]
, [-1.56074000e+03, 7.07348320e-01]
, [-1.56070000e+03, 7.21708276e-01]
, [-1.56066000e+03, 7.36362813e-01]
, [-1.56062000e+03, 7.50619567e-01]
, [-1.56058000e+03, 7.64246289e-01]
, [-1.56054000e+03, 7.78310843e-01]
, [-1.56050000e+03, 7.91871212e-01]
, [-1.56046000e+03, 8.04925490e-01]
, [-1.56042000e+03, 8.18261888e-01]
, [-1.56038000e+03, 8.31818728e-01]
, [-1.56034000e+03, 8.44824445e-01]
, [-1.56030000e+03, 8.57567586e-01]
, [-1.56026000e+03, 8.70146809e-01]
, [-1.56022000e+03, 8.82460881e-01]
, [-1.56018000e+03, 8.95108674e-01]
, [-1.56014000e+03, 9.07059170e-01]
, [-1.56010000e+03, 9.18921453e-01]
, [-1.56006000e+03, 9.30614709e-01]
, [-1.56002000e+03, 9.41408226e-01]
, [-1.55998000e+03, 9.52591391e-01]
, [-1.55994000e+03, 9.63923685e-01]
, [-1.55990000e+03, 9.74634684e-01]
, [-1.55986000e+03, 9.85424057e-01]
, [-1.55982000e+03, 9.95871559e-01]
, [-1.55978000e+03, 1.00612703e+00]
, [-1.55974000e+03, 1.01594041e+00]
, [-1.55970000e+03, 1.02522169e+00]
, [-1.55966000e+03, 1.03503096e+00]
, [-1.55962000e+03, 1.04436837e+00]
, [-1.55958000e+03, 1.05371418e+00]
, [-1.55954000e+03, 1.06187866e+00]
, [-1.55950000e+03, 1.07051218e+00]
, [-1.55946000e+03, 1.07887518e+00]
, [-1.55942000e+03, 1.08720814e+00]
, [-1.55938000e+03, 1.09534160e+00]
, [-1.55934000e+03, 1.10321616e+00]
, [-1.55930000e+03, 1.11050244e+00]
, [-1.55926000e+03, 1.11756115e+00]
, [-1.55922000e+03, 1.12469301e+00]
, [-1.55918000e+03, 1.13179879e+00]
, [-1.55914000e+03, 1.13824928e+00]
, [-1.55910000e+03, 1.14477532e+00]
, [-1.55906000e+03, 1.15113777e+00]
, [-1.55902000e+03, 1.15724751e+00]
, [-1.55898000e+03, 1.16314544e+00]
, [-1.55894000e+03, 1.16866249e+00]
, [-1.55890000e+03, 1.17430960e+00]
, [-1.55886000e+03, 1.17971769e+00]
, [-1.55882000e+03, 1.18482773e+00]])
par_ini = [-1557.66, 8, 9.375]
b = circle_fit.lm(coords, par_ini)

This should work

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nup002 commented Feb 10, 2024

I cannot replicate this bug. Using the data you posted above executes with no problems.
Can you post the version number of all the packages in your environment, as well as which python version you are on? circle-fit requires python>=3.7.

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Python 3.11.7 (tags/v3.11.7:fa7a6f2, Dec  4 2023, 19:24:49) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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scikit-image                  0.20.0
scikit-learn                  1.2.2
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scipy                         1.11.4
Scrapy                        2.8.0
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semver                        2.13.0
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service-identity              18.1.0
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sip                           6.7.12
six                           1.16.0
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sniffio                       1.3.0
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tables                        3.9.2
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TBB                           0.2
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tornado                       6.3.3
tqdm                          4.65.0
traitlets                     5.7.1
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truststore                    0.8.0
Twisted                       22.10.0
twisted-iocpsupport           1.0.2
typing_extensions             4.9.0
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uc-micro-py                   1.0.1
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zope.interface                5.4.0
zstandard                     0.19.0

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nup002 commented Feb 12, 2024

Please start a fresh new environment and only install circle-fit and see if you still have the same problem.

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I created a new environment with python 3.11.7 and the problem still exists.

Python 3.11.7 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Dec 15 2023, 18:05:47) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Package    Version
---------- -------
circle-fit 0.2.1
numpy      1.26.4
pip        23.3.1
scipy      1.12.0
setuptools 68.2.2
wheel      0.41.2

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nup002 commented Feb 15, 2024

Okey, I can replicate it now. I will investigate.

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