Starting From version 1.1.1 CodeView now have support for snippts.
In the CodeView library keywords and snippets are classes that implementing the Code interface.
public interface Code {
String getCodeTitle();
String getCodePrefix();
String getCodeBody();
This class has three attributes title, prefix and body, It’s important to know the difference between them
The title is that text that you see on the autocomplete dropdown menu so it can be for example "Keyword Package".
The prefix is that text that we use it for filtering in the autocomplete adapter for example "package"
The body is what we inserted in the code when the user types a string that is a subset of the prefix and then he clicks on the title for example "package main;"
Add Custom AutoComplete Adapter that support Snippets
List<Code> codes = new ArrayList<>();
codes.add(new Snippet(..., ..., ...));
// Your language keywords
String[] languageKeywords = .....
// List item custom layout
int layoutId = .....
// TextView id on your custom layout to put suggestion on it R.layout.yourlayout
int viewId = .....
CodeViewAdapter codeAdapter = new CodeViewAdapter(context, layoutId, viewId, codes);