All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Abac class dependency injection
- Abac factory
- Support of PHP 7.x
- Repository ownership
- Support of PHP 5.x
- Support of Symfony 4 components
- Code style (PSR-2 compliant)
- JSON configuration file compatibility
- Using Symfony Locator for configuration file
- Multiple Set of Rules for an unique Rule name
- Allow simple configuration by include file ( via @import attribute )
- Allow to specify getter prefix (default = get ) and method to apply on getter name method instead of ucfist(default)
- Allow addional parameters for getters in config file.
- Text cache driver
- Cache folder configuration for cache files
- Resource field comparison refering to user attribute
- User field comparison refering to resource attribute
- Auxiliary comparisons made by a comparison class does not generate rejected attributes anymore
- The comparison manager handles dynamic attributes instead of ABAC class
- The comparison manager handles rejected attributes and result instead of ABAC class
- Chained attributes can return null in case of unset object in the chain
- Dynamic attributes for contained attributes
- Null comparison
- Not null comparison
- Chained attributes example and documentation
- Code example in documentation
- Containing comparison for arrays
- Extra data for policy rule attributes
- Configuration manager
- YAML Loader for configuration files
- Multiple configuration files loading
- Example classes for example script
- Rules and attributes are now defined with configuration file instead of database
- The enforce method accepts objects instead of numeric IDs
- Attributes are now accessed from the objects instead of the database
- Rules and attributes creation by manager
- PSR-6 compliant cache implementation
- Memory cache driver
- Dynamic attributes are now an enforce method option
- Example script database connection
- Support lowercase for comparison type values
- Scrutinizer CI
- Travis CI
- SQLite for unit tests
- Perform PHP-CS-Fixer to apply PSR-2
- PHP 5.4 support
- POC file example.php
- Environment Attributes
- Dynamic Attributes
- enforce() method to accept dynamic and environment attributes
- Tables structure (optimized with foreign keys)
- Policy Rule creation
- Attribute creation
- Comparison classes
- enforce() method to take access-control decisions
- Attributes model to implement comparison
- Abac resetSchema method (replaced by fixtures)
- Policy Rule creation
- Policy Rules manager
- Policy Rules repository
- Policy Rules model
- Attributes manager
- Attributes repository
- Attributes model
- SQL schema dump