Sample tilesets that embed single, simple glTF models into a tileset, and showing the appropriate tileset bounding volumes for the respective glTF bounding volumes.
The directory contains six different tilesets, each with a single glTF asset. The assets and directories are named based on the bounding volumes of the models, given as the minimum- and maximum points:
- (0,0,0) - (1,1,2)
- (0,0,0) - (1,2,1)
- (0,0,0) - (2,1,1)
- (0,0,2) - (1,1,4)
- (0,2,0) - (1,4,1)
- (2,0,0) - (4,1,1)
The code for computing the tile- or tileset bounding volume from the mimimum- and maximum point of a glTF asset, taking into account the y-up-to-z-up conversion, is shown here:
* Creates a bounding box for a tileset- or tile bounding volume.
* This is the center- and half-axis representation of the
* `` that is described at
* computed from the minimum- and maximum point of a box.
* @param minX The minimum x
* @param minY The minimum y
* @param minZ The minimum z
* @param maxX The maximum x
* @param maxY The maximum y
* @param maxZ The maximum z
* @return The ``
function createBoundingBox(
minX, minY, minZ,
maxX, maxY, maxZ) {
// The size of the box
const dx = maxX - minX;
const dy = maxY - minY;
const dz = maxZ - minZ;
// The center of the box
const cx = minX + dx * 0.5;
const cy = minY + dy * 0.5;
const cz = minZ + dz * 0.5;
// The x-direction and half length
const hxx = dx * 0.5;
const hxy = 0.0;
const hxz = 0.0;
// The y-direction and half length
const hyx = 0.0;
const hyy = dy * 0.5;
const hyz = 0.0;
// The z-direction and half length
const hzx = 0.0;
const hzy = 0.0;
const hzz = dz * 0.5;
const box = [
cx, cy, cz,
hxx, hxy, hxz,
hyx, hyy, hyz,
hzx, hzy, hzz];
return box;
* Creates a bounding box for a tileset- or tile bounding volume
* from the minimum- and maximum point of a glTF asset.
* This is the center- and half-axis representation of the
* `` that is described at
* computed from the minimum- and maximum point of a box.
* @param minX The minimum x
* @param minY The minimum y
* @param minZ The minimum z
* @param maxX The maximum x
* @param maxY The maximum y
* @param maxZ The maximum z
* @return The ``
function createBoundingBoxFromGltf(
minX, minY, minZ,
maxX, maxY, maxZ) {
// Take into account the y-up-to-z-up transform:
const tMinX = minX;
const tMinY = -minZ;
const tMinZ = minY;
const tMaxX = maxX;
const tMaxY = -maxZ;
const tMaxZ = maxY;
return createBoundingBox(
tMinX, tMinY, tMinZ,
tMaxX, tMaxY, tMaxZ);
The Sandcastle code that can be used to view the test cases:
const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer");
// Stores the tileset that is currently selected
let currentTileset;
// Creates the tileset for the sample with the given name.
async function createTileset(exampleName) {
if (Cesium.defined(currentTileset)) {
currentTileset = undefined;
// Create the tileset, and move it to a certain position on the globe
currentTileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
await Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl(
debugShowBoundingVolume: true,
currentTileset.modelMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(
Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.152325, 39.94704, 0)
const offset = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(
viewer.zoomTo(currentTileset, offset);
// Sandcastle UI setup:
// Create one entry for the list of examples that can
// be selected in the dropdown menu. Selecting one of
// these will load the tileset for the sample with the
// given name, and display the given info text in the
// infoTextDisplay
function createSampleOption(name, infoText) {
return {
text: name,
onselect: async function () {
await createTileset(name);
// Create the list of available samples, and add them
// to the sandcastle toolbar
const sampleOptions = [
createSampleOption("0_0_0-1_1_2", "0_0_0-1_1_2"),
createSampleOption("0_0_0-1_2_1", "0_0_0-1_2_1"),
createSampleOption("0_0_0-2_1_1", "0_0_0-2_1_1"),
createSampleOption("0_0_2-1_1_4", "0_0_2-1_1_4"),
createSampleOption("0_2_0-1_4_1", "0_2_0-1_4_1"),
createSampleOption("2_0_0-4_1_1", "2_0_0-4_1_1"),