mongod # Start mongoDB daemon.
mongo # Start mongoDB shell.
ng build --watch # watch files in Angular app for changes to re-transpile
nodemon server.js # Start project server.
mkdir express_project_name # Create directory for new project.
npm init -y # Set up empty package.json file.
Install necessary packages using npm
Set up server section of project:
touch server.js
ng new angular-app
cd angluar-app
ng build --watch # LEAVE THIS RUNNING!
Tell Express where to find static files (this should be in server.js
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'angular-app', 'dist', 'angular-app')));
From Angular app directory:
ng g s name_of_service
Add service to app/app.module.ts
import { Name_of_serviceService } from './name_of_service.service';
Name_of_serviceService // add to providers array.
providers: [Name_of_serviceService],
Add HttpClientModule
to app/app.module.ts
to allow for Http requests:
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
HttpClientModule // add to imports array
imports: [
Add to name_of_service.service.ts
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
constructor(private _http: HttpClient) {} // Set up private attribute to use HttpClient. Added to Name_of_serviceService class.
Add this method to Name_of_serviceService
class in name_of_service.service.ts
getSomeThing() {
return this._http.get(``);
Add to app.component.ts
import { Name_of_serviceService } from './name_of_service.service'
constructor(private _name_of_serviceService: Name_of_serviceService) {
let observable = this.Name_of_serviceService.getSomething();
observable.subscribe(data_from_response => {
// add functionality here
Now we need to make sure that method is run when the Service is created. We will do this in the Service's constructor in name_of_service.service.ts
mkdir -p server/config # This will make both directories
mkdir server/controllers
mkdir server/models
mkdir server/config
touch server/config/mongoose.js # contents can be found in express_with_models on GitHub. NOTE: YOU WILL NEED TO CONNECT TO THE DATABASE YOU'RE USING!
touch server/config/routes.js
- Add schema to server/models.
- Add controller to server/controllers.
- Create db and collections in mongoDB.