diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8fb51a4..72137c6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -35,3 +35,8 @@ Anilist.media.anime(21708).then(data => {
## Documentation
Please see [documentation.md](documentation.md) file for more information
+## License and Contact
+AniList-Node is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
+For issues and bugs, please use the issue tracker on this repository. For other needs, either contact me by email katsurinstudios@protonmail.ch or in my [Discord server](https://discord.gg/TJJ6KGd) in the #anilist-node channel.
diff --git a/documentation.md b/documentation.md
index 3fd9309..6811860 100644
--- a/documentation.md
+++ b/documentation.md
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Upon using a function, the data it returns is given in an object. So within the
- `media.id` | The id of the media
- `media.idMAL` | The MAL id of the media
- `media.title` | Media title. Gives four values: romaji, English, native, userPreferred [Requires login for userPreferred]
-- `media.type` | Media type
- `media.description` | Media description
- `media.format` | Format of the media (ie: TV, OVA, Novel)
- `media.status` | Current status of the media
@@ -29,8 +28,8 @@ Upon using a function, the data it returns is given in an object. So within the
- `media.meanScore` | Mean score of all the user's scores
- `media.synonyms` | Media's alternative titles
- `media.trends` | Media's daily trend status. An array of objects that gives four values per object: date, trending, popularity, and inProgress
-- `media.staff` | An array of staff credited in the media. Gives three values per object: id, name (string given as "first last"), and native (Native form of their name)
-- `media.characters` | An array of objects with two values per object: id and name (name is a string given as "first last")
+- `media.staff` | An array of credited staff. Gives two values per object: id and their name (given as "first last")
+- `media.characters` | An array of characters with two values per object: id and their name (given as "first last")
- `media.reviews` | An array of objects. Gives four values per object: id, score, summary, and body (main text of the review)
- `media.popularity` | The number of users with the media on their list
- `media.trending` | The amount of related activity in the past week.
@@ -45,10 +44,13 @@ Upon using a function, the data it returns is given in an object. So within the
- `media.recommendations` | An array of recommendations
- `media.recommendations.id` | The ID of the show recommended.
- `media.recommendations.title` | An object of the show's titles. Four values: romanji, english, native, and userPreferred.
+- `media.stats.scoreDistribution` | An array of how the users have rated the media. Each object contains a score and amount.
+- `media.stats.statusDistribution` | An array of the users status with the show. Each object contains a status and amount.
## Anime Unique
- `anime.episodes` | Number of episodes
- `anime.season` | Season that the anime started airing
+- `anime.seasonYear` | The season year that the anime started airing
- `anime.duration` | General length of an episode
- `anime.hashtag` | Twitter hashtag associated with the anime
- `anime.trailer` | Returns the trailer URL if the trailer is a Youtube or Dailymotion video. Will default to the object if it's not.
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ Names must be strings and ids must be numbers.
## General
- `people.id` | Person's id
-- `people.name` | Person's name. Returns three values: first, last, native
+- `people.name` | Person's name. Returns three values: english, native, and alternative (alternatives being nicknames and titles)
- `people.image` | Person's cover image. Returns two values: large and medium
- `people.descriptions` | Person's description
- `people.isFavourite` | [Requires login] Check if person is favourited
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ Names must be strings and ids must be numbers.
## Staff Unique
- `staff.language` | Staff's language
- `staff.staffMedia` | An array of ids and titles of all media that the staff has been apart of (Up to the first 25 on the list.)
-- `staff.characters` | An array of ids and names of all characters that the staff has voiced (Up to the first 25 on the list.)
+- `staff.characters` | An array of ids and the english names of all characters that the staff has voiced (Up to the first 25 on the list.)
# Search
- `Anilist.search(type, term, page, amount)` | Searches the database for an anime or manga that resembles the term provided.
@@ -118,7 +120,9 @@ Usernames must be strings and ids must be numbers!
- `profile.bannerImage` | User's banner image
- `profile.isFollowing` | [Requires login] Checks if the logged in user is following the user
- `profile.options` | User's options. Returns four values: titleLanguage, displayAdultContent, airingNotifications, profileColor
-- `profile.mediaListOptions` | Undocumented. Returns five values: scoreFormat, rowOrder, useLegacyLists, sharedTheme, sharedThemeEnabled
+- `profile.mediaListOptions` | Undocumented. Returns five values: scoreFormat, rowOrder, useLegacyLists, animeList, mangaList
+- `profile.mediaListOptions.animeList` | User's anime list options. Returns five values: sectionOrder, splitCompletedSectionByFormat, customLists, advancedScoring, advancedScoringEnabled.
+- `profile.mediaListOptions.mangaList` | User's manga list options. Returns five values: sectionOrder, splitCompletedSectionByFormat, customLists, advancedScoring, advancedScoringEnabled.
- `profile.unreadNotificationCount` | Amount of unreadNotifications the user has
- `profile.siteUrl` | User's AniList URL
- `profile.donatorTier` | Check if the user is a donator
@@ -126,25 +130,53 @@ Usernames must be strings and ids must be numbers!
- `profile.updatedAt` | Timestamp of the last update of the user
- `profile.isFollower` | [Requires login] Checks if the searched user is following the logged in user.
- `profile.isBlocked` | [Requires login] Checks if the logged in user has blocked the searched user.
-## Stats Unique
-- `stats.watchedTime` | Total amount of watch time on the user's anime list
-- `stats.chaptersRead` | Total amount of chapters read on the user's manga list
-- `stats.activityHistory` | The activity history of the user. Returns three values: date, amount, level
-- `stats.animeStatusDistribution` | Undocumented. Returns two values: status and amount
-- `stats.mangaStatusDistribution` | Undocumented. Returns two values: status and amount
-- `stats.animeScoreDistribution` | Undocumented. Returns two values: score and amount
-- `stats.mangaScoreDistribution` | Undocumented. Returns two values: score and amount
-- `stats.animeListScores` | Undocumented. Returns two values: meanScore and standardDeviation
-- `stats.mangaListScores` | Undocumented. Returns two values: meanScore and standardDeviation
-- `stats.favouredGenresOverview` | Undocumented. Returns four values: genre, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredGenres` | List of the user's favourite genres. Gives four values per object: genre, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredTags` | List of the user's favourite tags. Gives four values per object: tag.name, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredActors` | List of the user's favourite actors. Gives three values per object: staff.id, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredStaff` | List of the user's favourite staff. Gives three values per object: staff.id, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredStudios` | List of the user's favourite studios. Gives three values per object: studio.name, amount, meanScore, timeWatched
-- `stats.favouredYears` | List of the user's favourite years. Gives three values per object: year, amount, meanScore
-- `stats.favouredFormats` | List of the user's favourite formats. Gives two values per object: format, amount
+- `profile.bans` | Record of user's bans.
+### User's Favourites
+Fetched through `profile.favourites`
+- `favourites.anime` | An array of all user's favourite anime. Returns two values: id and title.
+- `favourites.manga` | An array of all user's favourite manga. Returns two values: id and title.
+- `favourites.characters` | An array of all user's favourite characters. Returns two values: id and name (given "first last")
+- `favourites.staff` | An array of all user's favourite staff. Returns two values: id and name (given "first last")
+- `favourites.studios` | An array of all user's favourite studios. Returns two values: id and name
+### User's Statistics
+Fetched through `profile.statistics`. Returns two objects: anime and manga.
+- `statistics.[type].meanScore` | Mean score of all entries with the type.
+- `statistics.[type].standardDeviation` | The standard deviation of all scores with all entries with the type.
+- `statistics.[type].count` | Total amount of entries with the type.
+#### Statistics Across Various Fields.
+All of these types will return an object with four keys:
+ > count and meanScore are included across all fields
+ > watchedTime is included for all anime specific fields.
+ > chaptersRead is included for all manga specific fields.
+ > one additional key, specified in each description pertaining to the entry.
+> Note that any item will only appear in the list if the user has a count of two or more items
+- `statistics.[type].statuses` | A list of the user's statistics across various statuses. Unique key: status
+- `statistics.[type].formats` | A list of the user's statistics across various formats. Unique key: format
+- `statistics.[type].lengths` | A list of the user's statistics across various lengths. Unique key: length
+- `statistics.[type].releaseYears` | A list of the user's statistics across various release years. Unique key: releaseYear
+- `statistics.[type].startYears` | A list of the user's statistics across years where the user started the entry. Unique key: startYear
+- `statistics.[type].genres` | A list of the user's statistics across various genres. Unique key: genre
+- `statistics.[type].tags` | A list of the user's statistics across various tags. Unique key: tag (tag returns two values: id and name)
+- `statistics.[type].countries` | A list of the user's statistics across various countries. Unique key: country
+- `statistics.[type].staff` | A list of the user's statistics across various staff. Unique key: staff (staff returns two values: id and name)
+#### Anime Unique
+- `statistics.anime.watchedTime` | Total amount of watch time on the user's anime lists.
+- `statistics.anime.episodesWatched` | Total amount of episodes watched on the user's anime lists.
+- `statistics.anime.voiceActors` | A list of the user's statistics across various voice actors. Unique key: voiceActor (voiceActor returns two values: id and name)
+- `statistics.anime.studios` | A list of the user's statistics across various studios. Unique key: studio (studio returns two values: id and name)
+#### Manga Unique
+- `statistics.manga.chaptersRead` | Total amount of chapters read on the user's manga lists.
+- `statistics.manga.volumesRead` | Total amount of volumes read of the user's manga lists.
# Lists
Usernames must be strings and ids must be numbers!
@@ -171,9 +203,11 @@ Usernames must be strings and ids must be numbers!
- `entry.dates` | The dates related to that entry in ISO 8601 format. Gives four values per object: startedAt, completedAt, updatedAt and createdAt
# Studio
-- `Anilist.studio(id)` | Get information on a studio by an id
+- `Anilist.studio(id|name)` | Get information on a studio by an id or its name
- `studio.id` | The studio's id
- `studio.name` | The studio's name
- - `studio.media` | An array of ids of all of the media the studio has done.
+ - `studio.isAnimationStudio` | Boolean value of if the studio is an animation studio.
+ - `studio.favourites` | Number of people who have favourited the studio on AniList.
+ - `studio.media` | A list of all the media the studio has done (Up to the first 25 per AniList's limit). Returns two values per object: id and title
- `studio.siteUrl` | Site url of the studio on Anilist
- `studio.isFavourite` | Checks if the studio is favourited [Requires login]
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 25a4daa..056e298 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ module.exports = class AniList {
* Grabs data on a studio
- * @param {Number} id - The studio ID on AniList.
+ * @param {String | Number} id - The studio ID or name on AniList.
* @returns { Object } Returns a customized data object.
studio(id) {
if (!id) { throw new Error("Studio id is not provided."); }
- if (typeof id !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a number!"); }
- return Fetch.send(`query($id: Int) { Studio(id: $id) { id name media { edges { id } } siteUrl isFavourite } }`, { id: id });
+ if (typeof id === "string") { var queryVars = [{ search: id }, "query ($search: String) { Studio (search: $search) { "]; }
+ else if (typeof id === "number") { var queryVars = [{ id: id }, "query ($id: Int) { Studio (id: $id) { "]; }
+ else { throw new Error("Term does not match the required types!"); }
+ return Fetch.send(queryVars[1] + `id name isAnimationStudio siteUrl isFavourite favourites
+ media { nodes { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } } }`, queryVars[0]);
@@ -46,8 +50,8 @@ module.exports = class AniList {
var search = {
"anime": "media (type: ANIME, search: $search) { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } }",
"manga": "media (type: MANGA, search: $search) { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } }",
- "char": "characters (search: $search) { id name { first last native } }" ,
- "staff": "staff (search: $search) { id name { first last native } }",
+ "char": "characters (search: $search) { id name { full native } }" ,
+ "staff": "staff (search: $search) { id name { full native } }",
"studio": "studios (search: $search) { id name }"
diff --git a/lib/fetcher.js b/lib/fetcher.js
index 5f45190..676c6a6 100644
--- a/lib/fetcher.js
+++ b/lib/fetcher.js
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
+ * Edit a person's name data object for better use.
+ * @param { Object } obj - A name object of the person.
+ */
+function nameEditor(obj) {
+ if (obj.alternative.length < 1 || obj.alternative[0] == "") { obj.alternative = null; }
+ obj.english = obj.full;
+ delete obj.full;
+ return obj;
* Moves data up levels in the object for better use.
* @param { Object } obj - Required. The object to edit.
@@ -8,18 +21,15 @@ const fetch = require("node-fetch");
function edgeRemove(obj) {
var list = [];
for (var x = 0; x < obj.length; x++) {
- if (obj[x].name) {
- if (obj[x].name.native) { obj[x].native = obj[x].name.native; }
- if (obj[x].name.last === null) { obj[x].name = obj[x].name.first; }
- else if (obj[x].name.first === null) { obj[x].name = obj[x].name.last; }
- else { obj[x].name = obj[x].name.first + " " + obj[x].name.last; }
- }
+ if (obj[x].name) { obj[x].name = obj[x].name.full; }
if (obj[x].node) { list.push(obj[x].node); }
else if (obj[x].id && obj[x].length === 1) { list.push(obj[x].id); }
else if (obj[x].url) { list.push(obj[x].url); }
else { list.push(obj[x]); }
+ if (list.length < 1) { list = null; }
return list;
@@ -87,9 +97,11 @@ module.exports = {
if (json.data.Media) {
return await formatMedia(json.data.Media);
} else if (json.data.Character) {
+ json.data.Character.name = await nameEditor(json.data.Character.name);
json.data.Character.media = json.data.Character.media.nodes;
return json.data.Character;
} else if (json.data.Staff) {
+ json.data.Staff.name = await nameEditor(json.data.Staff.name);
json.data.Staff.staffMedia = await edgeRemove(json.data.Staff.staffMedia.nodes);
json.data.Staff.characters = await edgeRemove(json.data.Staff.characters.nodes);
if (json.data.Staff.description.length < 1) { json.data.Staff.description = null; }
@@ -98,12 +110,24 @@ module.exports = {
return json.data.Page;
else if (json.data.Studio) {
- json.data.Studio.media = await edgeRemove(json.data.Studio.media.edges);
+ json.data.Studio.media = await edgeRemove(json.data.Studio.media.nodes);
return json.data.Studio;
} else if (json.data.User) {
- if (json.data.User.stats && !json.data.User.avatar) {
- return json.data.User.stats;
+ if (json.data.User.statistics) { //Move all names up a level.
+ json.data.User.statistics.anime.staff.forEach(e => { e.staff.name = e.staff.name.full; });
+ json.data.User.statistics.anime.voiceActors.forEach(e => { e.voiceActor.name = e.voiceActor.name.full });
+ json.data.User.statistics.manga.staff.forEach(e => { e.staff.name = e.staff.name.full; });
+ if (json.data.User.statistics && !json.data.User.avatar) { return json.data.User.statistics; }
+ //Move all node objects up one level.
+ json.data.User.favourites.anime = json.data.User.favourites.anime.nodes;
+ json.data.User.favourites.manga = json.data.User.favourites.manga.nodes;
+ json.data.User.favourites.characters = await edgeRemove(json.data.User.favourites.characters.nodes);
+ json.data.User.favourites.staff = await edgeRemove(json.data.User.favourites.staff.nodes);
+ json.data.User.favourites.studios = json.data.User.favourites.studios.nodes;
return json.data.User;
} else if (json.data.MediaListCollection) {
json.data.MediaListCollection.lists.forEach(list => {
@@ -121,6 +145,6 @@ module.exports = {
return json.data.MediaListCollection.lists;
- return json.data; //If nothing matches, return collected data,
+ return json.data; //If nothing matches, return collected data
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/lists.js b/lib/lists.js
index 2063836..7fd25dc 100644
--- a/lib/lists.js
+++ b/lib/lists.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = {
endDate { year month day } season duration countryOfOrigin isLicensed source hashtag trailer { id site } updatedAt coverImage { large medium }
bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore popularity trending tags { name isMediaSpoiler }
relations { nodes { id idMal title { english native romaji userPreferred } type format } }
- characters { nodes { id name { first last } } } staff { nodes { id name { first last native } } } studios { nodes { id name } }
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } } staff { nodes { id name { full native } } } studios { nodes { id name } }
isFavourite isAdult nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt } airingSchedule { nodes { airingAt timeUntilAiring } }
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url }
streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } rankings { id } mediaListEntry { id }
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = {
type description format status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } volumes countryOfOrigin isLicensed updatedAt
coverImage { large medium } bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes
popularity trending tags { name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id idMal title { english native romaji userPreferred } type format } }
- characters { nodes { id name { first last } } } staff { nodes { id name { first last native } } } isFavourite isAdult
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } } staff { nodes { id name { full native } } } isFavourite isAdult
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url } rankings { id }
mediaListEntry { id } reviews { nodes { id score summary body } } }
userId status score progress progressVolumes repeat priority private notes hiddenFromStatusLists
diff --git a/lib/media.js b/lib/media.js
index e056aed..80ab36b 100644
--- a/lib/media.js
+++ b/lib/media.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const { send } = require('./fetcher');
+const { send } = require("./fetcher");
module.exports = {
@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof id !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a number!"); }
return send(`query ($id: Int) { Media (id: $id, type: ANIME) { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred }
- type episodes description format status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day }
- season duration countryOfOrigin isLicensed source hashtag trailer { id site }
+ format status episodes description startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day }
+ season seasonYear duration countryOfOrigin isLicensed source hashtag trailer { id site }
updatedAt coverImage { large medium } bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore
popularity trending tags { name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id idMal title { english native romaji userPreferred } type format } }
- characters { nodes { id name { first last } } } staff { nodes { id name { first last native } } } studios { nodes { id name } }
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } } staff { nodes { id name { full } } } studios { nodes { id name } }
isFavourite isAdult nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt } airingSchedule { nodes { airingAt timeUntilAiring } }
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url }
streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } rankings { id } mediaListEntry { id }
reviews { nodes { id score summary body } } siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes
+ stats { scoreDistribution { score amount } statusDistribution { status amount } }
isRecommendationBlocked recommendations { nodes { mediaRecommendation { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } } } }`, { id: id });
@@ -32,12 +33,13 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof id !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a number!"); }
return send(`query ($id: Int) { Media (id: $id, type: MANGA) { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred }
- type description format status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } chapters volumes countryOfOrigin isLicensed updatedAt
+ description format status startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } chapters volumes countryOfOrigin isLicensed updatedAt
coverImage { large medium } bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes
popularity trending tags { name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id idMal title { english native romaji userPreferred } type format } }
- characters { nodes { id name { first last } } } staff { nodes { id name { first last native } } } isFavourite isAdult
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } } staff { nodes { id name { full } } } isFavourite isAdult
trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url } rankings { id }
mediaListEntry { id } reviews { nodes { id score summary body } }
+ stats { scoreDistribution { score amount } statusDistribution { status amount } }
isRecommendationBlocked recommendations { nodes { mediaRecommendation { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } } } }`, { id: id });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/people.js b/lib/people.js
index b1e01fc..cc9db91 100644
--- a/lib/people.js
+++ b/lib/people.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const { send } = require('./fetcher');
+const { send } = require("./fetcher");
module.exports = {
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ module.exports = {
character: function(id) {
if (!id) { throw new Error("Character term is not provided!"); }
- if (typeof id === 'string') { queryVars = [{ search: id }, `query ($search: String) { Character (search: $search) { `]; }
- else if (typeof id === 'number') { queryVars = [{ id: id }, `query ($id: Int) { Character (id: $id,) { `]; }
+ if (typeof id === "string") { queryVars = [{ search: id }, "query ($search: String) { Character (search: $search) { "]; }
+ else if (typeof id === "number") { queryVars = [{ id: id }, "query ($id: Int) { Character (id: $id) { "]; }
else { throw new Error("Term does not match the required types!"); }
- return send(queryVars[1] + `id name { first last native } image { large medium } description isFavourite favourites
- siteUrl media { nodes { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred } format } } } }`, queryVars[0]);
+ return send(queryVars[1] + `id name { full native alternative } image { large medium } description isFavourite favourites
+ siteUrl media { nodes { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } format } } } }`, queryVars[0]);
* Fetch a staff entry by its AniList ID or their name.
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof id === 'string') { queryVars = [{ search: id }, `query ($search: String) { Staff (search: $search) { `]; }
else if (typeof id === 'number') { queryVars = [{ id: id }, `query ($id: Int) { Staff (id: $id,) { `]; }
else { throw new Error("Term does not match the required types!"); }
- return send(queryVars[1] + `id name { first last native } language image { large medium }
+ return send(queryVars[1] + `id name { full native alternative } language image { large medium }
description isFavourite siteUrl favourites
staffMedia { nodes { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } }
- characters { nodes { id name { first last } } } } }`, queryVars[0]);
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } } } }`, queryVars[0]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/user.js b/lib/user.js
index 9905b48..7c22c6b 100644
--- a/lib/user.js
+++ b/lib/user.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const { send } = require('./fetcher');
+const { send } = require("./fetcher");
* Fetch a character entry by its AniList ID.
@@ -6,10 +6,49 @@ const { send } = require('./fetcher');
* @returns { Object } Returns a customized data object.
function variables(user) {
- if (typeof user === 'string') { return [{ name: user }, `query ($name: String) { User (name: $name) { `]; }
- else if (typeof user === 'number') { return [{ id: user }, `query ($id: Int) { User (id: $id) { `]; }
+ if (typeof user === "string") { return [{ name: user }, "query ($name: String) { User (name: $name) { "]; }
+ else if (typeof user === "number") { return [{ id: user }, "query ($id: Int) { User (id: $id) { "]; }
+//Queries for each specific function. Stored in variables here to remove redunant queries.
+var profileQuery = `id name about avatar { large medium } bannerImage isFollowing isFollower isBlocked
+bans options { titleLanguage displayAdultContent airingNotifications profileColor }
+mediaListOptions { scoreFormat rowOrder useLegacyLists
+ animeList { sectionOrder splitCompletedSectionByFormat customLists advancedScoring advancedScoringEnabled }
+ mangaList { sectionOrder splitCompletedSectionByFormat customLists advancedScoring advancedScoringEnabled } }
+favourites {
+ anime { nodes { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } }
+ manga { nodes { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } }
+ characters { nodes { id name { full } } }
+ staff { nodes { id name { full } } }
+ studios { nodes { id name } } }
+unreadNotificationCount siteUrl donatorTier moderatorStatus updatedAt`;
+var statsQuery = `statistics { anime {
+ meanScore standardDeviation count minutesWatched episodesWatched
+ statuses { count meanScore minutesWatched status }
+ formats { count meanScore minutesWatched format }
+ lengths { count meanScore minutesWatched length }
+ releaseYears { count meanScore minutesWatched releaseYear }
+ startYears { count meanScore minutesWatched startYear }
+ genres { count meanScore minutesWatched genre }
+ tags { count meanScore minutesWatched tag { id name } }
+ countries { count meanScore minutesWatched country }
+ voiceActors { count meanScore minutesWatched voiceActor { id name { full } } }
+ staff { count meanScore minutesWatched staff { id name { full } } }
+ studios { count meanScore minutesWatched studio { id name } } }
+manga {
+ meanScore standardDeviation count chaptersRead volumesRead
+ statuses { count meanScore chaptersRead status }
+ formats { count meanScore chaptersRead format }
+ lengths { count meanScore chaptersRead length }
+ releaseYears { count meanScore chaptersRead releaseYear }
+ startYears { count meanScore chaptersRead startYear }
+ genres { count meanScore chaptersRead genre }
+ tags { count meanScore chaptersRead tag { id name } }
+ countries { count meanScore chaptersRead country }
+ staff { count meanScore chaptersRead staff { id name { full } } } } }`;
module.exports = {
* Fetch a user's AniList basic profile.
@@ -21,11 +60,7 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof user !== "string" && typeof user !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a string or a number!"); }
var start = variables(user);
- var query = start[1] + `id name about avatar { large medium } bannerImage isFollowing isFollower isBlocked
- options { titleLanguage displayAdultContent airingNotifications profileColor }
- mediaListOptions { scoreFormat rowOrder useLegacyLists sharedTheme sharedThemeEnabled }
- unreadNotificationCount siteUrl donatorTier moderatorStatus updatedAt } }`;
- return send(query, start[0]);
+ return send(`${start[1]}${profileQuery}}}`, start[0]);
* Fetch a user's AniList stats.
@@ -37,14 +72,7 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof user !== "string" && typeof user !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a string or a number!"); }
var start = variables(user);
- var query = start[1] + `stats { watchedTime chaptersRead activityHistory { date amount level } animeStatusDistribution { status amount }
- mangaStatusDistribution { status amount } animeScoreDistribution { score amount } mangaScoreDistribution { score amount }
- animeListScores { meanScore standardDeviation } mangaListScores { meanScore standardDeviation }
- favouredGenresOverview { genre amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredGenres { genre amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredTags { tag { name } amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredActors { staff { id } amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredStaff { staff { id } amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredStudios { studio { name } amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredYears { year amount meanScore } favouredFormats { format amount } } } }`;
- return send(query, start[0]);
+ return send(`${start[1]}${statsQuery}}}`, start[0]);
* Fetch a user's AniList profile, basic and stats.
@@ -56,16 +84,6 @@ module.exports = {
if (typeof user !== "string" && typeof user !== "number") { throw new Error("Term provided is not a string or a number!"); }
var start = variables(user);
- var query = start[1] + `id name about avatar { large medium } bannerImage isFollowing isFollower isBlocked
- stats { watchedTime chaptersRead activityHistory { date amount level } animeStatusDistribution { status amount }
- mangaStatusDistribution { status amount } animeScoreDistribution { score amount } mangaScoreDistribution { score amount }
- animeListScores { meanScore standardDeviation } mangaListScores { meanScore standardDeviation } favouredGenresOverview { genre amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredGenres { genre amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredTags { tag { name } amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredActors { staff { id } amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredStaff { staff { id } amount meanScore timeWatched }
- favouredStudios { studio { name } amount meanScore timeWatched } favouredYears { year amount meanScore } favouredFormats { format amount } }
- options { titleLanguage displayAdultContent airingNotifications profileColor }
- mediaListOptions { scoreFormat rowOrder useLegacyLists sharedTheme sharedThemeEnabled } unreadNotificationCount
- siteUrl donatorTier moderatorStatus updatedAt } }`;
- return send(query, start[0]);
+ return send(`${start[1]}${profileQuery} ${statsQuery}}}`, start[0]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index f629e0c..01adc7f 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "anilist-node",
- "version": "1.2.3",
+ "version": "1.3.0",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5c15e7a..19ad0d6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "anilist-node",
- "version": "1.2.3",
+ "version": "1.3.0",
"description": "A lightweight Node.js wrapper for the AniList API",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
diff --git a/tests/peopleTest.js b/tests/peopleTest.js
index 3605818..b5af219 100644
--- a/tests/peopleTest.js
+++ b/tests/peopleTest.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const anilist = new AnilistNode();
anilist.people.staff(95672).then(data => { console.log(data); });
//Finds staff via their names.
-anilist.people.staff("Kaiji Yuki").then(data => { console.log(data); });
+anilist.people.staff("Yuuki Kaji").then(data => { console.log(data); });
//Finds a character via their Anilist ID
anilist.people.character(88344).then(data => { console.log(data); });
diff --git a/tests/studioTest.js b/tests/studioTest.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d7b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/studioTest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+const AnilistNode = require("../index.js");
+const anilist = new AnilistNode();
+//Find studio via their Anilist ID
+anilist.studio(314).then(data => { console.log(data); });
+//Find studio via their AniList name
+anilist.studio("White Fox").then(data => { console.log(data); });