Will search for the transaction receipt for a given transaction hash. Critical for user experience so to not leave UI hanging while the transaction is to be mined. Note this method will make one query for the transaction and then return.
Body: undefined
- Params:
- transactionHash [required]
- string
- The transaction hash of a previously sent transaction
- The string must be hex encoded, only containing hex characters and prefixed with
, ie.0xde3d4ae70d48544d4647c0d3d6d745383d7234e1f210202e7cc8535dc77eea8a
Example Request
const fs = require('fs'); const rp = require('request-promise'); const options = { url: `http://localhost:3001/getTransaction/0xecf0b5632c2ffce2ef665e640a286e751949ced4a8614f46b18e225164ffcc8f`, method: 'GET', json: true, resolveWithFullResponse: true, simple: true, }; sendRequest(options); async function sendRequest(options) { const response = await rp(options); console.log(response.statusCode); console.log(response.body); console.log(response.error); }
- Example Responses
- Successfully retrieved transaction
statusCode: 200
{ transactionReceipt: { transactionHash: '0x6dc14020faf21fd730562d4497a96664ab5b3434356c3b7c53ae756c3349fd99', transactionIndex: 0, blockHash: '0xc4862feb905c456d8e1919c6d5355caf7865a5a920aa9426ca6421db01568046', blockNumber: 5, from: '0x6336cd2db73faa4d7ec3d5d4a5ef0761159550cd', to: '0xe8126708fb2d2e62ffe8b100dcee1e0d614a717b', gasUsed: 28989, cumulativeGasUsed: 28989, contractAddress: null, logs: [{ logIndex: 0, transactionIndex: 0, transactionHash: '0x951f50ad64eaa2a943c023fee1c5d575fbd45696530ac03700575eb495305969', blockHash: '0x5433cf13f96b154d4c9fcc8ebf3f9880fcad7f953c31da4ebb537ab0fb991821', blockNumber: 5, address: '0x104b8ff8c4c2d56a381d2953d92ea586972d2b7e', type: 'mined', event: 'LogActivity', args: { id: '11112222', multiHash: 'QmP2iqTPKtuSsbHKNmdpt3yzoaT6VkovMXR3qh2gn7oUjL', timestamp: '1553077382' } }] status: '0x1', logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000', v: '0x1c', r: '0x1ce5521161702022d5b60a1b1077cb0826c6d480ebcb036628164589de188798', s: '0x6faa92106430ea507a28d0364455d2c01bc827346f80e39fc00a66ae58764b82' } }
error: undefined
- When sending no transactionHash
statusCode: 400
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadRequest', message: 'Malformed transaction hash passed in... it should look something like this: 0xecf0b5632c2ffce2ef665e640a286e751949ced4a8614f46b18e225164ffcc8f' 'The transaction hash MUST be prefixed with 0x and be 66 total characters long, including the 0x.' 'The following was sent: 0xadam.' }
- When sending an invalid transactionHash
statusCode: 400
body: undefined
{ code: 'BadRequest', message: 'Malformed transaction hash passed in... it should look something like this: 0xecf0b5632c2ffce2ef665e640a286e751949ced4a8614f46b18e225164ffcc8f' 'The transaction hash MUST be prefixed with 0x and be 66 total characters long, including the 0x.' 'The following was sent: 0xadam.' }
- When unable to make a web3 connection to a node
statusCode: 412
body: undefined
{ code: 'PreconditionFailedError', message: 'Unable to create a web3 connection to your Ethereum node... please ensure it is running with an rpc port exposed.' }
- When sending a valid transactionHash that does not exist
statusCode: 404
body: undefined
{ code: 'NotFoundError', message: 'The txHash: 0xbf96b56024317a8942c746fdf5b054d8a870bfcbc7c6d117911a3a7c07249fc1 could not be found. Ensure you are on the correct network... please try again later.' }