diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bca2a5a..add4956 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -319,3 +319,4 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
+/CODE/VulnScan/tools/NN features/
diff --git a/.idea/Logicytics.iml b/.idea/Logicytics.iml
index e33fd63..235b40b 100644
--- a/.idea/Logicytics.iml
+++ b/.idea/Logicytics.iml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@
diff --git a/CODE/Logicytics.py b/CODE/Logicytics.py
index a5f5583..381becb 100644
--- a/CODE/Logicytics.py
+++ b/CODE/Logicytics.py
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
# Initialization
log = Log({"log_level": DEBUG, "delete_log": DELETE_LOGS})
+ACTION = None
class Health:
- @log.function
def backup(directory: str, name: str):
Creates a backup of a specified directory by zipping its contents and moving it to a designated backup location.
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ def backup(directory: str, name: str):
shutil.move(f"{name}.zip", "../ACCESS/BACKUP")
- @log.function
def update() -> tuple[str, str]:
Updates the repository by pulling the latest changes from the remote repository.
@@ -325,9 +325,13 @@ def threaded_execution(execution_list_thread, index_thread):
def zip_generated_files():
"""Zips generated files based on the action."""
- def zip_and_log(directory, name):
- zip_values = FileManagement.Zip.and_hash(directory, name, ACTION)
+ def zip_and_log(directory: str, name: str):
+ log.debug(f"Zipping directory '{directory}' with name '{name}' under action '{ACTION}'")
+ zip_values = FileManagement.Zip.and_hash(
+ directory,
+ name,
+ ACTION if ACTION is not None else f"ERROR_NO_ACTION_SPECIFIED_{datetime.now().isoformat()}"
+ )
if isinstance(zip_values, str):
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/Documentation.md b/CODE/VulnScan/Documentation.md
index 4b750fd..7b0f5dc 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/Documentation.md
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/Documentation.md
@@ -107,3 +107,32 @@ VulnScan is designed to detect sensitive data across various file formats. It of
- **Progress Tracking**: Visualizes accuracy and loss per epoch with graphs.
- **Error Handling**: Logs errors for missing files, attribute issues, or unexpected conditions.
- **Extensibility**: Supports plug-and-play integration for new algorithms or datasets.
+# More files
+There is a repository that archived all the data used to make the model,
+as well as previously trained models for you to test out
+(loading scripts and vectorizers are not included).
+The repository is located [here](https://github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/VulnScan_TrainingData).
+The repository contains the following directories:
+- `Training Data`: Contains the data used to train the models. Is organized by the file size and amount, unless its Tests, where they explicitly say text.
+- `Archived Models`: Contains the previously trained models. Is organized by the model type then version.
+- `NN features`: Contains information about the model `.3n3` and the vectorizer used. Information include:
+ - `Documentation_Study_Network.md`: A markdown file that contains more info.
+ - `Neural Network Nodes Graph.gexf`: A Gephi file that contains the model nodes and edges.
+ - `Nodes and edges (GEPHI).csv`: A CSV file that contains the model nodes and edges.
+ - `Statistics`: Directories made by Gephi, containing the statistics of the model nodes and edges.
+ - `Feature_Importance.svg`: A SVG file that contains the feature importance of the model.
+ - `Loss_Landscape_3D.html`: A HTML file that contains the 3D loss landscape of the model.
+ - `Model Accuracy Over Epochs.png` and `Model Loss Over Epochs.png`: PNG files that contain the model accuracy and loss over epochs.
+ - `Model state dictionary.txt`: A text file that contains the model state dictionary.
+ - `Model Summary.txt`: A text file that contains the model summary.
+ - `Model Visualization.png`: A PNG file that contains the model visualization.
+ - `Top_90_Features.svg`: A SVG file that contains the top 90 features of the model.
+ - `Vectorizer features.txt`: A text file that contains the vectorizer features.
+ - `Visualize Activation.png`: A PNG file that contains the visualization of the model activation.
+ - `Visualize t-SNE.png`: A PNG file that contains the visualization of the model t-SNE.
+ - `Weight Distribution.png`: A PNG file that contains the weight distribution of the model.
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_study_network.py b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_study_network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907c857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_study_network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import os.path
+import random
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from os import mkdir
+from typing import Any
+import joblib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import seaborn as sns
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from faker import Faker
+from numpy import ndarray, dtype
+from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
+from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
+from torch import device
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset
+from torchviz import make_dot
+from tqdm import tqdm
+# Example of DataLoader for loss landscape (dummy dataset for visualization)
+class DummyDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
+ """
+ A dummy dataset for generating synthetic data for visualization purposes.
+ Attributes:
+ num_samples (int): Number of samples in the dataset.
+ input_dim (int): Dimension of the input data.
+ data (list): List of generated data samples.
+ labels (list): List of labels corresponding to the data samples.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, num_samples: int = 100, input_dim: int = 10000):
+ """
+ Initializes the DummyDataset with the specified number of samples and input dimension.
+ Args:
+ num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate.
+ input_dim (int): Dimension of the input data.
+ """
+ self.num_samples = num_samples
+ self.input_dim = input_dim
+ self.data: list[str] = []
+ self.labels: list[int] = []
+ faker = Faker()
+ for _ in range(num_samples):
+ if random.random() < 0.05: # 5% chance to include sensitive data
+ self.data.append(f"Name: {faker.name()}, SSN: {faker.ssn()}, Address: {faker.address()}")
+ self.labels.append(1) # Label as sensitive
+ else:
+ self.data.append(faker.text(max_nb_chars=100)) # Non-sensitive data
+ self.labels.append(0) # Label as non-sensitive
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Returns the number of samples in the dataset.
+ Returns:
+ int: Number of samples in the dataset.
+ """
+ return self.num_samples
+ def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+ """
+ Retrieves the data and label at the specified index.
+ Args:
+ idx (int): Index of the data and label to retrieve.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing the data tensor and label tensor.
+ """
+ data = self.data[idx]
+ label = self.labels[idx]
+ # Convert data to tensor of ASCII values and pad to input_dim
+ data_tensor = torch.tensor([ord(c) for c in data], dtype=torch.float32)
+ if len(data_tensor) < self.input_dim:
+ padding = torch.zeros(self.input_dim - len(data_tensor))
+ data_tensor = torch.cat((data_tensor, padding))
+ else:
+ data_tensor = data_tensor[:self.input_dim]
+ label_tensor = torch.tensor(label, dtype=torch.long)
+ return data_tensor, label_tensor
+def load_data(text_data: list[str], vectorizer_to_load: TfidfVectorizer | CountVectorizer) -> DataLoader:
+ """
+ Vectorizes the text data and creates a DataLoader for it.
+ Args:
+ text_data (list of str): The text data to be vectorized.
+ vectorizer_to_load: The vectorizer to use for transforming the text data.
+ Returns:
+ DataLoader: A DataLoader containing the vectorized text data and dummy labels.
+ """
+ # Vectorize the text data
+ X = vectorizer_to_load.transform(text_data)
+ # Create a dummy label for visualization (replace with real labels if available)
+ y = np.zeros(len(text_data))
+ # Convert to torch tensors
+ X_tensor = torch.tensor(X.toarray(), dtype=torch.float32)
+ y_tensor = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.long)
+ dataset = TensorDataset(X_tensor, y_tensor)
+ return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
+def visualize_weight_distribution(model_to_load: torch.nn.Module):
+ # Access weights of the first layer
+ weights = model_to_load[0].weight.detach().cpu().numpy() # Move tensor to CPU before conversion to numpy
+ plt.hist(weights.flatten(), bins=50)
+ plt.title("Weight Distribution - First Layer")
+ plt.xlabel("Weight Value")
+ plt.ylabel("Frequency")
+ plt.savefig("NN features/Weight Distribution.png")
+ plt.close()
+def visualize_activations(model_to_load: torch.nn.Module, input_tensor: torch.Tensor):
+ # Check the device of the model
+ device_va = next(model_to_load.parameters()).device
+ # Move the input tensor to the same device as the model
+ input_tensor = input_tensor.to(device_va)
+ activations = []
+ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+ def hook_fn(module, inputx, output):
+ # Hook function to extract intermediate layer activations
+ activations.append(output)
+ model_to_load[0].register_forward_hook(hook_fn) # Register hook on first layer
+ # Perform a forward pass
+ _ = model_to_load(input_tensor)
+ activation = activations[0].detach().cpu().numpy() # Move activations to CPU
+ # Plot activations as a bar chart
+ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
+ plt.bar(range(len(activation[0])), activation[0])
+ plt.title("Activation Values - First Layer")
+ plt.xlabel("Neuron Index")
+ plt.ylabel("Activation Value")
+ plt.savefig("NN features/Visualize Activation.png")
+ plt.close()
+def visualize_tsne(model_to_load: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader):
+ # Get the device of the model
+ device_va = next(model_to_load.parameters()).device
+ model_to_load.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode
+ features = []
+ labels = []
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ for data, target in dataloader:
+ # Move data and target to the same device as the model
+ data, target = data.to(device_va), target.to(device_va)
+ # Extract features (output of the model)
+ output = model_to_load(data)
+ features.append(output.cpu().numpy()) # Move output to CPU for concatenation
+ labels.append(target.cpu().numpy()) # Move target to CPU for concatenation
+ # Stack all batches
+ features = np.vstack(features)
+ labels = np.hstack(labels)
+ # Determine suitable perplexity
+ num_samples = features.shape[0]
+ perplexity = min(30, num_samples - 1) # Ensure perplexity < num_samples
+ # Apply t-SNE
+ tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=42, perplexity=perplexity)
+ reduced_features = tsne.fit_transform(features)
+ # Plot the t-SNE results
+ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
+ scatter = plt.scatter(reduced_features[:, 0], reduced_features[:, 1], c=labels, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.7)
+ plt.colorbar(scatter, label="Class")
+ plt.title("t-SNE Visualization of Features")
+ plt.xlabel("t-SNE Dimension 1")
+ plt.ylabel("t-SNE Dimension 2")
+ plt.savefig("NN features/Visualize t-SNE.png")
+ plt.close()
+# Main function to run all visualizations
+def plot_many_graphs():
+ print("Starting synthetic data generation...")
+ # Load data
+ faker = Faker()
+ # Generate sensitive examples
+ sensitive_data = [
+ f"Name: {faker.name()}, SSN: {faker.ssn()}, Address: {faker.address()}",
+ f"Credit Card: {faker.credit_card_number()}, Expiry: {faker.credit_card_expire()}, CVV: {faker.credit_card_security_code()}",
+ f"Patient: {faker.name()}, Condition: {faker.text(max_nb_chars=20)}",
+ f"Password: {faker.password()}",
+ f"Email: {faker.email()}",
+ f"Phone: {faker.phone_number()}",
+ f"Medical Record: {faker.md5()}",
+ f"Username: {faker.user_name()}",
+ f"IP: {faker.ipv4()}",
+ ]
+ # Generate non-sensitive examples
+ non_sensitive_data = [
+ faker.text(max_nb_chars=50) for _ in range(50000)
+ ]
+ data_text = non_sensitive_data + (sensitive_data * 15)
+ random.shuffle(data_text)
+ print("Loaded data for visualization.")
+ dataloader = load_data(data_text, vectorizer)
+ # Visualizations
+ print("Creating visualizations...")
+ visualize_weight_distribution(model)
+ # For activations, use a sample from the dataloader
+ print("Creating activation visualizations...")
+ sample_input = next(iter(dataloader))[0]
+ visualize_activations(model, sample_input)
+ print("Creating t-SNE visualization - May take a long time...")
+ visualize_tsne(model, dataloader)
+ print("Completed.")
+# Visualize feature importance (dummy example for visualization) and save as SVG
+def visualize_feature_importance(TOKENS: list[str], FEATURE_IMPORTANCE: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[np.floating]],
+ FILENAME: str = "Plot.svg"):
+ # Limit the number of tokens to visualize
+ TOKENS = TOKENS[:1000]
+ plt.figure(figsize=(len(TOKENS) * 0.5, 6))
+ sns.barplot(x=TOKENS, y=FEATURE_IMPORTANCE, palette="coolwarm", hue=TOKENS, legend=False)
+ plt.title("Feature Importance")
+ plt.xlabel("Tokens")
+ plt.ylabel("Importance")
+ plt.xticks(rotation=45)
+ plt.savefig(FILENAME, format="svg")
+ plt.close() # Close the plot to release memory
+# Function to visualize the loss landscape as an interactive 3D object
+def plot_loss_landscape_3d(MODEL: torch.nn.Module, DATA_LOADER: DataLoader, CRITERION: torch.nn.Module,
+ GRID_SIZE: int = 200, EPSILON: float = 0.01, FILENAME: str = "Plot.html"):
+ MODEL.eval() # Set model to evaluation mode
+ param = next(MODEL.parameters()) # Use the first parameter for landscape perturbations
+ param_flat = param.view(-1)
+ # Define perturbation directions u and v
+ u = torch.randn_like(param_flat).view(param.shape).to(param.device)
+ v = torch.randn_like(param_flat).view(param.shape).to(param.device)
+ # Normalize perturbations
+ u = EPSILON * u / torch.norm(u)
+ v = EPSILON * v / torch.norm(v)
+ # Create grid
+ x = np.linspace(-1, 1, GRID_SIZE)
+ y = np.linspace(-1, 1, GRID_SIZE)
+ loss_values = np.zeros((GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
+ # Iterate through the grid to compute losses
+ for i, dx in enumerate(x):
+ print(f"Computing loss for row {i + 1}/{GRID_SIZE}...")
+ for j, dy in enumerate(y):
+ print(f" Computing loss for column {j + 1}/{GRID_SIZE}...")
+ param.data += dx * u + dy * v # Apply perturbation
+ loss = 0
+ # Compute loss for all batches in data loader
+ for batch in DATA_LOADER:
+ inputs, targets = batch
+ inputs = inputs.to(param.device)
+ targets = targets.to(param.device)
+ outputs = MODEL(inputs)
+ loss += CRITERION(outputs, targets).item()
+ loss_values[i, j] = loss # Store the loss
+ param.data -= dx * u + dy * v # Revert perturbation
+ # Create a meshgrid for plotting
+ X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
+ # Plot the 3D surface using Plotly
+ fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=loss_values, x=X, y=Y, colorscale="Viridis")])
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Loss Landscape (Interactive 3D)",
+ scene=dict(
+ xaxis_title="Perturbation in u",
+ yaxis_title="Perturbation in v",
+ zaxis_title="Loss",
+ ),
+ )
+ # Save as an interactive HTML file
+ fig.write_html(FILENAME)
+ print(f"3D loss landscape saved as {FILENAME}")
+def main_plot():
+ # Instantiate data loader
+ print("Creating dummy data loader...")
+ dummy_data_loader = DataLoader(DummyDataset(), batch_size=32)
+ # Define loss criterion
+ print("Defining loss criterion...")
+ criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
+ # Visualizations
+ print("Creating visualizations...")
+ tokens = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
+ # Feature importance
+ # Max number of features to visualize is 3000 due to image constraints
+ print(
+ f"Visualizing feature importance - This may take a while for {len(tokens[:NUMBER_OF_FEATURES]) + 1} tokens...")
+ feature_importance = np.random.rand(len(tokens[:NUMBER_OF_FEATURES])) # Example random importance
+ visualize_feature_importance(tokens[:NUMBER_OF_FEATURES], feature_importance,
+ FILENAME="NN features/feature_importance.svg")
+ # Loss landscape
+ print("Visualizing loss landscape - This may take a while...")
+ plot_loss_landscape_3d(model, dummy_data_loader, criterion, FILENAME="NN features/loss_landscape_3d.html")
+ # Set model to evaluation mode, and plot many graphs
+ print("Setting model to evaluation mode...")
+ model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode
+ plot_many_graphs()
+def save_data(model_to_use: torch.nn.Module, input_size: tuple[int, Any] | int, batch_size: int = -1,
+ device_to_use: str = "cuda"):
+ def register_hook(module: torch.nn.Module):
+ def hook(modules: torch.nn.Module, inputs: (torch.nn.Module, tuple[torch.Tensor]), output: torch.Tensor):
+ class_name = str(modules.__class__).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0]
+ module_idx = len(summaries)
+ m_key = "%s-%i" % (class_name, module_idx + 1)
+ summaries[m_key] = OrderedDict()
+ summaries[m_key]["input_shape"] = list(inputs[0].size())
+ summaries[m_key]["input_shape"][0] = batch_size
+ if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)):
+ summaries[m_key]["output_shape"] = [
+ [-1] + list(o.size())[1:] for o in output
+ ]
+ else:
+ summaries[m_key]["output_shape"] = list(output.size())
+ summaries[m_key]["output_shape"][0] = batch_size
+ params = 0
+ if hasattr(modules, "weight") and hasattr(modules.weight, "size"):
+ params += torch.prod(torch.LongTensor(list(modules.weight.size())))
+ summaries[m_key]["trainable"] = modules.weight.requires_grad
+ if hasattr(modules, "bias") and hasattr(modules.bias, "size"):
+ params += torch.prod(torch.LongTensor(list(modules.bias.size())))
+ summaries[m_key]["nb_params"] = params
+ if (
+ not isinstance(module, nn.Sequential)
+ and not isinstance(module, nn.ModuleList)
+ and not (module == model_to_use)
+ ):
+ hooks.append(module.register_forward_hook(hook))
+ device_to_use = device_to_use.lower()
+ assert device_to_use in [
+ "cuda",
+ "cpu",
+ ], "Input device is not valid, please specify 'cuda' or 'cpu'"
+ if device_to_use == "cuda" and torch.cuda.is_available():
+ dtype_to_use = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
+ else:
+ dtype_to_use = torch.FloatTensor
+ # multiple inputs to the network
+ if isinstance(input_size, tuple):
+ input_size = [input_size]
+ # batch_size of 2 for batch norm
+ x = [torch.rand(2, *in_size).type(dtype_to_use) for in_size in input_size]
+ # create properties
+ summaries = OrderedDict()
+ hooks = []
+ # register hook
+ model_to_use.apply(register_hook)
+ # make a forward pass
+ model_to_use(*x)
+ # remove these hooks
+ for h in hooks:
+ h.remove()
+ # Save the summary
+ mode = "a" if os.path.exists("NN features/Model Summary.txt") else "w"
+ with open('NN features/Model Summary.txt', mode) as vf_ms:
+ vf_ms.write("----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+ line_new = "{:>20} {:>25} {:>15}".format("Layer (type)", "Output Shape", "Param #")
+ vf_ms.write(f"{line_new}\n")
+ vf_ms.write("================================================================\n")
+ total_params = 0
+ total_output = 0
+ trainable_params = 0
+ for layer in summaries:
+ # input_shape, output_shape, trainable, nb_params
+ line_new = "{:>20} {:>25} {:>15}".format(
+ layer,
+ str(summaries[layer]["output_shape"]),
+ "{0:,}".format(summaries[layer]["nb_params"]),
+ )
+ total_params += summaries[layer]["nb_params"]
+ total_output += np.prod(summaries[layer]["output_shape"])
+ if "trainable" in summaries[layer]:
+ if summaries[layer]["trainable"]:
+ trainable_params += summaries[layer]["nb_params"]
+ vf_ms.write(f"{line_new}\n")
+ # assume 4 bytes/number (float on cuda).
+ total_input_size = abs(np.prod(input_size) * batch_size * 4. / (1024 ** 2.))
+ total_output_size = abs(2. * total_output * 4. / (1024 ** 2.)) # x2 for gradients
+ total_params_size = abs(total_params.numpy() * 4. / (1024 ** 2.))
+ total_size = total_params_size + total_output_size + total_input_size
+ vf_ms.write("\n================================================================")
+ vf_ms.write("\nTotal params: {0:,}".format(total_params))
+ vf_ms.write("\nTrainable params: {0:,}".format(trainable_params))
+ vf_ms.write("\nNon-trainable params: {0:,}".format(total_params - trainable_params))
+ vf_ms.write("\n----------------------------------------------------------------")
+ vf_ms.write("\nInput size (MB): %0.2f" % total_input_size)
+ vf_ms.write("\nForward/backward pass size (MB): %0.2f" % total_output_size)
+ vf_ms.write("\nParams size (MB): %0.2f" % total_params_size)
+ vf_ms.write("\nEstimated Total Size (MB): %0.2f" % total_size)
+ vf_ms.write("\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n")
+def save_graph():
+ # Create a directed graph
+ G = nx.DiGraph()
+ def add_edges_bulk(layer_names: str, weight_matrices: np.ndarray[np.float32]):
+ """Efficiently add edges to the graph with progress tracking."""
+ threshold = 0.1 # Adjust this threshold as needed
+ significant_weights = np.abs(weight_matrices) > threshold
+ rows, cols = np.where(significant_weights)
+ weights = weight_matrices[rows, cols]
+ # Use tqdm for progress tracking
+ edge_count = len(rows)
+ with tqdm(total=edge_count, desc=f"Processing {layer_names}", unit="edges") as pbar:
+ for row, col, weight in zip(rows, cols, weights):
+ in_node = f"{layer_names}_in_{col}"
+ out_node = f"{layer_names}_out_{row}"
+ G.add_edge(in_node, out_node, weight=weight)
+ pbar.update(1)
+ # Process parameters
+ for name, param in model.named_parameters():
+ if 'weight' in name:
+ layer_name = name.split('.')[0]
+ weight_matrix = param.data.cpu().numpy()
+ # Add edges with progress bar
+ add_edges_bulk(layer_name, weight_matrix)
+ # Draw the graph
+ print("Writing the graph to a file...")
+ nx.write_gexf(G, "NN features/Neural Network Nodes Graph.gexf")
+def setup_environment():
+ print("Visualizing the model and vectorizer features...")
+ print("This may take a while, please wait.")
+ if not os.path.exists('NN features'):
+ mkdir('NN features')
+def load_vectorizer():
+ vectorizer_load = joblib.load(vectorizer_path)
+ feature_names = vectorizer_load.get_feature_names_out()
+ with open('NN features/Vectorizer features.txt', 'w') as file:
+ file.write(f"Number of features: {len(feature_names)}\n\n")
+ file.write('\n'.join(feature_names))
+ return vectorizer_load
+def visualize_top_features(top_n: int = 90):
+ feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()
+ sorted_indices = vectorizer.idf_.argsort()[:top_n]
+ top_features = [feature_names[i] for i in sorted_indices]
+ top_idf_scores = vectorizer.idf_[sorted_indices]
+ plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) # Increase the figure size
+ sns.barplot(x=top_idf_scores, y=top_features)
+ plt.title('Top 90 Features by IDF Score')
+ plt.xlabel('IDF Score')
+ plt.ylabel('Feature')
+ # Save the plot as a vector graphic
+ plt.savefig('NN features/Top_90_Features.svg', format='svg')
+ plt.close()
+def load_model() -> tuple[Any, device]:
+ device_load = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ model_load = torch.load(model_path, weights_only=False)
+ model_load.to(device_load)
+ return model_load, device_load
+def save_model_state_dict():
+ with open('NN features/Model state dictionary.txt', 'w') as file:
+ file.write("Model's state dictionary:\n\n")
+ for param_tensor in model.state_dict():
+ file.write(f"\n{param_tensor}\t{model.state_dict()[param_tensor].size()}")
+def generate_model_visualization():
+ dummy_input = torch.randn(1, vectorizer.vocabulary_.__len__()).to(device)
+ model_viz = make_dot(model(dummy_input), params=dict(model.named_parameters()), show_attrs=True, show_saved=True)
+ model_viz.format = 'png'
+ model_viz.render(filename='NN features/Model Visualization', format='png')
+def cleanup_temp_files():
+ if os.path.exists("NN features/Model Visualization"):
+ os.remove("NN features/Model Visualization")
+def model_summary():
+ mode = "a" if os.path.exists("NN features/Model Summary.txt") else "w"
+ with open("NN features/Model Summary.txt", mode) as file:
+ file.write(str(model))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Print the welcome message
+ print("===========================================================================================")
+ print("= This script will visualize the features of the model and vectorizer. =")
+ print("= Please ensure that the model and vectorizer files are present in the specified paths. =")
+ print("= The visualization will be saved in the 'NN features' directory. =")
+ print("= This script will take a while to run, please be patient. =")
+ print("===========================================================================================")
+ # Read the config file
+ print("\n\nReading config file and setting up...")
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read('../../config.ini')
+ setup_environment()
+ # Load the paths from the config file
+ vectorizer_path = config.get('VulnScan.study Settings', 'vectorizer_path')
+ model_path = config.get('VulnScan.study Settings', 'model_path')
+ NUMBER_OF_FEATURES = int(config.get('VulnScan.study Settings', 'number_of_features'))
+ # Check if the paths exist
+ if not os.path.exists(vectorizer_path):
+ print(f"Vectorizer file not found. Please double check the path {vectorizer_path}.")
+ exit(1)
+ if not os.path.exists(model_path):
+ print(f"Model file not found. Please double check the path {model_path}.")
+ exit(1)
+ # Load the vectorizer and model
+ vectorizer = load_vectorizer()
+ visualize_top_features()
+ model, device = load_model()
+ # Save the model summary, state dictionary, and visualization
+ save_data(model, input_size=(1, vectorizer.vocabulary_.__len__()))
+ save_model_state_dict()
+ generate_model_visualization()
+ cleanup_temp_files()
+ save_graph()
+ print("Model visualization and summary have been saved to the 'NN features' directory.")
+ # Check if GPU is available
+ if not os.path.exists('NN features'):
+ os.mkdir('NN features')
+ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ print(f"Using device: {device}")
+ # Load vectorizer (change the path to your vectorizer .pkl file)
+ vectorizer_path = "../Vectorizer .3n3.pkl"
+ model_path = "../Model SenseMini .3n3.pth"
+ # Load vectorizer
+ print(f"Reloading vectorizer from: {vectorizer_path}")
+ with open(vectorizer_path, "rb") as f:
+ vectorizer = joblib.load(f)
+ # Load model and move to the appropriate device (GPU/CPU)
+ print(f"Reloading model from: {model_path}")
+ model = torch.load(model_path, weights_only=False)
+ model.to(device) # Move model to GPU or CPU
+ model_summary()
+ main_plot()
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_test_gpu_acceleration.py b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_test_gpu_acceleration.py
index 0b82f52..86397e7 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_test_gpu_acceleration.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_test_gpu_acceleration.py
@@ -21,4 +21,8 @@ def check_gpu():
print(f"Error initializing CUDA: {err}")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ check_gpu()
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_vectorizer.py b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_vectorizer.py
index 1ad7da8..25e5727 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_vectorizer.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/tools/_vectorizer.py
@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@
def load_data(data_paths: str | os.PathLike) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Load data from the specified path(s).
+ Args:
+ data_paths (str | os.PathLike): Path to a directory or a file containing data.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: List of strings, each representing the content of a file.
+ """
data = []
if os.path.isdir(data_paths):
for root, _, files in os.walk(data_paths):
@@ -24,6 +33,18 @@ def load_data(data_paths: str | os.PathLike) -> list[str]:
def choose_vectorizer(vectorizer_types: str) -> TfidfVectorizer | CountVectorizer:
+ """
+ Choose and return a vectorizer based on the specified type.
+ Args:
+ vectorizer_types (str): Type of vectorizer to use ('tfidf' or 'count').
+ Returns:
+ TfidfVectorizer | CountVectorizer: The chosen vectorizer.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If an unsupported vectorizer type is specified.
+ """
print("Vectorizer Type: ", vectorizer_types)
print("Vectorizing Data...")
if vectorizer_types == 'tfidf':
@@ -34,6 +55,14 @@ def choose_vectorizer(vectorizer_types: str) -> TfidfVectorizer | CountVectorize
def main(data_paths: str, vectorizer_types: str, output_paths: str):
+ """
+ Main function to load data, choose a vectorizer, fit the vectorizer to the data, and save the vectorizer.
+ Args:
+ data_paths (str): Path to the data.
+ vectorizer_types (str): Type of vectorizer to use ('tfidf' or 'count').
+ output_paths (str): Path to save the fitted vectorizer.
+ """
data = load_data(data_paths)
vectorizer = choose_vectorizer(vectorizer_types)
@@ -51,3 +80,6 @@ def main(data_paths: str, vectorizer_types: str, output_paths: str):
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
main(data_path, vectorizer_type, output_path)
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_generate_data.py b/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_generate_data.py
index 5992524..778c1c2 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_generate_data.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_generate_data.py
@@ -9,9 +9,15 @@
fake = Faker()
-# Function to generate a sensitive file with real sensitive information
-@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating sensitive data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating sensitive data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.4.0")
def create_sensitive_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
+ """
+ Generate a sensitive file with real sensitive information.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path where the file will be saved.
+ max_size (int): The maximum size of the file in bytes.
+ """
content = ""
# Generate sensitive data using Faker
content += f"Name: {fake.name()}\n"
@@ -30,9 +36,15 @@ def create_sensitive_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
-# Function to generate a normal file with non-sensitive data
-@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating normal data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating normal data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.4.0")
def create_normal_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
+ """
+ Generate a normal file with non-sensitive data.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path where the file will be saved.
+ max_size (int): The maximum size of the file in bytes.
+ """
content = ""
# Add random text
while len(content.encode('utf-8')) < max_size:
@@ -42,9 +54,15 @@ def create_normal_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
-# Function to generate a mix file with both normal and sensitive data
-@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating mixed data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating mixed data for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.4.0")
def create_mix_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
+ """
+ Generate a mix file with both normal and sensitive data.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path where the file will be saved.
+ max_size (int): The maximum size of the file in bytes.
+ """
content = ""
# Add a mix of normal and sensitive data
while len(content.encode('utf-8')) < max_size:
@@ -59,9 +77,15 @@ def create_mix_file(file_path: str, max_size: int):
-# Function to create random files (Normal, Mix, Sensitive)
-@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating random files for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is only used for generating random files for testing purposes for v2 trainers, v2 trainers are deprecated now, use v3 trainers.", removal_version="3.4.0")
def create_random_files(directories: str, num_file: int = 100):
+ """
+ Create random files (Normal, Mix, Sensitive).
+ Args:
+ directories (str): The directory where the files will be saved.
+ num_file (int): The number of files to generate.
+ """
os.makedirs(directories, exist_ok=True)
for i in range(num_file):
@@ -79,4 +103,8 @@ def create_random_files(directories: str, num_file: int = 100):
print(f"Created {file_type} file: {file_name}")
-create_random_files(SAVE_DIRECTORY, num_file=1000000)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ create_random_files(SAVE_DIRECTORY, num_file=1000000)
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_train.py b/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_train.py
index 4cfa624..5daa78f 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_train.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/v2-deprecated/_train.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import logging
import os
-from os import mkdir
import joblib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
from logicytics import deprecated
# Configure logging
@@ -40,9 +40,17 @@
# ---------------------------------------
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to load data from a directory. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to load data from a directory. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def load_data(data_dir: str) -> tuple[list[str], np.ndarray]:
- """Loads text data and labels from the directory."""
+ """
+ Loads text data and labels from the directory.
+ Args:
+ data_dir (str): The directory containing the data files.
+ Returns:
+ tuple[list[str], np.ndarray]: A tuple containing the list of texts and the corresponding labels.
+ """
texts, labels = [], []
for file_name in os.listdir(data_dir):
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
@@ -53,9 +61,18 @@ def load_data(data_dir: str) -> tuple[list[str], np.ndarray]:
return texts, np.array(labels)
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to evaluate a model. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to evaluate a model. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def evaluate_model(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float]:
- """Evaluates the model using standard metrics."""
+ """
+ Evaluates the model using standard metrics.
+ Args:
+ y_true (np.ndarray): The true labels.
+ y_pred (np.ndarray): The predicted labels.
+ Returns:
+ tuple[float, float, float, float, float]: A tuple containing accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and ROC-AUC score.
+ """
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, zero_division=1)
recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, zero_division=1)
@@ -71,8 +88,15 @@ def evaluate_model(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float
# ---------------------------------------
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to save progress graphs. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to save progress graphs. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def save_progress_graph(accuracies: list[float], filename: str = "training_progress.png"):
+ """
+ Saves a graph of training progress.
+ Args:
+ accuracies (list[float]): List of accuracies for each epoch.
+ filename (str): The filename to save the graph as.
+ """
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(range(1, len(accuracies) + 1), accuracies, marker='o', label="Training Accuracy")
@@ -84,10 +108,19 @@ def save_progress_graph(accuracies: list[float], filename: str = "training_progr
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train xgboost. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train xgboost. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_xgboost(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray,
y_train: np.ndarray, y_test: np.ndarray, SAVE_DIR: str):
- """Trains a Gradient Boosting Classifier (XGBoost) with GPU."""
+ """
+ Trains a Gradient Boosting Classifier (XGBoost) with GPU.
+ Args:
+ X_train (np.ndarray): Training data features.
+ X_test (np.ndarray): Testing data features.
+ y_train (np.ndarray): Training data labels.
+ y_test (np.ndarray): Testing data labels.
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ """
logging.info("Enabling GPU acceleration...")
model = xgb.XGBClassifier(tree_method='hist', device=DEVICE) # Enable GPU acceleration
logging.info("GPU acceleration enabled.")
@@ -100,11 +133,25 @@ def train_xgboost(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray,
logging.info("Model saved as xgboost_model.pkl")
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train bert. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train bert. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_bert(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray,
y_test: np.ndarray, MAX_LEN: int, LEARNING_RATE: float, BATCH_SIZE: int,
EPOCHS: int, SAVE_DIR: str, MODEL_PATH: str):
- """Trains a BERT model with GPU support."""
+ """
+ Trains a BERT model with GPU support.
+ Args:
+ X_train (np.ndarray): Training data features.
+ X_test (np.ndarray): Testing data features.
+ y_train (np.ndarray): Training data labels.
+ y_test (np.ndarray): Testing data labels.
+ MAX_LEN (int): Maximum length of the sequences.
+ LEARNING_RATE (float): Learning rate for the optimizer.
+ BATCH_SIZE (int): Batch size for training.
+ EPOCHS (int): Number of epochs for training.
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ MODEL_PATH (str): Path to the pre-trained BERT model.
+ """
logging.info("Loading BERT tokenizer...")
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(BERT_MODEL_NAME)
train_encodings = tokenizer(list(X_train), truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=MAX_LEN, return_tensors="pt")
@@ -154,14 +201,34 @@ def train_bert(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray,
class LSTMModel(nn.Module):
+ @deprecated(reason="This class is used to define an LSTM model. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use _train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def __init__(self, vocab_size: int, embedding_dim: int = 128, hidden_dim: int = 128, output_dim: int = 1):
+ """
+ Initializes the LSTM model.
+ Args:
+ vocab_size (int): Size of the vocabulary.
+ embedding_dim (int): Dimension of the embedding layer.
+ hidden_dim (int): Dimension of the hidden layer.
+ output_dim (int): Dimension of the output layer.
+ """
super(LSTMModel, self).__init__()
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim * 2, output_dim) # Bidirectional, so multiply by 2
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+ @deprecated(reason="This class is used to define an LSTM model. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use _train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Defines the forward pass of the LSTM model.
+ Args:
+ x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
+ Returns:
+ torch.Tensor: Output tensor.
+ """
x = self.embedding(x)
lstm_out, _ = self.lstm(x)
x = self.fc(lstm_out[:, -1, :])
@@ -169,11 +236,24 @@ def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return x
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train lstm. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train lstm. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_lstm(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray,
y_test: np.ndarray, MAX_FEATURES: int, LEARNING_RATE: float, BATCH_SIZE: int,
EPOCHS: int, SAVE_DIR: str):
- """Trains an LSTM model using PyTorch with GPU support."""
+ """
+ Trains an LSTM model using PyTorch with GPU support.
+ Args:
+ X_train (np.ndarray): Training data features.
+ X_test (np.ndarray): Testing data features.
+ y_train (np.ndarray): Training data labels.
+ y_test (np.ndarray): Testing data labels.
+ MAX_FEATURES (int): Maximum number of features for the vectorizer.
+ LEARNING_RATE (float): Learning rate for the optimizer.
+ BATCH_SIZE (int): Batch size for training.
+ EPOCHS (int): Number of epochs for training.
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ """
logging.info("Training LSTM...")
logging.info("Vectorizing text data...")
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=MAX_FEATURES)
@@ -232,10 +312,22 @@ def train_lstm(X_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray,
# ---------------------------------------
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train NeuralNetworks/SVM. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train NeuralNetworks/SVM. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_nn_svm(MODEL: str, EPOCHS: int, SAVE_DIR: str,
MAX_FEATURES: int, TEST_SIZE: float | int,
+ """
+ Trains a Neural Network or SVM model with hyperparameter tuning.
+ Args:
+ MODEL (str): The type of model to train ('svm' or 'nn').
+ EPOCHS (int): Number of epochs for training.
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ MAX_FEATURES (int): Maximum number of features for the vectorizer.
+ TEST_SIZE (float | int): Proportion of the dataset to include in the test split.
+ MAX_ITER (int): Maximum number of iterations for the model.
+ RANDOM_STATE (int): Random state for reproducibility.
+ """
if MODEL not in ["svm", "nn"]:
logging.error(f"Invalid model type: {MODEL}. Please choose 'svm' or 'nn'.")
@@ -321,10 +413,25 @@ def train_nn_svm(MODEL: str, EPOCHS: int, SAVE_DIR: str,
logging.info("Training complete.")
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used setup training. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used setup training. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_model_blx(MODEL_TYPE: str, SAVE_DIR: str, EPOCHS: int, BATCH_SIZE: int, LEARNING_RATE: float,
TEST_SIZE: float | int, RANDOM_STATE: int, MODEL_PATH_BERT: str = None):
+ """
+ Sets up and trains a model based on the specified type.
+ Args:
+ MODEL_TYPE (str): The type of model to train ('xgboost', 'bert', 'lstm').
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ EPOCHS (int): Number of epochs for training.
+ BATCH_SIZE (int): Batch size for training.
+ LEARNING_RATE (float): Learning rate for the optimizer.
+ MAX_FEATURES (int): Maximum number of features for the vectorizer.
+ MAX_LEN (int): Maximum length of the sequences (for BERT).
+ TEST_SIZE (float | int): Proportion of the dataset to include in the test split.
+ RANDOM_STATE (int): Random state for reproducibility.
+ MODEL_PATH_BERT (str, optional): Path to the pre-trained BERT model.
+ """
# Create save directory if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True)
@@ -355,9 +462,19 @@ def train_model_blx(MODEL_TYPE: str, SAVE_DIR: str, EPOCHS: int, BATCH_SIZE: int
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
-@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train RandomForest. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.3.0")
+@deprecated(reason="This function is used to train RandomForest. Its for training v2 models, which is now deprecated, use train.py v3 instead.", removal_version="3.2.0")
def train_rfc(SAVE_DIR: str, EPOCHS: int, TEST_SIZE: float | int,
+ """
+ Trains a Random Forest Classifier.
+ Args:
+ SAVE_DIR (str): Directory to save the trained model.
+ EPOCHS (int): Number of epochs for training.
+ TEST_SIZE (float | int): Proportion of the dataset to include in the test split.
+ N_ESTIMATORS (int): Number of trees in the forest.
+ RANDOM_STATE (int): Random state for reproducibility.
+ """
logging.info("Training model...")
# Load data
@@ -391,7 +508,7 @@ def train_rfc(SAVE_DIR: str, EPOCHS: int, TEST_SIZE: float | int,
# Save progress plot
if not os.path.exists(SAVE_DIR):
- mkdir(SAVE_DIR)
+ os.mkdir(SAVE_DIR)
save_progress_graph(accuracies, filename=os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "training_progress.png"))
# Save model checkpoint
@@ -427,3 +544,6 @@ def train_rfc(SAVE_DIR: str, EPOCHS: int, TEST_SIZE: float | int,
train_model_blx(MODEL_TYPE="bert", SAVE_DIR=r"C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Model Sense .2b1", EPOCHS=5,
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_generate_data.py b/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_generate_data.py
index 0b28b6d..0bc8dd3 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_generate_data.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_generate_data.py
@@ -1,98 +1,96 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
import os
import random
import string
import configparser
+from Logicytics import Log, DEBUG
from faker import Faker
-# Initialize Faker
-fake = Faker()
-# Read configuration
-config = configparser.ConfigParser()
-# Load configuration values
-config = config['VulnScan.generate Settings']
-EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED = config.get('extensions', '.txt').split(',')
-SAVE_PATH = config.get('save_path', '.')
-CODE_NAME = config.get('code_name', 'Sense')
-SIZE_VARIATION = float(config.get('size_variation', '0.1'))
-# Ensure the save directory exists
-os.makedirs(SAVE_PATH, exist_ok=True)
-# Set default file size and number of files
-DEFAULT_MIN_FILE_SIZE = 10 * 1024 # 10 KB
-DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 10 * 1024 # 10 KB
-# File configuration based on CODE_NAME
-if CODE_NAME == 'Sense':
-elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseNano':
- FILE_NUM = 5
-elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseMacro':
-elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseMini':
-else: # Custom configuration
- MIN_FILE_SIZE = int(config['min_file_size'].replace('KB', '')) * 1024
- MAX_FILE_SIZE = int(config['max_file_size'].replace('KB', '')) * 1024
-print(f"Generating {FILE_NUM} files with sizes between {MIN_FILE_SIZE} and {MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes")
-# Function to generate random file names
-def generate_random_filename(extensions, suffix_x):
+logger = Log(
+ {"log_level": DEBUG,
+ "filename": "../../../ACCESS/LOGS/VulnScan_Train.log",
+ "colorlog_fmt_parameters":
+ "%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s %(yellow)s%(asctime)s %(blue)s%(message)s",
+ }
+def generate_random_filename(extensions: str, suffix_x: str = '') -> str:
+ """
+ Generate a random filename with the given extension and optional suffix.
+ Args:
+ extensions (str): The file extension.
+ suffix_x (str, optional): An optional suffix to add to the filename.
+ Returns:
+ str: The generated random filename.
+ """
return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=10)) + suffix_x + extensions
-# Function to generate content based on file extension
-def generate_content_for_extension(extensions, size):
- # Define sensitive data generators
- sensitive_data_generators = {
- '.txt': lambda: random.choice([
- fake.credit_card_number(),
- fake.ssn(),
- fake.password(),
- fake.email(),
- fake.phone_number(),
- fake.iban(),
- ]),
- '.json': lambda: {
- 'credit_card': fake.credit_card_number(),
- 'email': fake.email(),
- 'phone': fake.phone_number(),
- 'password': fake.password(),
- 'iban': fake.iban(),
- },
- '.csv': lambda: ",".join([
- fake.credit_card_number(),
- fake.email(),
- fake.phone_number(),
- ]),
- '.xml': lambda: f"{random.choice([fake.credit_card_number(), fake.iban(), fake.password()])}",
- '.log': lambda: f"{fake.date_time()} - Sensitive Data: {random.choice([fake.email(), fake.password(), fake.ipv4_private()])}",
- 'default': lambda: fake.text(max_nb_chars=50)
- }
- # Define sensitivity chances
+def generate_content_for_extension(extensions: str, size: int | float) -> tuple[str, str]:
+ """
+ Generate content based on the file extension and size.
+ Args:
+ extensions (str): The file extension.
+ size (int | float): The size of the content to generate.
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str, str]: The generated content and a suffix indicating the sensitivity level.
+ """
full_sensitive_chance = float(config.get('full_sensitive_chance', '0.1'))
partial_sensitive_chance = float(config.get('partial_sensitive_chance', '0.3'))
- def generate_sensitive_data():
+ def generate_sensitive_data() -> str:
+ """
+ Generate sensitive data based on the file extension.
+ Returns:
+ str: The generated sensitive data.
+ """
+ sensitive_data_generators = {
+ '.txt': lambda: random.choice([
+ fake.credit_card_number(),
+ fake.ssn(),
+ fake.password(),
+ fake.email(),
+ fake.phone_number(),
+ fake.iban(),
+ ]),
+ '.json': lambda: {
+ 'credit_card': fake.credit_card_number(),
+ 'email': fake.email(),
+ 'phone': fake.phone_number(),
+ 'password': fake.password(),
+ 'iban': fake.iban(),
+ },
+ '.csv': lambda: ",".join([
+ fake.credit_card_number(),
+ fake.email(),
+ fake.phone_number(),
+ ]),
+ '.xml': lambda: f"{random.choice([fake.credit_card_number(), fake.iban(), fake.password()])}",
+ '.log': lambda: f"{fake.date_time()} - Sensitive Data: {random.choice([fake.email(), fake.password(), fake.ipv4_private()])}",
+ 'default': lambda: fake.text(max_nb_chars=50)
+ }
return sensitive_data_generators.get(extensions, sensitive_data_generators['default'])()
- def generate_regular_content(extension_grc, sizes):
+ def generate_regular_content(extension_grc: str, sizes: int | float) -> str:
+ """
+ Generate regular content based on the file extension and size.
+ Args:
+ extension_grc (str): The file extension.
+ sizes (int | float): The size of the content to generate.
+ Returns:
+ str: The generated regular content.
+ """
if extension_grc == '.txt':
content_grc = fake.text(max_nb_chars=sizes)
elif extension_grc == '.json':
@@ -111,12 +109,10 @@ def generate_regular_content(extension_grc, sizes):
elif extension_grc == '.log':
content_grc = "\n".join([f"{fake.date_time()} - {fake.text(50)}" for _ in range(sizes // 100)])
- # Default to plain text for unknown extensions
content_grc = fake.text(max_nb_chars=sizes)
return content_grc
if random.random() < full_sensitive_chance:
- # Generate fully sensitive content
if extensions == '.json':
contents = str([generate_sensitive_data() for _ in range(size // 500)])
elif extensions in ['.txt', '.log', '.xml']:
@@ -127,12 +123,10 @@ def generate_regular_content(extension_grc, sizes):
contents = "\n".join([generate_sensitive_data() for _ in range(size // 500)])
return contents, '-sensitive'
- # Generate regular content with optional partial sensitivity
regular_content = generate_regular_content(extensions, size)
if random.random() < partial_sensitive_chance:
- sensitive_data_count = max(1, size // 500) # Embed some sensitive data
+ sensitive_data_count = max(1, size // 500)
sensitive_data = [generate_sensitive_data() for _ in range(sensitive_data_count)]
- # Blend sensitive data into the regular content
regular_content_lines = regular_content.split("\n")
for _ in range(sensitive_data_count):
insert_position = random.randint(0, len(regular_content_lines) - 1)
@@ -144,8 +138,16 @@ def generate_regular_content(extension_grc, sizes):
return contents, '-none'
-# Function to generate file content
-def generate_file_content(extensions):
+def generate_file_content(extensions: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
+ """
+ Generate file content based on the file extension.
+ Args:
+ extensions (str): The file extension.
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str, str]: The generated content and a suffix indicating the sensitivity level.
+ """
size = random.randint(MIN_FILE_SIZE, MAX_FILE_SIZE)
variation_choice = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 4])
@@ -157,18 +159,66 @@ def generate_file_content(extensions):
size = abs(int(size + (size / SIZE_VARIATION)))
elif variation_choice == 4:
size = abs(int(size - (size / SIZE_VARIATION)))
- print(f"Generating {extensions} content of size {size} bytes")
+ logger.debug(f"Generating {extensions} content of size {size} bytes")
return generate_content_for_extension(extensions, size)
-# Generate files
-for i in range(FILE_NUM):
- print(f"Generating file {i + 1}/{FILE_NUM}")
- extension = random.choice(EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED).strip()
- content, suffix = generate_file_content(extension)
- filename = generate_random_filename(extension, suffix)
- filepath = os.path.join(SAVE_PATH, filename)
- with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(content)
-print(f"Generated {FILE_NUM} files in {SAVE_PATH}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """
+ Main function to generate files based on the configuration.
+ """
+ fake = Faker()
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read('../../config.ini')
+ config = config['VulnScan.generate Settings']
+ EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED = config.get('extensions', '.txt').split(',')
+ SAVE_PATH = config.get('save_path', '.')
+ CODE_NAME = config.get('code_name', 'Sense')
+ SIZE_VARIATION = float(config.get('size_variation', '0.1'))
+ os.makedirs(SAVE_PATH, exist_ok=True)
+ if CODE_NAME == 'Sense':
+ elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseNano':
+ FILE_NUM = 5
+ elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseMacro':
+ logger.warning("Generating 100 times more files and 100 times larger files")
+ logger.warning("This is being deprecated in version 3.2.0")
+ elif CODE_NAME == 'SenseMini':
+ else:
+ MIN_FILE_SIZE = int(config['min_file_size'].replace('KB', '')) * 1024
+ MAX_FILE_SIZE = int(config['max_file_size'].replace('KB', '')) * 1024
+ logger.info(f"Generating {FILE_NUM} files with sizes between {MIN_FILE_SIZE} and {MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes")
+ for i in range(FILE_NUM):
+ logger.debug(f"Generating file {i + 1}/{FILE_NUM}")
+ extension = random.choice(EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED).strip()
+ content, suffix = generate_file_content(extension)
+ filename = generate_random_filename(extension, suffix)
+ filepath = os.path.join(SAVE_PATH, filename)
+ with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ logger.info(f"Generated {FILE_NUM} files in {SAVE_PATH}")
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_train.py b/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_train.py
index c9fa7ee..f9bfb2a 100644
--- a/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_train.py
+++ b/CODE/VulnScan/v3/_train.py
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ def select_model_from_traditional(model_name: str,
logger.error(f"Invalid model name: {model_name}")
def train_traditional_model(model_name: str,
epochs: int,
save_model_path: str):
@@ -343,49 +344,99 @@ def train_model(
train_traditional_model(model_name, epochs, save_model_path)
-# Config file reading and setting constants
-logger.info("Reading config file")
-config = ConfigParser()
-MODEL_NAME = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'model_name')
-TRAINING_PATH = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'train_data_path')
-EPOCHS = int(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'epochs'))
-BATCH_SIZE = int(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'batch_size'))
-LEARN_RATE = float(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'learning_rate'))
-CUDA = config.getboolean('VulnScan.train Settings', 'use_cuda')
-SAVE_PATH = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'save_model_path')
-# Load Data
-logger.info(f"Loading data from {TRAINING_PATH}")
-texts, labels = [], []
-for filename in os.listdir(TRAINING_PATH):
- with open(os.path.join(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'train_data_path'), filename), 'r',
- encoding='utf-8') as file:
- texts.append(file.read())
- labels.append(1 if '-sensitive' in filename else 0)
- logger.debug(f"Loaded data from {filename} with label {labels[-1]}")
-# Split Data
-logger.info("Splitting data into training and validation sets")
-X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(texts,
- labels,
- test_size=0.2,
- random_state=42)
-# Train Model
- train_model(model_name=MODEL_NAME,
- epochs=EPOCHS,
- batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
- learning_rate=LEARN_RATE,
- save_model_path=SAVE_PATH,
- use_cuda=CUDA)
-except FileNotFoundError as e:
- logger.error(f"File Not Found Error in training model: {e}")
- exit(1)
-except AttributeError as e:
- logger.error(f"Attribute Error in training model: {e}")
- exit(1)
-except Exception as e:
- logger.error(f"Error in training model: {e}")
- exit(1)
+def validate_data():
+ """
+ Validates the data by checking if the variables are of the correct type.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(EPOCHS, int) or EPOCHS <= 0:
+ logger.error("EPOCHS must be a positive integer")
+ exit(1)
+ if not isinstance(BATCH_SIZE, int) or BATCH_SIZE <= 0:
+ logger.error("BATCH_SIZE must be a positive integer")
+ exit(1)
+ if not isinstance(LEARN_RATE, float) or not (0 < LEARN_RATE < 1):
+ logger.error("LEARN_RATE must be a float between 0 and 1")
+ exit(1)
+ if not isinstance(CUDA, bool):
+ logger.error("CUDA must be a boolean")
+ exit(1)
+ allowed_models = ["NeuralNetwork", "LogReg", "RandomForest", "ExtraTrees", "GBM", "XGBoost", "DecisionTree", "NaiveBayes"]
+ if MODEL_NAME not in allowed_models:
+ logger.error(f"MODEL_NAME must be one of: {', '.join(allowed_models)}")
+ exit(1)
+ if not os.path.exists(TRAINING_PATH):
+ logger.error(f"Training data path {TRAINING_PATH} does not exist")
+ exit(1)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(SAVE_PATH)):
+ logger.error(f"Save model path {SAVE_PATH} does not exist")
+ exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Config file reading and setting constants
+ logger.info("Reading config file")
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read('../../config.ini')
+ MODEL_NAME = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'model_name')
+ TRAINING_PATH = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'train_data_path')
+ EPOCHS = int(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'epochs'))
+ BATCH_SIZE = int(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'batch_size'))
+ LEARN_RATE = float(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'learning_rate'))
+ CUDA = config.getboolean('VulnScan.train Settings', 'use_cuda')
+ SAVE_PATH = config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'save_model_path')
+ validate_data()
+ # Load Data
+ logger.info(f"Loading data from {TRAINING_PATH}")
+ texts, labels = [], []
+ for filename in os.listdir(TRAINING_PATH):
+ with open(os.path.join(config.get('VulnScan.train Settings', 'train_data_path'), filename), 'r',
+ encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ texts.append(file.read())
+ labels.append(1 if '-sensitive' in filename else 0)
+ logger.debug(f"Loaded data from {filename} with label {labels[-1]}")
+ # Split Data
+ logger.info("Splitting data into training and validation sets")
+ X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(texts,
+ labels,
+ test_size=0.2,
+ random_state=42)
+ # Train Model
+ try:
+ train_model(model_name=MODEL_NAME,
+ epochs=EPOCHS,
+ batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
+ learning_rate=LEARN_RATE,
+ save_model_path=SAVE_PATH,
+ use_cuda=CUDA)
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ if "CUDA" in str(e):
+ logger.error(f"GPU error: {e}. Falling back to CPU...")
+ train_model(model_name=MODEL_NAME,
+ epochs=EPOCHS,
+ batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
+ learning_rate=LEARN_RATE,
+ save_model_path=SAVE_PATH,
+ use_cuda=False)
+ else:
+ logger.error(f"Runtime Error in training model: {e}")
+ exit(1)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ logger.error(f"Training data or model files not found: {e}."
+ f" Please check if all required files exist.")
+ exit(1)
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ logger.error(f"Invalid model configuration or missing attributes: {e}."
+ f" Please verify model settings.")
+ exit(1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in training model: {e}")
+ exit(1)
+ raise ImportError("This training script is meant to be run directly "
+ "and cannot be imported. Please execute it as a standalone script.")
diff --git a/CODE/_dev.py b/CODE/_dev.py
index 47687b6..18755ea 100644
--- a/CODE/_dev.py
+++ b/CODE/_dev.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def dev_checks() -> None:
Performs a series of checks to ensure that the developer has followed the required guidelines and best practices.
bool: True if all checks pass, otherwise False.
- """
+ """
# Create the necessary directories if they do not exist
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ def dev_checks() -> None:
# Get the list of code files in the current directory
files = Get.list_of_code_files(".")
- added_files = [f for f in files if f not in CURRENT_FILES]
- removed_files = [f for f in CURRENT_FILES if f not in files]
- normal_files = [f for f in files if f in CURRENT_FILES]
+ added_files = [f.replace('"', '') for f in files if f not in CURRENT_FILES]
+ removed_files = [f.replace('"', '') for f in CURRENT_FILES if f not in files]
+ normal_files = [f.replace('"', '') for f in files if f in CURRENT_FILES]
# Print the list of added, removed, and normal files in color
print("\n".join([f"\033[92m+ {file}\033[0m" for file in added_files])) # Green +
diff --git a/CODE/config.ini b/CODE/config.ini
index f24190c..65a2e6d 100644
--- a/CODE/config.ini
+++ b/CODE/config.ini
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ delete_old_logs = false
[System Settings]
# Do not play with these settings unless you know what you are doing
-version = 3.0.0
-files = "browser_miner.ps1, cmd_commands.py, dir_list.py, event_log.py, Logicytics.py, log_miner.py, media_backup.py, netadapter.ps1, packet_sniffer.py, property_scraper.ps1, registry.py, sensitive_data_miner.py, ssh_miner.py, sys_internal.py, tasklist.py, tree.ps1, vulnscan.py, wifi_stealer.py, window_feature_miner.ps1, wmic.py, _debug.py, _dev.py, _extra.py, logicytics\Checks.py, logicytics\Execute.py, logicytics\FileManagement.py, logicytics\Flag.py, logicytics\Get.py, logicytics\Logger.py, logicytics\__init__.py, VulnScan\tools\_test_gpu_acceleration.py, VulnScan\tools\_vectorizer.py, VulnScan\v2-deprecated\_generate_data.py, VulnScan\v2-deprecated\_train.py, VulnScan\v3\_generate_data.py, VulnScan\v3\_train.py"
+version = 3.1.0
+files = "browser_miner.ps1, cmd_commands.py, dir_list.py, dump_memory.py, event_log.py, Logicytics.py, log_miner.py, media_backup.py, netadapter.ps1, packet_sniffer.py, property_scraper.ps1, registry.py, sensitive_data_miner.py, ssh_miner.py, sys_internal.py, tasklist.py, tree.ps1, vulnscan.py, wifi_stealer.py, window_feature_miner.ps1, wmic.py, _debug.py, _dev.py, _extra.py, logicytics\Checks.py, logicytics\Execute.py, logicytics\FileManagement.py, logicytics\Flag.py, logicytics\Get.py, logicytics\Logger.py, logicytics\__init__.py, VulnScan\tools\_study_network.py, VulnScan\tools\_test_gpu_acceleration.py, VulnScan\tools\_vectorizer.py, VulnScan\v2-deprecated\_generate_data.py, VulnScan\v2-deprecated\_train.py, VulnScan\v3\_generate_data.py, VulnScan\v3\_train.py"
# The following settings are for specific modules #
@@ -27,29 +27,10 @@ timeout = 10
-[VulnScan.train Settings]
-# The following settings are for the Train module for training models
-# NeuralNetwork seems to be the best choice for this task
-# Options: "NeuralNetwork", "LogReg",
-# "RandomForest", "ExtraTrees", "GBM",
-# "XGBoost", "DecisionTree", "NaiveBayes"
-model_name = NeuralNetwork
-# General Training Parameters
-epochs = 10
-batch_size = 32
-learning_rate = 0.001
-use_cuda = true
-# Paths to train and save data
-train_data_path = C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Model Data\GeneratedData
-# If all models are to be trained, this is the path to save all models,
-# and will be appended with the model codename and follow naming convention
-save_model_path = C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Model SenseMini
[VulnScan.generate Settings]
# The following settings are for the Generate module for fake training data
extensions = .txt, .log, .md, .csv, .json, .xml, .html, .yaml, .ini, .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx
-save_path = C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Generated Data
+save_path = PATH
# Options include:
# 'Sense' - Generates 50k files, each 25KB in size.
# 'SenseNano' - Generates 5 files, each 5KB in size.
@@ -79,11 +60,44 @@ partial_sensitive_chance = 0.2
# Use the vectorizer supplied for any v3 model on SenseMini
# The path to the data to vectorize, either a file or a directory
-data_path = C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Model Data\GeneratedData
+data_path = PATH
# The path to save the vectorized data - It will automatically be appended '\Vectorizer.pkl'
# Make sure the path is a directory, and it exists
-output_path = C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\Model Tests\Model Sense - Vectorizer
+output_path = PATH
# Vectorizer to use, options include:
# tfidf or count - The code for the training only supports tfidf - we advise to use tfidf
vectorizer_type = tfidf
+[VulnScan.train Settings]
+# The following settings are for the Train module for training models
+# NeuralNetwork seems to be the best choice for this task
+# Options: "NeuralNetwork", "LogReg",
+# "RandomForest", "ExtraTrees", "GBM",
+# "XGBoost", "DecisionTree", "NaiveBayes"
+model_name = NeuralNetwork
+# General Training Parameters
+epochs = 10
+batch_size = 32
+learning_rate = 0.001
+use_cuda = true
+# Paths to train and save data
+train_data_path = PATH
+# If all models are to be trained, this is the path to save all models,
+# and will be appended with the model codename and follow naming convention
+save_model_path = PATH
+[VulnScan.study Settings]
+# Here is the basics of the study module
+# This is useful to generate graphs and data that may help in understanding the model
+# Everything is found online pre-studied, so this is not necessary
+# But it is useful for understanding the model locally
+# All files be saved here, and can't be changed, PATH is "NN features/"
+# This is the path to the model, and the vectorizer
+model_path = PATH
+vectorizer_path = PATH
+# Number of features to visualise in the SVG Bar graph, maximum is 3000 due to limitations
+# Placing -1 will visualise first 3000 features. Bar will be a color gradient heatmap.
+number_of_features = -1
diff --git a/CODE/dump_memory.py b/CODE/dump_memory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..927c40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CODE/dump_memory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+import datetime
+import platform
+import ctypes
+import os
+import psutil
+from logicytics import Log, DEBUG
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ log = Log({"log_level": DEBUG})
+ # Constants
+ PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010
+ MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000
+# Function to save RAM content snapshot to a file
+def dump_ram_content():
+ """
+ Capture the current state of the system's RAM and write it to a file.
+ This function gathers memory statistics, system-specific details, and writes
+ the information to a file named 'Ram_Snapshot.txt'.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Generate a timestamp for the file
+ dump_file = "Ram_Snapshot.txt"
+ # Gather memory statistics using psutil
+ memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory()
+ swap_info = psutil.swap_memory()
+ # Get system-specific details
+ system_info = (
+ "System Information:\n"
+ "===================================\n"
+ f"OS: {platform.system()} {platform.release()}\n"
+ f"Architecture: {platform.architecture()[0]}\n"
+ f"Processor: {platform.processor()}\n"
+ f"Machine: {platform.machine()}\n\n"
+ )
+ # Prepare content to dump
+ dump_content = (
+ f"RAM Snapshot - {datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}\n"
+ "===================================\n"
+ f"{system_info}"
+ f"Total Memory: {memory_info.total / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Available Memory: {memory_info.available / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Used Memory: {memory_info.used / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Memory Usage: {memory_info.percent}%\n\n"
+ f"Swap Total: {swap_info.total / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Swap Used: {swap_info.used / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Swap Free: {swap_info.free / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n"
+ f"Swap Usage: {swap_info.percent}%\n"
+ )
+ # Write the content to the file
+ with open(dump_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ file.write(dump_content)
+ log.info(f"RAM snapshot saved to: {dump_file}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"Error capturing RAM snapshot: {e}")
+# Define structures for SystemInfo
+class SystemInfo(ctypes.Structure):
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ """
+ A ctypes Structure to hold system information.
+ Attributes:
+ wProcessorArchitecture (ctypes.c_ushort): Processor architecture.
+ wReserved (ctypes.c_ushort): Reserved.
+ dwPageSize (ctypes.c_ulong): Page size.
+ lpMinimumApplicationAddress (ctypes.c_void_p): Minimum application address.
+ lpMaximumApplicationAddress (ctypes.c_void_p): Maximum application address.
+ dwActiveProcessorMask (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)): Active processor mask.
+ dwNumberOfProcessors (ctypes.c_ulong): Number of processors.
+ dwProcessorType (ctypes.c_ulong): Processor type.
+ dwAllocationGranularity (ctypes.c_ulong): Allocation granularity.
+ wProcessorLevel (ctypes.c_ushort): Processor level.
+ wProcessorRevision (ctypes.c_ushort): Processor revision.
+ """
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("wProcessorArchitecture", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("wReserved", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("dwPageSize", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("lpMinimumApplicationAddress", ctypes.c_void_p),
+ ("lpMaximumApplicationAddress", ctypes.c_void_p),
+ ("dwActiveProcessorMask", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong)),
+ ("dwNumberOfProcessors", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwProcessorType", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("dwAllocationGranularity", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("wProcessorLevel", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ("wProcessorRevision", ctypes.c_ushort),
+ ]
+# Define BasicMemInfo
+class BasicMemInfo(ctypes.Structure):
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ """
+ A ctypes Structure to hold basic memory information.
+ Attributes:
+ BaseAddress (ctypes.c_void_p): Base address.
+ AllocationBase (ctypes.c_void_p): Allocation base.
+ AllocationProtect (ctypes.c_ulong): Allocation protection.
+ RegionSize (ctypes.c_size_t): Region size.
+ State (ctypes.c_ulong): State.
+ Protect (ctypes.c_ulong): Protection.
+ Type (ctypes.c_ulong): Type.
+ """
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("BaseAddress", ctypes.c_void_p),
+ ("AllocationBase", ctypes.c_void_p),
+ ("AllocationProtect", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("RegionSize", ctypes.c_size_t),
+ ("State", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("Protect", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ("Type", ctypes.c_ulong),
+ ]
+def get_system_info() -> SystemInfo:
+ """
+ Retrieve and return system information using the `GetSystemInfo` function from the Windows API.
+ Returns:
+ SystemInfo: A `SystemInfo` structure containing details about the system's architecture,
+ processor, memory, and other attributes.
+ """
+ system_info = SystemInfo()
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetSystemInfo(ctypes.byref(system_info))
+ return system_info
+def read_memory():
+ """
+ Read the memory of the current process and write the content to a file.
+ This function opens the current process with the necessary permissions,
+ retrieves system information, and iterates through memory pages to read
+ """
+ # Open current process with permissions
+ process = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, False, os.getpid())
+ if not process:
+ log.error("Unable to open process for reading.")
+ return
+ # Get system info
+ system_info = get_system_info()
+ min_address = system_info.lpMinimumApplicationAddress
+ max_address = system_info.lpMaximumApplicationAddress
+ with open("SystemRam_Info.txt", "w") as sys_file:
+ sys_file.write("System Information:\n")
+ sys_file.write("===================================\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Minimum Address: {min_address}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Maximum Address: {max_address}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Allocation Granularity: {system_info.dwAllocationGranularity}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Processor Architecture: {system_info.wProcessorArchitecture}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Number of Processors: {system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Processor Type: {system_info.dwProcessorType}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Processor Level: {system_info.wProcessorLevel}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Processor Revision: {system_info.wProcessorRevision}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Page Size: {system_info.dwPageSize}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Active Processor Mask: {system_info.dwActiveProcessorMask.contents}\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Reserved: {system_info.wReserved}\n")
+ sys_file.write("===================================\n")
+ sys_file.write(f"Raw SystemInfo: {system_info}\n")
+ sys_file.write("===================================\n")
+ log.debug(f"Memory Range: {min_address:#x} - {max_address:#x}")
+ # Iterate through memory pages
+ memory_info = BasicMemInfo()
+ address = min_address
+ with open("Ram_Dump.txt", "w") as dump_file:
+ while address < max_address:
+ result = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualQueryEx(
+ process, ctypes.c_void_p(address), ctypes.byref(memory_info), ctypes.sizeof(memory_info)
+ )
+ if not result:
+ break
+ # Check if the memory is committed and readable
+ if memory_info.State == MEM_COMMIT and memory_info.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE:
+ buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(memory_info.RegionSize)
+ bytes_read = ctypes.c_size_t()
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(
+ process,
+ ctypes.c_void_p(memory_info.BaseAddress),
+ buffer,
+ memory_info.RegionSize,
+ ctypes.byref(bytes_read),
+ )
+ dump_file.write(str(buffer.raw[: bytes_read.value]))
+ address += memory_info.RegionSize
+ # Close the process handle
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(process)
+ log.info("Memory dump complete. Saved to 'ram_dump.txt'.")
+ log.warning("Encoding is in HEX")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ log.info("Starting memory dump process...")
+ dump_ram_content()
+ read_memory()
+ except Exception as err:
+ log.error(f"Error during memory dump: {err}")
diff --git a/CODE/logicytics/FileManagement.py b/CODE/logicytics/FileManagement.py
index 188b134..07f9fc3 100644
--- a/CODE/logicytics/FileManagement.py
+++ b/CODE/logicytics/FileManagement.py
@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ def __get_files_to_zip(path: str) -> list:
list: A list of file and directory names to be zipped.
excluded_extensions = (".py", ".exe", ".bat", ".ps1", ".pkl", ".pth")
- excluded_prefixes = ("config.ini", "SysInternal_Suite", "__pycache__", "logicytics", "VulnScan")
+ excluded_prefixes = ("config.ini", "SysInternal_Suite",
+ "__pycache__", "logicytics", "VulnScan",
+ "Vectorizer features")
return [
f for f in os.listdir(path)
diff --git a/CODE/vulnscan.py b/CODE/vulnscan.py
index 6d9ec78..e9cf5fe 100644
--- a/CODE/vulnscan.py
+++ b/CODE/vulnscan.py
@@ -6,20 +6,23 @@
import warnings
import joblib
+import numpy as np
import torch
from safetensors import safe_open
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
-from tqdm import tqdm
# Set up logging
from logicytics import Log, DEBUG
-# Use v3 models on this! Especially NN models
if __name__ == "__main__":
- log = Log(
- {"log_level": DEBUG}
- )
+ log = Log({"log_level": DEBUG})
+log.info("Locking threads - Model and Vectorizer")
+model_lock = threading.Lock()
+vectorizer_lock = threading.Lock()
+model_to_use = None
+vectorizer_to_use = None
def load_model(model_path_to_load: str) -> safe_open | torch.nn.Module:
@@ -42,12 +45,28 @@ def load_model(model_path_to_load: str) -> safe_open | torch.nn.Module:
elif model_path_to_load.endswith('.pth'):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
- return torch.load(model_path_to_load)
+ return torch.load(model_path_to_load, weights_only=False)
raise ValueError("Unsupported model file format. Use .pkl, .safetensors, or .pth")
-def is_sensitive(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_content: str) -> tuple[bool, float]:
+def scan_path(model_path: str, scan_paths: str, vectorizer_path: str):
+ global model_to_use, vectorizer_to_use
+ try:
+ with model_lock:
+ if model_to_use is None:
+ log.info(f"Loading model from {model_path}")
+ model_to_use = load_model(model_path)
+ with vectorizer_lock:
+ if vectorizer_to_use is None:
+ log.info(f"Loading vectorizer from {vectorizer_path}")
+ vectorizer_to_use = joblib.load(vectorizer_path)
+ vulnscan(model_to_use, scan_paths, vectorizer_to_use)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"Error scanning path {scan_paths}: {e}")
+def is_sensitive(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_content: str) -> tuple[bool, float, str]:
Determine if the file content is sensitive using the provided model and vectorizer.
@@ -57,7 +76,7 @@ def is_sensitive(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_conte
file_content (str): Content of the file to be analyzed.
- tuple: (True if the content is sensitive, False otherwise, prediction probability).
+ tuple: (True if the content is sensitive, False otherwise, prediction probability, reason).
if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module):
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
@@ -68,15 +87,19 @@ def is_sensitive(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_conte
features_tensor = torch.tensor(features.toarray(), dtype=torch.float32).to(device)
prediction = model(features_tensor)
probability = torch.softmax(prediction, dim=1).max().item()
- return prediction.argmax(dim=1).item() == 1, probability
+ top_features = np.argsort(features.toarray()[0])[-5:]
+ reason = ", ".join([vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()[i] for i in top_features])
+ return prediction.argmax(dim=1).item() == 1, probability, reason
features = vectorizer.transform([file_content])
prediction = model.predict_proba(features)
probability = prediction.max()
- return model.predict(features)[0] == 1, probability
+ top_features = np.argsort(features.toarray()[0])[-5:]
+ reason = ", ".join([vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()[i] for i in top_features])
+ return model.predict(features)[0] == 1, probability, reason
-def scan_file(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_path: str) -> tuple[bool, float]:
+def scan_file(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_path: str) -> tuple[bool, float, str]:
Scan a single file to determine if it contains sensitive content.
@@ -99,83 +122,38 @@ def scan_file(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer: TfidfVectorizer, file_path: st
return is_sensitive(model, vectorizer, content)
-def scan_directory(model: torch.nn.Module, vectorizer, dir_path: str) -> dict[str, tuple[bool, float]]:
- """
- Scan all files in a directory to determine if they contain sensitive content.
- Args:
- model: Machine learning model.
- vectorizer: Vectorizer to transform file content.
- dir_path (str): Path to the directory to be scanned.
- Returns:
- dict: Dictionary with file paths as keys and (sensitivity, prediction probability) as values.
- """
- results = {}
- for roots, _, files_dir in os.walk(dir_path):
- for file in tqdm(files_dir, desc="Scanning files", unit="file", leave=True):
- file_path = os.path.join(roots, file)
- if file.endswith(('.zip', '.rar', '.7z', '.tar', '.gz', '.tar.gz')):
- continue
- results[file_path] = scan_file(model, vectorizer, file_path)
- return results
-def main(MODELS_PATH: str, SCAN_PATH: str, VECTORIZER_PATH: str):
- """
- Main function to load the model and vectorizer, and scan the specified path.
- Saves the paths of sensitive files to a file named "Sensitive_File_Paths.txt".
- Args:
- MODELS_PATH (str): Path to the model file.
- SCAN_PATH (str): Path to the file or directory to be scanned.
- VECTORIZER_PATH (str): Path to the vectorizer file.
- """
- log.info(f"Loading model from {MODELS_PATH}")
- model = load_model(MODELS_PATH)
- log.info(f"Loading vectorizer from {VECTORIZER_PATH}")
- vectorizer = joblib.load(VECTORIZER_PATH) # Adjust as needed
+def vulnscan(model, SCAN_PATH, vectorizer):
log.info(f"Scanning {SCAN_PATH}")
- if os.path.isfile(SCAN_PATH):
- result, probability = scan_file(model, vectorizer, SCAN_PATH)
- log.info(f"File {SCAN_PATH} is {'sensitive' if result else 'not sensitive'} with probability {probability:.2f}")
- with open("Sensitive_File_Paths.txt", "w") as sensitive_file:
+ result, probability, reason = scan_file(model, vectorizer, SCAN_PATH)
+ if result:
+ log.info(f"File {SCAN_PATH} is sensitive with probability {probability:.2f}. Reason: {reason}")
+ if not os.path.exists("Sensitive_File_Paths.txt"):
+ with open("Sensitive_File_Paths.txt", "w") as sensitive_file:
+ sensitive_file.write(f"{SCAN_PATH}\n\n")
+ with open("Sensitive_File_Paths.txt", "a") as sensitive_file:
- elif os.path.isdir(SCAN_PATH):
- results = scan_directory(model, vectorizer, SCAN_PATH)
- with open("Sensitive_File_Paths.txt", "w") as sensitive_file:
- for file_path, (is_sensitive_main, probability) in results.items():
- log.info(f"File {file_path} is {'sensitive' if is_sensitive_main else 'not sensitive'} with probability {probability:.2f}")
- if is_sensitive_main:
- sensitive_file.write(f"{file_path}\n")
- else:
- log.error("Invalid path provided. Please provide a valid file or directory path.")
- exit(1)
-def scan_path(model_path: str, scan_paths: str, vectorizer_path: str):
- """
- Scan the specified path using the provided model and vectorizer.
- Args:
- model_path (str): Path to the model file.
- scan_paths (str): Path to the file or directory to be scanned.
- vectorizer_path (str): Path to the vectorizer file.
- """
- main(model_path, scan_paths, vectorizer_path)
-log.warning("Starting scan - This may take hours!!")
+# Start scanning
+log.info("Getting paths to scan - This may take some time!!")
threads = []
-paths = [
+paths = []
+base_paths = [
"C:\\Program Files",
"C:\\Program Files (x86)"
+for base_path in base_paths:
+ for root, dirs, files_main in os.walk(base_path):
+ for file_main in files_main:
+ paths.append(os.path.join(root, file_main))
+# Start scanning
+log.warning("Starting scan - This may take hours and consume memory!!")
for path in paths:
thread = threading.Thread(target=scan_path,
args=("VulnScan/Model SenseMini .3n3.pth", path, "VulnScan/Vectorizer .3n3.pkl"))
diff --git a/PLANS.md b/PLANS.md
index 39cc6f5..cf9a1db 100644
--- a/PLANS.md
+++ b/PLANS.md
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
> - ❌ = Might be done, Not sure yet
> - ✅ = Will be done, 100% sure
-| Task | Version | Might or Will be done? |
-| Add a tool to capture and analyse memory dumps, which can help in forensic investigations. | v3.1.0 | ❌ |
-| Add a tool to capture and analyse network traffic, which can help in forensic investigations. | v3.1.0 | ❌ |
-| Remove EXTRA dir, and zip features with custom proper features from Logicytics, as well as remove EXTRA wrapper | v3.2.0 | ❌ |
-| Implement a parser for Windows Prefetch files, Shellbags, Jump Lists, LNK files to extract data | v3.3a.0 | ✅ |
-| Implement a parser for Windows UserAssist registry key, SRUM database to extract data. | v3.3b.0 | ✅ |
-| Implement a parser for Windows Volume Shadow Copy, LSA Secrets, Syscache, Shimcache, Amcache Event Tracing logs to extract data | v3.3c.0 | ✅ |
-| Implement the 2 missing flags | v3.4.0 | ✅ |
+| Task | Version | Might or Will be done? |
+| Remove EXTRA dir, and zip features with custom proper features from Logicytics, as well as remove EXTRA wrapper | v3.2.0 | ❌ |
+| Remove deprecated feature: `_train.py` | v3.2.0 | ❌ |
+| Implement a parser for Windows Prefetch files, Shellbags, Jump Lists, LNK files to extract data | snapshot-3.3.a | ✅ |
+| Implement a parser for Windows UserAssist registry key, SRUM database to extract data. | snapshot-3.3.b | ✅ |
+| Implement a parser for Windows Volume Shadow Copy, LSA Secrets, Syscache, Shimcache, Amcache Event Tracing logs to extract data | snapshot-3.3.c | ✅ |
+| Implement the 2 missing flags | v3.4.0 | ✅ |
+| Remove deprecated feature: `_generate_data.py` | v3.4.0 | ✅ |
+| Move VulnScan tools and v3 module to separate repository, keep only the model and vectorizer | v3.5.0 | ✅ |
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d1597ac..9d6f495 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -282,26 +282,27 @@ Here are some of the data points that Logicytics extracts:
> [!TIP]
> You can check out future plans [here](PLANS.md), you can contribute these plans if you have no idea's on what to contribute!
-| File Name | About | Important Note |
-| browser_miner.ps1 | Mines all data related to browsers | Would love to be updated |
-| cmd_commands.py | Gets data from driverquery, sysinfo, gpresult and more | |
-| log_miner.py | Gets all logs from the Windows device | |
-| media_backup.py | Gets all media of the device in a neat folder | Would love to be updated |
-| netadapter.ps1 | Runs Get-NetAdapter Command with many flags | |
-| property_scraper.ps1 | Gets all the windows properties | |
-| registry.py | Backups the registry | |
-| sensitive_data_miner.py | Copies all files that can be considered sensitive in a neat folder, , very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
-| ssh_miner.py | Gets as much ssh private data as possible | |
-| sys_internal.py | Attempts to use the Sys_Internal Suite from microsoft | |
-| tasklist.py | Gets all running tasks, PID and info/data | |
-| tree.ps1 | Runs and logs the tree.ps1 command, very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
-| window_feature_miner.ps1 | Logs all the windows features enabled | |
-| wmic.py | Logs and runs many wmic commands to gain sensitive data and information | |
-| wifi_stealer.py | Gets the SSID and Password of all saved Wi-Fi | |
-| dir_list.py | Produces a txt on every single file on the device, very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
-| event_logs.py | Produces a multiple txt files in a folder on many event logs (Security, Applications and System) | |
-| vulnscan.py | Uses AI/ML to detect sensitive files, and log their paths | In beta! |
+| File Name | About | Important Note |
+| browser_miner.ps1 | Mines all data related to browsers | |
+| cmd_commands.py | Gets data from driverquery, sysinfo, gpresult and more | |
+| log_miner.py | Gets all logs from the Windows device | |
+| media_backup.py | Gets all media of the device in a neat folder | Would love to be updated |
+| netadapter.ps1 | Runs Get-NetAdapter Command with many flags | |
+| property_scraper.ps1 | Gets all the windows properties | |
+| registry.py | Backups the registry | |
+| sensitive_data_miner.py | Copies all files that can be considered sensitive in a neat folder, very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
+| ssh_miner.py | Gets as much ssh private data as possible | |
+| sys_internal.py | Attempts to use the Sys_Internal Suite from microsoft | |
+| tasklist.py | Gets all running tasks, PID and info/data | |
+| tree.ps1 | Runs and logs the tree.ps1 command, very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
+| window_feature_miner.ps1 | Logs all the windows features enabled | |
+| wmic.py | Logs and runs many wmic commands to gain sensitive data and information | |
+| wifi_stealer.py | Gets the SSID and Password of all saved Wi-Fi | |
+| dir_list.py | Produces a txt on every single file on the device, very slow and clunky - useful for depth scanning | |
+| event_logs.py | Produces a multiple txt files in a folder on many event logs (Security, Applications and System) | |
+| vulnscan.py | Uses AI/ML to detect sensitive files, and log their paths | In beta! |
+| dump_memory.py | Dumps some memory as well as log some RAM details | |
This is not an exhaustive list,
but it should give you a good idea of what data Logicytics is capable of extracting.
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index ce546ac..137a2a8 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@