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R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

The goal of mappestRisk package is to facilitate the transition from development data of pests obtained in lab-controlled conditions to understandable forecasts assessing risk of pest occurrence in a given region.

For that purpose, mappestRisk is built upon previous efforts such as devRate (François Rebaudo, Struelens, and Dangles 2018), rTPC and nls.multstart packages (Padfield, O’Sullivan, and Pawar 2021) and a methodology for predicting climatic suitability based on fundamental thermal niche as estimated by deductive, process-based approaches (i.e., those based on species performance variation across temperatures), as suggested in Taylor et al. (2019) . For now, mappestRisk is built for modelling developmental thermal performance curves, as this is the most commonly measured life-history trait in experimental approaches and it has been observed to have major contribution to fitness dependence on temperature (Pawar et al. 2024).

Therefore, mappestRisk has three different modules: (1) model fitting & selection using a set of the most commonly used equations describing developmental responses to temperature under the nls.multstartframework (Padfield and Matheson 2020) using equation helpers from rTPC(Padfield and O’Sullivan 2023) and devRate (Francois Rebaudo and Regnier 2024), with visualization of model fitting to help model selection by the user; (2) calculation of suitability thermal limits, which consist on a temperature interval delimiting the optimal performance zone or suitability; and (3) climatic data extraction & visualization with either exportable rasters or static or interactive map figures.


# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("EcologyR/mappestRisk")

#or alternatively
# remotes::install_github("EcologyR/mappestRisk")

#and load the package
devtools::load_all() #for now, provisionally

If you want to clone or fork the repository or open and read some issues, you can find the code here.

Example: mappestRisk workflow

1. Fit a thermal performance curve (TPC) to your data:

In this example, we’ll show how to fit one to several thermal performance curves to a data set of development rate variation across temperatures1. The following code provides an example as given in fit_devmodels() function documentation, with a data table showing the output of fitted models.


fitted_tpcs_aphid <- fit_devmodels(temp = aphid$temperature,
                                   dev_rate = aphid$rate_value,
                                   model_name = "all")
#> fitting model beta
#> fitting model boatman
#> fitting model briere1
#> poorly informative start values for Brière-1 model
#> fitting model briere2
#> fitting model joehnk
#> fitting model kamykowski
#> fitting model lactin1
#> fitting model lactin2
#> fitting model mod_weibull
#> fitting model mod_polynomial
#> fitting model oneill
#> fitting model pawar
#> fitting model ratkowsky
#> fitting model schoolfield
#> fitting model regniere
#> generic starting values
#> fitting model thomas
#> fitting model wang
#> # A tibble: 68 × 8
#>    param_name start_vals param_est    param_se model_name model_AIC model_BIC
#>    <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 a               0.145     0.143     0.00630 beta           -43.0     -43.3
#>  2 b              25        26.7       1.10    beta           -43.0     -43.3
#>  3 c              25       202.    13602.      beta           -43.0     -43.3
#>  4 d               2       100     12049.      beta           -43.0     -43.3
#>  5 e               2        32.6    2283.      beta           -43.0     -43.3
#>  6 rmax            0.145     0.142     0.00648 boatman        -42.4     -42.7
#>  7 tmin           15         0       104.      boatman        -42.4     -42.7
#>  8 tmax           32.5      43.7      66.3     boatman        -42.4     -42.7
#>  9 a               1.1       1.42      1.03    boatman        -42.4     -42.7
#> 10 b               0.4       2.43     19.9     boatman        -42.4     -42.7
#> # ℹ 58 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: model_fit <list>

2. Plot the fitted TPCs and select the most appropriate:

To help select which model might be more appropriate, the function plot_devmodels() draws the predicted TPCs for each adequately-converged model. This step aims to improve model selection based not only on statistical criteria (i.e. AIC and number of parameters) but also on ecological realism, since curves can be graphically checked to select realistic shapes and thermal traits –vertical cuts with x-axis such as $CT_\min$, $CT_\max$ and $T_\text{opt}$ .

plot_devmodels(temp = aphid$temperature,
               dev_rate = aphid$rate_value,
               fitted_parameters = fitted_tpcs_aphid,
               species = "Brachycaudus schwartzi",
               life_stage = "Nymphs")

3. Calculate predictions and bootstrap 100 TPCs for propagating parameter uncertainty

After careful examination of fitted TPCs in plot_devmodels(), the predictions of the selected models must be allocated in a data.frame in order to continue the package workflow towards climatic projection for pest risk analysis. Additionally, we recommend here to propagate uncertainty in parameter estimation of the fitted and selected TPC models using bootstrap procedures with residual resampling, following vignettes of rTPC package (Padfield, O’Sullivan, and Pawar 2021). This can be done with the function predict_curves() by setting the argument propagate_uncertainty to be TRUE and by providing a number of bootstrap sampling iterations in the argument n_boots_samples.

This function requires some time to compute bootstraps and predictions of the multiple TPCs it generates. Hence, it is important to use only one or few TPC models in the argument model_name_2boot based on visual examination from plot_devmodels() with reasonable selection. We discourage to bootstrap all TPC models for computational and time consuming reasons.

In our example, we choose three models that performed similarly and, unlike others with similar or even higher AICs, had a markedly higher left-skewness, e.g., briere2, thomas and lactin2. After a few minutes, we obtain the data.frame:

preds_boots_aphid <-predict_curves(temp = aphid$temperature,
                                   dev_rate = aphid$rate_value,
                                   fitted_parameters = fitted_tpcs_aphid,
                                   model_name_2boot = c("briere2", "thomas", "lactin2"),
                                   propagate_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                   n_boots_samples = 100)
#> ADVISE: the simulation of new bootstrapped curves takes some time. Await patiently or reduce your `n_boots_samples`
#>  Bootstrapping simulations completed

4. Plot uncertainty TPCs:

The bootstrapped uncertainty curves can be plotted easily with the plot_uncertainties() function.

plot_uncertainties(bootstrap_uncertainties_tpcs = preds_boots_aphid,
                   temp = aphid$temperature,
                   dev_rate = aphid$rate_value,
                   species = "Brachycaudus schwartzi",
                   life_stage = "Nymphs")

5. Calculate thermal suitability bounds:

Once a model have been selected under both ecological realism and statistical criteria, the user can estimate the thermal boundaries defining the suitable range of temperatures for the studied population. The thermal_suitability_bounds() function calculate these values given the tibble output from predict_curves() function and the selected model name (note that only one model is allowed each time for this function). Additionally, a value of suitability defining the quantile-upper part of the curve can be provided by the user ($\text{Q}_{75}$ by default). If the user has propagated uncertainty in predict_curves() function, this function inherits the bootstrapped TPCs to calculate thermal suitability boundaries for each bootstrapped curved in addition to the estimated curve.

boundaries_aphid <- therm_suit_bounds(preds_tbl = preds_boots_aphid,
                                      model_name = "lactin2",
                                      suitability_threshold = 80)
#> # A tibble: 102 × 6
#>    model_name suitability tval_left tval_right pred_suit  iter
#>    <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl> <int>
#>  1 lactin2    80 %             NA         NA      NA        NA
#>  2 lactin2    80 %             NA         NA       0.188     1
#>  3 lactin2    80 %             21         37       0.115     2
#>  4 lactin2    80 %             21         36       0.112     3
#>  5 lactin2    80 %             22         36.5     0.113     4
#>  6 lactin2    80 %             21.5       36       0.115     5
#>  7 lactin2    80 %             21         35.5     0.117     6
#>  8 lactin2    80 %             21         36.5     0.115     7
#>  9 lactin2    80 %             21         36       0.115     8
#> 10 lactin2    80 %             NA         NA       0.204     9
#> # ℹ 92 more rows

4. Climatic data extraction and projection

Using the thermal boundaries provided by the previous function and a set of raster maps of monthly temperatures for a given region (which can be provided by the user or downloaded by the function), two maps are plotted. The left panel (risk map) shows how many months a year (on average across simulations) thermal conditions are suitable for the development of the pest. The right panel (uncertainty map) shows the standard deviation of the risk index for each pixel.

Independently of whether plot is set to TRUE or FALSE, the function returns a raster that can be later exported by the user.

# Downloading temperature data with geodata::wordlclim_global().
# May take time the first time you use the function on the same 'path'.

risk_rast <- map_risk(t_vals = boundaries_aphid,
                      path = "~/downloaded_maps", # directory to download data
                      region = "Morocco",
                      mask = TRUE,
                      plot = TRUE,
                      interactive = FALSE,
                      verbose = TRUE)
#> (Down)loading countries map...
#> (Down)loading temperature rasters...
#> Cropping temperature rasters to region...
#> Computing summary layers...
#> Plotting map...

#> Finished!

# We can also save the raster with:
# terra::writeRaster(risk_rast, filename = "~/output_maps/risk_rast.tif")

# Alternativele 1: if you already have a raster of monthly average temperatures for your region of interest, you can use that as input:
## load it (here Luxembourg data)
tavg_file <- system.file("extdata/tavg_lux.tif", package = "mappestRisk")

## import it with `terra`
tavg_rast <- terra::rast(tavg_file)
## and apply the function
risk_rast <- map_risk(t_vals = boundaries_aphid, 
                      t_rast = tavg_rast,
                      mask = TRUE,
                      plot = TRUE,
                      interactive = FALSE,
                      verbose = TRUE)
#> Computing summary layers...
#> Plotting map...

#> Finished!

# Alternative 2: if the region to project risk is given by the user as a spatial feature (sf) object.

andalucia_sf <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "andalucia_sf.rds",
                                    package = "mappestRisk"))

risk_rast <- map_risk(t_vals = boundaries_aphid,
                      path = "~/downloaded_maps", # directory to download data
                      region = andalucia_sf,
                      mask = TRUE,
                      plot = TRUE,
                      interactive = FALSE,
                      verbose = TRUE)
#> (Down)loading temperature rasters...
#> Cropping temperature rasters to region...
#> Computing summary layers...
#> Plotting map...

#> Finished!

5. Interactive map

Additionally, the map_risk() can produce interactive maps based on terra::plet() by setting the argument interactive to TRUE. These maps are html objects that can be displayed in your browser, with one clickable tab for the risk map and another one for the uncertainty map.

You can try yourself this option in your RStudio Viewer.


If using this package, please cite it:


To cite mappestRisk in publications use:

  San Segundo Molina, D., Barbosa, A.M., Pérez-Luque, A.J. &
  Rodríguez-Sánchez, F. 2024. mappestRisk: Create Maps Forecasting Risk
  of Pest Occurrence

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {mappestRisk},
    author = {Darío {San-Segundo  Molina} and A. Márcia Barbosa and Antonio Jesús Pérez-Luque and Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez},
    year = {2024},
    url = {},


The development of this software has been funded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades of Junta de Andalucía (proyecto US-1381388 led by Francisco Rodríguez Sánchez, Universidad de Sevilla).


Padfield, Daniel, and Granville Matheson. 2020. “Nls.multstart: Robust Non-Linear Regression Using AIC Scores.”

Padfield, Daniel, and Hannah O’Sullivan. 2023. “rTPC: Fitting and Analysing Thermal Performance Curves.”

Padfield, Daniel, Hannah O’Sullivan, and Samraat Pawar. 2021. “rTPC and Nls.multstart: A New Pipeline to Fit Thermal Performance Curves in r.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (6): 1138–43.

Pawar, Samraat, Paul J. Huxley, Thomas R. C. Smallwood, Miles L. Nesbit, Alex H. H. Chan, Marta S. Shocket, Leah R. Johnson, Dimitrios-Georgios Kontopoulos, and Lauren J. Cator. 2024. “Variation in Temperature of Peak Trait Performance Constrains Adaptation of Arthropod Populations to Climatic Warming.” Nature Ecology & Evolution, January, 1–11.

Rebaudo, Francois, and Baptiste Regnier. 2024. “devRate: Quantify the Relationship Between Development Rate and Temperature in Ectotherms.”

Rebaudo, François, Quentin Struelens, and Olivier Dangles. 2018. “Modelling Temperature-Dependent Development Rate and Phenology in Arthropods: The devRate Package for r.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (4): 1144–50.

Taylor, Rachel A., Sadie J. Ryan, Catherine A. Lippi, David G. Hall, Hossein A. Narouei-Khandan, Jason R. Rohr, and Leah R. Johnson. 2019. “Predicting the Fundamental Thermal Niche of Crop Pests and Diseases in a Changing World: A Case Study on Citrus Greening.” Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (8): 2057–68.


  1. At least 4 unique temperatures are required. Fore more details, see documentation and vignettes.