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kathknobe edited this page Dec 18, 2013 · 66 revisions

Academic year: 2013/2014

Date Speaker Topic
to be scheduled general discussion of existing and potential static analyses all
1/15/2014 CnC/MPI integration Frank Schlimbach and Jim Dinan
1/8/2014 TBD --
1/1/2014 cancelled --
12/25/2013 cancelled --
12/18/2013 Defining tag-spaces with Intel CnC: what’s there today and what else would be useful? Frank Schlimbach
11/06/2013 CDSC-GR: a CnC-inspired graph representation - part 2 Louis-Noel Pouchet and Alina Sbirlea
10/30/2013 CDSC-GR: a CnC-inspired graph representation Alina Sbirlea and Louis-Noel Pouchet
10/16/2013 CnC workshop steering committee + CnC'13 chairs Open discusssion: post mortem on this years workshop and ideas for future workshops

Previous meetings

Date Speaker Topic
10/19 Ryan Spec language standardization discussion
10/26 TBD TBD
11/02 Ryan Spec language data types
11/09 Frank Hierarchy (initially restricted to reuse)
11/16 Dragos Memory usage
11/23 Dragos Memory usage part II
11/30 Kath Reductions (suggestion: current plan isn’t optimal for the tuning story – 1 domain spec / multiple tuning specs)
1/4 Kath Checkpoint/Restart
1/11 Indiana ???
1/18 Shams CnC/Scala
1/25 Ryan Monad-par updates
2/8 Aaron Hsu Tag function analysis
2/13 Frank Schlimbach CnC for distributed memory
2/29 Kath Knobe Hierarchy
3/7 Kath Knobe Hierarchy part II
3/14 Kath Knobe Hierarchy part III
3/28 cancelled
4/4 Peiyi Tang (UALR) Comparison of CnC and TBB
4/25 Adam Foltzer (Indiana) A Meta-Scheduler for the Par-Monad
5/2 cancelled
5/9 cancelled
5/16 Vivek Sarkar Reduced CnC
5/23 Kath Knobe The other separation of concerns: graph/step
5/30 Ryan Newton Suggestions for language support for graph/step separation
6/6 Alina Sbirlea Non-determinism in CnC: graph 500 and put-if-not-available
6/13 Cancelled
6/27 Peng Zhang (UCLA) Mapping a subset of CnC to FPGAs
9/19 Sven-Bodo Scholz S-Net : Tailoring parallelism by means of coordination
9/26 Dragos Sbirlea and Alina Sbirlea Flexible preconditions: A model for efficient macro-dataflow execution
10/3 Kamal Sharma Automatic generation of distribution functions for distributed CnC (postponed)
10/10 Nick Vrvilo Execution frontiers as checkpoints in CnC
10/17 Frank Schlimbach The Depends mechanism
10/24 Frank Schlimbach The Depends mechanism part II
10/24 Frank Schlimbach Discussion: Step cancellation
1/9/2013 Zoran Budimlic Open Community Runtime (OCR) Framework for Exascale Systems
1/16/2013 Zoran Budimlic Open Community Runtime (OCR) Framework for Exascale Systems (part II)
1/23/2013 Zoran Budimlic Open Community Runtime (OCR) Framework for Exascale Systems (part III)
1/30/2013 Kamal Sharma Automatic Generation of Distribution Functions for Distributed Concurrent Collections
2/13/2013 Shams Imam Parallelizing Compressive Sensing MRI via CnC-Babel and Matlab
2/20/2013 Nick Vrvilo Modeling CnC Checkpointing
3/27/2013 Kath Knobe (Intel) Some Possible Uses for CnC Semantic Attributes
4/10/2013 Peng Zhang (UCLA) and Alina Sbirlea (Rice) CDSC-GL - A comparison with other data-flow models
5/15/2013 Aparna Chandramowlishwaran Fast Mulitpole Method (FMM) in CnC
6/19/2013 Nicolas Vasilache Prototype CnC generation with the R-Stream compiler
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