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File metadata and controls

71 lines (52 loc) · 2.92 KB


A naive attempt at making a cljc wrapper around the well-known clj-http and cljs-http libs.

For a more production-ready libraries, see httpurr (doc) and cljs-ajax.

The main trick is to make clj-http calls be always async and returning a core.async channel, as per cljs-http conventions.

In case of errors, a response object is returned, as per cljs-http conventions. That means that for clj, we convert the thrown slingshot stone (i.e. Exception) back to a response object.

Cancelling requests is possible with cljc-http.core/abort!, modeled around cljs-http.core/abort!. Note that standard clj-http also supports cancelling async requests by cancelling the future object holding its job.


(ns test.ns
      [cljs.core.async.macros :as asyncm :refer (go go-loop)]))
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]
            [cljc-http.client :as http-client]
            [cljc-http.core :as http-core]))

;; blocking sync request
;; (clj-only as `async/<!!` not available in cljs)
(let [resp (async/<!! (http-client/get "http://" {:accept :json}))
      http-status (:status resp)]
  (when-not (http-client/unexceptional-status? http-status)
    (throw (ex-info "Unexpected HTTP response code" {:ex-type ::unexpected-http-status,
                                                     :input http-status})))
  ;; ... do stuff w/ (:body resp)

;; async request
  (let [resp (async/<! (http-client/get "http://" {:accept :json}))
        http-status (:status resp)]
    (when-not (http-client/unexceptional-status? http-status)
      (throw (ex-info "Unexpected HTTP response code" {:ex-type ::unexpected-http-status,
                                                       :input http-status})))
    ;; ... do stuff w/ (:body resp)

;; canceling sync request
;; (clj-only as `async/alts!!` not available in cljs)
(let [request-channel (http-client/get "http://" {:accept :json})
      [resp alts-chan] (async/alts!! [request-channel (async/timeout 1000)])]
  (when (nil? resp)                     ; got timeout
    (http-core/abort! request-channel))

  ;; ... do stuff w/ resp

;; canceling async request
  (let [request-channel (http-client/get "http://" {:accept :json})
        [resp alts-chan] (async/alts! [request-channel (async/timeout 1000)])]
    (when (nil? resp)                   ; got timeout
      (http-core/abort! request-channel))

    ;; ... do stuff w/ resp


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