diff --git a/src/human.ttl b/src/human.ttl
index 25daeefb..c4e87cf9 100644
--- a/src/human.ttl
+++ b/src/human.ttl
@@ -1,159 +1,249 @@
@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix sorep: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix sohu: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
owl:imports ;
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human" ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.6.0" .
+# Annotation properties
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
+dcterms:created rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
+dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license
+dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/source
+dcterms:source rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition
+skos:definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
# Classes
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Behavior
-sohu:Behavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:PsychologicalParameter ;
- rdfs:label "behavior"@en .
+:Behavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :PsychologicalParameter ;
+ rdfs:label "behavior"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid1 .
+_:genid1 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:27.045"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "way that one acts in different situations"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Census
-sohu:Census rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "census"@en .
+:Census rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "census"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid2 .
+_:genid2 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:27.255"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/CivilDisturbance
-sohu:CivilDisturbance rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:SocialActivity ;
- rdfs:label "civil disturbance"@en .
+:CivilDisturbance rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :SocialActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "civil disturbance"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Colonization
-sohu:Colonization rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "colonization"@en .
+:Colonization rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "colonization"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid3 .
+_:genid3 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:27.435"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "establishment and development of settlements by people or animals"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/ConsumptiveUse
-sohu:ConsumptiveUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "consumptive use"@en .
+:ConsumptiveUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "consumptive use"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/EnergyEndUse
-sohu:EnergyEndUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "energy end use"@en .
+:EnergyEndUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "energy end use"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/HumanActivity
-sohu:HumanActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "human activity"@en .
+:HumanActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "human activity"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid4 .
+_:genid4 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:27.715"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "activity initiated by a human, intentionally of unintentionally"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/HumanCapital
-sohu:HumanCapital rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ,
- sorep:Knowledge ;
- rdfs:label "human capital"@en .
+:HumanCapital rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ,
+ ;
+ rdfs:label "human capital"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid5 .
+_:genid5 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:27.801"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "knowledge, skills, training and similar concepts, in economics"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/HumanNeed
-sohu:HumanNeed rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "human need"@en .
+:HumanNeed rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "human need"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Manned
-sohu:Manned rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- owl:disjointWith sohu:Unmanned ;
- rdfs:label "manned"@en .
+:Manned rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ owl:disjointWith :Unmanned ;
+ rdfs:label "manned"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Mapping
-sohu:Mapping rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "mapping"@en .
+:Mapping rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "mapping"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid6 .
+_:genid6 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.078"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "binary relation which is left-total (defined on all its input set)"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Profession
-sohu:Profession rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "profession"@en .
+:Profession rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "profession"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid7 .
+_:genid7 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.168"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "vocation founded upon specialized educational training"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/PsychologicalParameter
-sohu:PsychologicalParameter rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:SocialActivity ;
- rdfs:label "psychological parameter"@en .
+:PsychologicalParameter rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :SocialActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "psychological parameter"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Recreation
-sohu:Recreation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:SocialActivity ;
- rdfs:label "recreation"@en .
+:Recreation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :SocialActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "recreation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid8 .
+_:genid8 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.320"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "activity of leisure"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Service
-sohu:Service rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "service"@en .
+:Service rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "service"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid9 .
+_:genid9 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.433"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "badminton technique"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/SocialActivity
-sohu:SocialActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "social activity"@en .
+:SocialActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "social activity"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/SocialBehavior
-sohu:SocialBehavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:SocialActivity ;
- rdfs:label "social behavior"@en .
+:SocialBehavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :SocialActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "social behavior"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/SpaceCooling
-sohu:SpaceCooling rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:EnergyEndUse ;
- rdfs:label "space cooling"@en .
+:SpaceCooling rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnergyEndUse ;
+ rdfs:label "space cooling"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/SpaceHeating
-sohu:SpaceHeating rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:EnergyEndUse ;
- rdfs:label "space heating"@en .
+:SpaceHeating rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnergyEndUse ;
+ rdfs:label "space heating"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Unmanned
-sohu:Unmanned rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "unmanned"@en .
+:Unmanned rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "unmanned"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/WaterHeating
-sohu:WaterHeating rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:EnergyEndUse ;
- rdfs:label "water heating"@en .
+:WaterHeating rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnergyEndUse ;
+ rdfs:label "water heating"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid10 .
+_:genid10 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.877"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "thermodynamic process that uses an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/Work
-sohu:Work rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "work"@en .
+:Work rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HumanActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "work"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid11 .
+_:genid11 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:28.961"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "an activity done by a person to earn a living"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/repr/Knowledge
-sorep:Knowledge rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
-### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
+### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/
diff --git a/src/humanAgriculture.ttl b/src/humanAgriculture.ttl
index cd6e59c3..49849778 100644
--- a/src/humanAgriculture.ttl
+++ b/src/humanAgriculture.ttl
@@ -1,38 +1,34 @@
@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix sohua: .
-@prefix soman: .
-@prefix sohuc: .
-@prefix somac: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix sorelch: .
-@prefix sorelsc: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
owl:imports ,
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Agriculture" ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Agriculture" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.6.0" .
# Object Properties
### http://sweetontology.net/relaChemical/hasSubstance
-sorelch:hasSubstance rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
+ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
### http://sweetontology.net/relaSci/hasSpecies
-sorelsc:hasSpecies rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
+ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
@@ -40,161 +36,215 @@ sorelsc:hasSpecies rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Agriculture
-sohua:Agriculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:LandUse ,
- sohuc:Production .
+:Agriculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ,
+ .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/AnimalProduction
-sohua:AnimalProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "animal production"@en .
+:AnimalProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "animal production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Apiculture
-sohua:Apiculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohua:Beekeeping ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:AnimalProduction ;
- rdfs:label "apiculture"@en .
+:Apiculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :Beekeeping ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :AnimalProduction ;
+ rdfs:label "apiculture"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Aquaculture
-sohua:Aquaculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelsc:hasSpecies ;
- owl:allValuesFrom soman:MarineAnimal
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "aquaculture"@en .
+:Aquaculture rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "aquaculture"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid2 .
+_:genid2 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:47.661"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "farming things in water"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Beekeeping
-sohua:Beekeeping rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelsc:hasSpecies ;
- owl:allValuesFrom soman:Bee
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "beekeeping"@en .
+:Beekeeping rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "beekeeping"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Breeding
-sohua:Breeding rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:AnimalProduction ;
- rdfs:label "breeding"@en .
+:Breeding rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :AnimalProduction ;
+ rdfs:label "breeding"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid4 .
+_:genid4 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:47.802"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "production of offspring by selective mating or hybridization in animals or plants"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/CropProduction
-sohua:CropProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:PlantProduction ;
- rdfs:label "crop production"@en .
+:CropProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :PlantProduction ;
+ rdfs:label "crop production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Cultivation
-sohua:Cultivation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "cultivation"@en .
+:Cultivation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "cultivation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid5 .
+_:genid5 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:48.449"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "art or act of cultivating; improvement of land for or by agriculture"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/DripIrrigation
-sohua:DripIrrigation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "drip irrigation"@en .
+:DripIrrigation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "drip irrigation"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/FishProduction
-sohua:FishProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:AnimalProduction ,
- sohua:Aquaculture ;
- rdfs:label "fish production"@en .
+:FishProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :AnimalProduction ,
+ :Aquaculture ;
+ rdfs:label "fish production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Fishing
-sohua:Fishing rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "fishing"@en .
+:Fishing rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "fishing"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid6 .
+_:genid6 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:48.737"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "activity of trying to catch fish"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Harvesting
-sohua:Harvesting rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:PlantProduction ;
- rdfs:label "harvesting"@en .
+:Harvesting rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :PlantProduction ;
+ rdfs:label "harvesting"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Horticulture
-sohua:Horticulture rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "horticulture"@en .
+:Horticulture rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "horticulture"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid7 .
+_:genid7 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:48.898"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "culture of plants, mainly for food, materials, comfort and beauty"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Irrigation
-sohua:Irrigation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:SoilCultivation ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelch:hasSubstance ;
- owl:hasValue somac:Water
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "irrigation"@en .
+:Irrigation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :SoilCultivation ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:hasValue
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "irrigation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid9 .
+_:genid9 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:48.972"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "artificial application of water to the land"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Logging
-sohua:Logging rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "logging"@en .
+:Logging rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "logging"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid10 .
+_:genid10 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:49.047"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "the cutting, skidding, on-site processing, and loading of trees or logs onto transport vehicles"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Overfishing
-sohua:Overfishing rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Fishing ;
- rdfs:label "overfishing"@en .
+:Overfishing rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Fishing ;
+ rdfs:label "overfishing"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid11 .
+_:genid11 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:49.120"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "the act whereby fish stocks are depleted to unacceptable levels, regardless of water body size"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/PlantProduction
-sohua:PlantProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "plant production"@en .
+:PlantProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "plant production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/Sericulture
-sohua:Sericulture rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:AnimalProduction ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelsc:hasSpecies ;
- owl:allValuesFrom soman:Silkworm
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "sericulture"@en .
+:Sericulture rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :AnimalProduction ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "sericulture"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid13 .
+_:genid13 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:51:49.259"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "process of silk production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/ShellfishProduction
-sohua:ShellfishProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:AnimalProduction ,
- sohua:Aquaculture ;
- rdfs:label "shellfish production"@en .
+:ShellfishProduction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :AnimalProduction ,
+ :Aquaculture ;
+ rdfs:label "shellfish production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanAgriculture/SoilCultivation
-sohua:SoilCultivation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohua:Agriculture ;
- rdfs:label "soil cultivation"@en .
+:SoilCultivation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Agriculture ;
+ rdfs:label "soil cultivation"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/LandUse
-sohuc:LandUse rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Production
-sohuc:Production rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/matrAnimal/Bee
-soman:Bee rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/matrAnimal/MarineAnimal
-soman:MarineAnimal rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/matrAnimal/Silkworm
-soman:Silkworm rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
@@ -202,7 +252,7 @@ soman:Silkworm rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/matrCompound/Water
-somac:Water rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual .
+ rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual .
-### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
+### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/
diff --git a/src/humanCommerce.ttl b/src/humanCommerce.ttl
index 88dd1c9a..4d0d1c19 100644
--- a/src/humanCommerce.ttl
+++ b/src/humanCommerce.ttl
@@ -1,31 +1,53 @@
@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix sohuc: .
-@prefix sohuecons: .
-@prefix sohu: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix sorelh: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
owl:imports ,
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Commerce" ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Commerce" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.6.0" .
+# Annotation properties
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
+dcterms:created rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
+dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license
+dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/source
+dcterms:source rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition
+skos:definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
# Object Properties
### http://sweetontology.net/relaHuman/hasHumanActivity
-sorelh:hasHumanActivity rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
+ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
@@ -33,211 +55,343 @@ sorelh:hasHumanActivity rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/HumanActivity
-sohu:HumanActivity rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Assembly
-sohuc:Assembly rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "assembly"@en .
+:Assembly rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "assembly"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid1 .
+_:genid1 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:09.908"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "object consisting of multiple parts"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/CapacityBuiiding
-sohuc:CapacityBuiiding rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "capacity buiiding"@en .
+:CapacityBuiiding rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "capacity buiiding"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/ClearCutting
-sohuc:ClearCutting rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Forestry ;
- rdfs:label "clear cutting"@en .
+:ClearCutting rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Forestry ;
+ rdfs:label "clear cutting"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Construction
-sohuc:Construction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "construction"@en .
+:Construction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "construction"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid2 .
+_:genid2 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:10.505"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "process that consists of the building or assembling of a building or infrastructure"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/ConsumptiveUse
-sohuc:ConsumptiveUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "consumptive use"@en .
+:ConsumptiveUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "consumptive use"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Demand
-sohuc:Demand rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "demand"@en .
+:Demand rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "demand"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid3 .
+_:genid3 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:10.688"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "economic principle"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Development
-sohuc:Development rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "development"@en .
+:Development rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "development"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid4 .
+_:genid4 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:10.773"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "part of photographic processing"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Dig
-sohuc:Dig rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Extraction ;
- rdfs:label "dig"@en .
+:Dig rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Extraction ;
+ rdfs:label "dig"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid5 .
+_:genid5 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:10.851"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "network administration command-line tool"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Drill
-sohuc:Drill rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Extraction ;
- rdfs:label "drill"@en .
+:Drill rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Extraction ;
+ rdfs:label "drill"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid6 .
+_:genid6 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:10.922"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "tool that makes holes"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/EngineeringActivity
-sohuc:EngineeringActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "engineering activity"@en .
+:EngineeringActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "engineering activity"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Exploration
-sohuc:Exploration rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:EngineeringActivity ;
- rdfs:label "exploration"@en .
+:Exploration rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EngineeringActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "exploration"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid7 .
+_:genid7 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.086"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "act of searching or traveling around a terrain for the purpose of discovery"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Extraction
-sohuc:Extraction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuc:ResourceExtraction ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:EngineeringActivity ;
- rdfs:label "extraction"@en .
+:Extraction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :ResourceExtraction ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EngineeringActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "extraction"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid8 .
+_:genid8 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.158"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "chemical separation of a substance from a matrix"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Forestry
-sohuc:Forestry rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "forestry"@en .
+:Forestry rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "forestry"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/FossilFuelBurning
-sohuc:FossilFuelBurning rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "fossil fuel burning"@en .
+:FossilFuelBurning rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "fossil fuel burning"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Grading
-sohuc:Grading rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Processing ;
- rdfs:label "grading"@en .
+:Grading rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Processing ;
+ rdfs:label "grading"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid9 .
+_:genid9 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.419"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "civil engineering term; the work of ensuring a level base, or one with a specified slope, for a construction work"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/InSitu
-sohuc:InSitu rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuc:OnSite ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "in situ"@en .
+:InSitu rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :OnSite ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "in situ"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid10 .
+_:genid10 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.490"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "theatre troupe from Chur, Switzerland"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Industrialization
-sohuc:Industrialization rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "industrialization"@en .
+:Industrialization rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "industrialization"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid11 .
+_:genid11 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.562"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "period of social and economic change from agrarian to industrial society"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/LandUse
-sohuc:LandUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "land use"@en .
+:LandUse rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "land use"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid12 .
+_:genid12 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:11.926"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "total of arrangements, activities, and inputs that people undertake in a certain land cover type"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Manafacturing
-sohuc:Manafacturing rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "manafacturing"@en .
+:Manafacturing rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "manafacturing"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Management
-sohuc:Management rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "management"@en .
+:Management rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "management"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid13 .
+_:genid13 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.077"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "administration of an organization, including activities to set the strategy of an organization and coordinate employees to accomplish its objectives"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/ManagementSystem
-sohuc:ManagementSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelh:hasHumanActivity ;
- owl:allValuesFrom sohuc:Management
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "management system"@en .
+:ManagementSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom :Management
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "management system"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid15 .
+_:genid15 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.154"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "set of policies, processes and procedures used by an organization to ensure that it can fulfill the tasks required to achieve its objectives"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Mining
-sohuc:Mining rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Extraction ;
- rdfs:label "mining"@en .
+:Mining rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Extraction ;
+ rdfs:label "mining"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid16 .
+_:genid16 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.238"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/OnSite
-sohuc:OnSite rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "on site"@en .
+:OnSite rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "on site"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Packaging
-sohuc:Packaging rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "packaging"@en .
+:Packaging rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "packaging"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid17 .
+_:genid17 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.387"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "wrapping or container that conveys information about a product"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Processing
-sohuc:Processing rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Production ;
- rdfs:label "processing"@en .
+:Processing rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Production ;
+ rdfs:label "processing"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Production
-sohuc:Production rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "production"@en .
+:Production rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "production"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid18 .
+_:genid18 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.658"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "act of producing, making or creating something"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Productivity
-sohuc:Productivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "productivity"@en .
+:Productivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "productivity"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid19 .
+_:genid19 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.733"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "average measure of the efficiency of production"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Prospecting
-sohuc:Prospecting rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Exploration ;
- rdfs:label "prospecting"@en .
+:Prospecting rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Exploration ;
+ rdfs:label "prospecting"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid20 .
+_:genid20 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.806"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "small-scale form of mineral exploration"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/ResourceExtraction
-sohuc:ResourceExtraction rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "resource extraction"@en .
+:ResourceExtraction rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "resource extraction"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/StripMining
-sohuc:StripMining rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Mining ;
- rdfs:label "strip mining"@en .
+:StripMining rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Mining ;
+ rdfs:label "strip mining"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid21 .
+_:genid21 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:12.932"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "surface mining technique where the mineral is excavated in long strips"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/SustainableDevelopment
-sohuc:SustainableDevelopment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuc:Development ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty sorelh:hasHumanActivity ;
- owl:allValuesFrom sohuecons:Sustainable
- ] ;
- rdfs:label "sustainable development"@en .
+:SustainableDevelopment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Development ,
+ [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
+ owl:onProperty ;
+ owl:allValuesFrom
+ ] ;
+ rdfs:label "sustainable development"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid23 .
+_:genid23 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:13.014"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "mode of human development"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanCommerce/Urbanization
-sohuc:Urbanization rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "urbanization"@en .
+:Urbanization rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "urbanization"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid24 .
+_:genid24 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:13.090"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "longterm population movements (shift) from rural to urban areas;gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas, and the ways in which each society adapts to the change;process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirConservation/Sustainable
-sohuecons:Sustainable rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
-### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
+### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/
diff --git a/src/humanDecision.ttl b/src/humanDecision.ttl
index e2366549..733c870c 100644
--- a/src/humanDecision.ttl
+++ b/src/humanDecision.ttl
@@ -1,240 +1,362 @@
@prefix : .
-@prefix sohud: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix sorepmo: .
-@prefix soprop: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix sorepmg: .
-@prefix sorelh: .
-@prefix sohu: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
owl:imports ,
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Decision" ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Decision" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.6.0" .
+# Annotation properties
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
+dcterms:created rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
+dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license
+dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://purl.org/dc/terms/source
+dcterms:source rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition
+skos:definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
# Classes
### http://sweetontology.net/human/HumanActivity
-sohu:HumanActivity rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/human/SocialBehavior
-sohu:SocialBehavior rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Allocation
-sohud:Allocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "allocation"@en .
+:Allocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "allocation"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Attribute
-sohud:Attribute rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "attribute"@en .
+:Attribute rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "attribute"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid1 .
+_:genid1 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.115"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "characteristic feature of a figure in the visual arts, often an object attached to or held by the figure portrayed"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/BeliefNetwork
-sohud:BeliefNetwork rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "belief network"@en .
+:BeliefNetwork rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "belief network"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Choice
-sohud:Choice rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "choice"@en .
+:Choice rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "choice"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid2 .
+_:genid2 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.306"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "act of choosing from multiple options"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/ConsumerBehavior
-sohud:ConsumerBehavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:SocialBehavior ;
- rdfs:label "consumer behavior"@en .
+:ConsumerBehavior rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "consumer behavior"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid3 .
+_:genid3 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.378"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "determinants of consumer behaviour"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/ControlStrategy
-sohud:ControlStrategy rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "control strategy"@en .
+:ControlStrategy rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "control strategy"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Criteria
-sohud:Criteria rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "criteria"@en .
+:Criteria rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "criteria"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/DSS
-sohud:DSS rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohud:DecisionSupportSystem ;
- rdfs:label "dss"@en .
+:DSS rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :DecisionSupportSystem ;
+ rdfs:label "dss"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid4 .
+_:genid4 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.648"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "genetic element in the species Drosophila melanogaster"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Decision
-sohud:Decision rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "decision"@en .
+:Decision rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "decision"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid5 .
+_:genid5 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.725"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "legislative act of the European Union"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/DecisionActivity
-sohud:DecisionActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohu:HumanActivity ;
- rdfs:label "decision activity"@en .
+:DecisionActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "decision activity"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/DecisionMaker
-sohud:DecisionMaker rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ,
- soprop:Role ;
- rdfs:label "decision maker"@en .
+:DecisionMaker rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ,
+ ;
+ rdfs:label "decision maker"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/DecisionSupportSystem
-sohud:DecisionSupportSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "decision support system"@en .
+:DecisionSupportSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "decision support system"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid6 .
+_:genid6 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:32.955"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/DecisionTree
-sohud:DecisionTree rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ,
- sorepmg:Tree ;
- rdfs:label "decision tree"@en .
+:DecisionTree rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ,
+ ;
+ rdfs:label "decision tree"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid7 .
+_:genid7 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.030"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "decision support tool"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/EnvironmentalControlObjective
-sohud:EnvironmentalControlObjective rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:ControlStrategy ,
- sohud:Objective ;
- rdfs:label "environmental control objective"@en .
+:EnvironmentalControlObjective rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :ControlStrategy ,
+ :Objective ;
+ rdfs:label "environmental control objective"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Evaluation
-sohud:Evaluation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "evaluation"@en .
+:Evaluation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "evaluation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid8 .
+_:genid8 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.168"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "general concept of evaluating"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/GroupConsensus
-sohud:GroupConsensus rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "group consensus"@en .
+:GroupConsensus rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "group consensus"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/LocationAllocation
-sohud:LocationAllocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:Allocation ;
- rdfs:label "location allocation"@en .
+:LocationAllocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Allocation ;
+ rdfs:label "location allocation"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Multiattribute
-sohud:Multiattribute rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "multiattribute"@en .
+:Multiattribute rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "multiattribute"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Multiobjective
-sohud:Multiobjective rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "multiobjective"@en .
+:Multiobjective rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "multiobjective"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/MultipleDecisionMaker
-sohud:MultipleDecisionMaker rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "multiple decision maker"@en .
+:MultipleDecisionMaker rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "multiple decision maker"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Objective
-sohud:Objective rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "objective"@en .
+:Objective rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "objective"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid9 .
+_:genid9 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.637"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "optical element that gathers light from the object being observed and focuses the light rays to produce a real image"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Optimization
-sohud:Optimization rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohud:Optimize ;
- rdfs:label "optimization"@en .
+:Optimization rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :Optimize ;
+ rdfs:label "optimization"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid10 .
+_:genid10 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.733"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "finding \"best available\" values of some objective function given a defined domain (or input), including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Optimize
-sohud:Optimize rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ,
- sorepmo:OperationOnFunction ;
- rdfs:label "optimize"@en .
+:Optimize rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ,
+ ;
+ rdfs:label "optimize"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Preference
-sohud:Preference rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "preference"@en .
+:Preference rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "preference"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid11 .
+_:genid11 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.881"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "technical term in psychology, economics and philosophy usually used in relation to choosing between alternatives; someone has a preference for A over B if they would choose A rather than B"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Ranking
-sohud:Ranking rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "ranking"@en .
+:Ranking rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "ranking"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid12 .
+_:genid12 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:33.958"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "the subject's position in the specified rank"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/ResourceAllocation
-sohud:ResourceAllocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:Allocation ;
- rdfs:label "resource allocation"@en .
+:ResourceAllocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :Allocation ;
+ rdfs:label "resource allocation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid13 .
+_:genid13 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:34.060"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "allocation of resources among possible uses"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Scenario
-sohud:Scenario rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "scenario"@en .
+:Scenario rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "scenario"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid14 .
+_:genid14 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:34.133"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "in context with theatre and movies a scenario is a description of an event or series of actions and events"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Screening
-sohud:Screening rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "screening"@en .
+:Screening rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "screening"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid15 .
+_:genid15 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:34.207"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "process in economics"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/SolutionStrategy
-sohud:SolutionStrategy rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "solution strategy"@en .
+:SolutionStrategy rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "solution strategy"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Valuation
-sohud:Valuation rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "valuation"@en .
+:Valuation rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "valuation"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid16 .
+_:genid16 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:34.577"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "in logic and model theory"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanDecision/Weighting
-sohud:Weighting rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohud:DecisionActivity ;
- rdfs:label "weighting"@en .
+:Weighting rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :DecisionActivity ;
+ rdfs:label "weighting"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid17 .
+_:genid17 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:34.645"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "process of treating silk fabric with metallic salts or other compounds to increase its weight"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/prop/Role
-soprop:Role rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/reprMathGraph/Tree
-sorepmg:Tree rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/reprMathOperation/OperationOnFunction
-sorepmo:OperationOnFunction rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
-### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
+### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/
diff --git a/src/humanEnvirAssessment.ttl b/src/humanEnvirAssessment.ttl
index a1475ec1..06a8c3d9 100644
--- a/src/humanEnvirAssessment.ttl
+++ b/src/humanEnvirAssessment.ttl
@@ -1,174 +1,210 @@
@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix rdf: .
-@prefix sohur: .
-@prefix sohuea: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
+@base .
rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ owl:versionIRI ;
owl:imports ;
- rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Environmental Assessment" ;
dcterms:license ;
- owl:versionInfo "3.5.0" .
+ rdfs:label "SWEET Ontology Human Environmental Assessment" ;
+ owl:versionInfo "3.6.0" .
# Classes
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/CEMS
-sohuea:CEMS rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:ContinousEmissionMonitoringSystem ;
- rdfs:label "cems"@en .
+:CEMS rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :ContinousEmissionMonitoringSystem ;
+ rdfs:label "cems"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/CarbonNeutral
-sohuea:CarbonNeutral rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:CarbonNeutrality ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "carbon neutral"@en .
+:CarbonNeutral rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :CarbonNeutrality ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "carbon neutral"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/CarbonNeutrality
-sohuea:CarbonNeutrality rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:label "carbon neutrality"@en .
+:CarbonNeutrality rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "carbon neutrality"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid1 .
+_:genid1 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:53.556"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "having net zero carbon emissions"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/ContinousEmissionMonitoringSystem
-sohuea:ContinousEmissionMonitoringSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "continous emission monitoring system"@en .
+:ContinousEmissionMonitoringSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "continous emission monitoring system"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/CostBenefitAnalysis
-sohuea:CostBenefitAnalysis rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "cost benefit analysis"@en .
+:CostBenefitAnalysis rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "cost benefit analysis"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/EmissionInventory
-sohuea:EmissionInventory rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "emission inventory"@en .
+:EmissionInventory rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "emission inventory"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/EnvironmentalAssessment
-sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohur:Assessment ;
- rdfs:label "environmental assessment"@en .
+:EnvironmentalAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "environmental assessment"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/EnvironmentalImpactStatement
-sohuea:EnvironmentalImpactStatement rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "environmental impact statement"@en .
+:EnvironmentalImpactStatement rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "environmental impact statement"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/EnvironmentalMonitoring
-sohuea:EnvironmentalMonitoring rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohur:Monitoring ;
- rdfs:label "environmental monitoring"@en .
+:EnvironmentalMonitoring rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf ;
+ rdfs:label "environmental monitoring"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid2 .
+_:genid2 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:54.065"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "the processes and activities that need to take place to characterize, monitor and record the quality of the environment"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/HRA
-sohuea:HRA rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:HealthRiskAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "hra"@en .
+:HRA rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :HealthRiskAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "hra"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/HealthRiskAssessment
-sohuea:HealthRiskAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "health risk assessment"@en .
+:HealthRiskAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "health risk assessment"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid3 .
+_:genid3 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:54.227"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "screening tools and systematic approach in the field of health promotion for collecting information from individuals that identifies risk factors, providing feedback, and facilitating intervention to promote health and prevent disease"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/ImpactAssessment
-sohuea:ImpactAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "impact assessment"@en .
+:ImpactAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "impact assessment"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid4 .
+_:genid4 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:54.307"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "formal, evidence-based procedures that assess the economic, social, and environmental effects of public policy"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NOAEL
-sohuea:NOAEL rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:NoObservedAdverseEffectLevel ;
- rdfs:label "noael"@en .
+:NOAEL rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :NoObservedAdverseEffectLevel ;
+ rdfs:label "noael"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NOEL
-sohuea:NOEL rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:NoObservedEffectLevel ;
- rdfs:label "noel"@en .
+:NOEL rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :NoObservedEffectLevel ;
+ rdfs:label "noel"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NSR
-sohuea:NSR rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:NewSourceReview ;
- rdfs:label "nsr"@en .
+:NSR rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :NewSourceReview ;
+ rdfs:label "nsr"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid5 .
+_:genid5 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:54.534"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "protein-coding gene in the species Drosophila melanogaster"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NationalToxicsInventory
-sohuea:NationalToxicsInventory rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EmissionInventory ;
- rdfs:label "national toxics inventory"@en .
+:NationalToxicsInventory rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EmissionInventory ;
+ rdfs:label "national toxics inventory"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NaturalCapital
-sohuea:NaturalCapital rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "natural capital"@en .
+:NaturalCapital rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "natural capital"@en ;
+ skos:definition _:genid6 .
+_:genid6 dcterms:created "2020-07-19T15:52:54.683"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+ dcterms:creator ;
+ dcterms:source ;
+ rdfs:comment "world's stock of natural resources, which includes geology, soils, air, water and all living organisms"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NewSourceReview
-sohuea:NewSourceReview rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "new source review"@en .
+:NewSourceReview rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "new source review"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NoObservedAdverseEffectLevel
-sohuea:NoObservedAdverseEffectLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:HealthRiskAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "no observed adverse effect level"@en .
+:NoObservedAdverseEffectLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HealthRiskAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "no observed adverse effect level"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/NoObservedEffectLevel
-sohuea:NoObservedEffectLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:HealthRiskAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "no observed effect level"@en .
+:NoObservedEffectLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HealthRiskAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "no observed effect level"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/StatusAssessment
-sohuea:StatusAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "status assessment"@en .
+:StatusAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "status assessment"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/SuitabilityAssessment
-sohuea:SuitabilityAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:EnvironmentalAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "suitability assessment"@en .
+:SuitabilityAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :EnvironmentalAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "suitability assessment"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/URF
-sohuea:URF rdf:type owl:Class ;
- owl:equivalentClass sohuea:UnitRiskFactor ;
- rdfs:label "urf"@en .
+:URF rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ owl:equivalentClass :UnitRiskFactor ;
+ rdfs:label "urf"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanEnvirAssessment/UnitRiskFactor
-sohuea:UnitRiskFactor rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf sohuea:HealthRiskAssessment ;
- rdfs:label "unit risk factor"@en .
+:UnitRiskFactor rdf:type owl:Class ;
+ rdfs:subClassOf :HealthRiskAssessment ;
+ rdfs:label "unit risk factor"@en .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanResearch/Assessment
-sohur:Assessment rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
### http://sweetontology.net/humanResearch/Monitoring
-sohur:Monitoring rdf:type owl:Class .
+ rdf:type owl:Class .
-### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi
+### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/
diff --git a/src/humanEnvirConservation.ttl b/src/humanEnvirConservation.ttl
index 22695a43..c8b1f274 100644
--- a/src/humanEnvirConservation.ttl
+++ b/src/humanEnvirConservation.ttl
@@ -1,34 +1,54 @@
@prefix : .
-@prefix sohuc: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
-@prefix soprop: .
-@prefix sohuecons: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix sorel: .
-@prefix sohu: .
-@prefix sorea: .
-@base .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: