Add a new activity to be logged. This route will add a new image to IPFS and log the multihash to the Ethereum blockchain.
- Body:
- id [required]
- string
- The id of the user / account that is logging the activity
- imageUrl [required]
- string
- The url where the raw image data lives
- metadata [required]
- string
- Extended data field
Example Request
const fs = require('fs'); const rp = require('request-promise'); const id = '11112222'; const imageUrl = '''; const metadata = 'some metadata'; const options = { url: `http://localhost:3001/addActivity`, method: 'POST', json: true, resolveWithFullResponse: true, simple: true, body: { id, imageUrl, metadata, } }; sendRequest(options); async function sendRequest(options) { const response = await rp(options); console.log(response.statusCode); console.log(response.body); console.log(response.error); }
- Example Responses
- Successfully added activity
statusCode: 201
{ transactionHash: '0xecf0b5632c2ffce2ef665e640a286e751949ced4a8614f46b18e225164ffcc8f', ipfsHash: 'QmP2iqTPKtuSsbHKNmdpt3yzoaT6VkovMXR3qh2gn7oUjL' }
error: undefined
- When sending no id
statusCode: 400
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadRequest', message: 'Id must be a valid string the following is invalid: undefined' }
- When sending no imageUrl
statusCode: 400
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadRequest', message: 'imageUrl must be a valid string the following is invalid: undefined' }
- When sending an invalid URL
statusCode: 400
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadRequest', message: 'Error while retrieving image: Error: Invalid URI "invalid"' }
- When unable to create a connection to the ipfs node
statusCode: 502
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadGatewayError', message: 'Can not create a connection to the IPFS node @' }