sourceAFRICA is based on the amazing DocumentCloud code. It is currently being mainted by the core Code for Africa tech team with contributions by the community.
DocumentCloud was created in 2009 through generous funding from the Knight Foundation. The following is a work-in-progress list of the people who've built, maintained and/or contributed to the platform and its components:
- Adam Hooper, @adamhooper
- Alan McLean, @amclean
- Al Shaw, @ashaw
- Amanda Hickman, @amandabee
- Anthony DeBarros, @anthonydb
- Ben Koski, @bkoski
- Ben Welsh, @palewire
- Chris Amico, @eyeseast
- Clay Selby, @cometman
- Dan Nguyen, @dannguyen
- Danny DeBelius, @dannydb
- Danny Povolotski, @israelidanny
- David Lemayian, @DavidLemayian
- Emily Yount, @emilyyount
- Ivar Vong, @ivarvong
- Jérémie Parker, @p-j
- Jeremy Ashkenas, @jashkenas
- Justin Reese, @reefdog
- Lauren Grandestaff, @lgrandestaff
- Mike Adler, @adler
- Nathan Stitt, @nathanstitt
- Nick Loadholtes, @nloadholtes
- Samantha Sunne, @samanthasunne
- Samuel Clay, @samuelclay
- Ted Han, @knowtheory
- Tim Caswell, @creationix