- Use tabs for indentation and limit your line length to 120 columns (inclusive, assuming 4-column-sized tabs).
- If you can test your code, please do so using your own instance of the bot, but since installation is so hard, just let me know in the pull request if you haven't tested your changes and I'll do it for you.
- Make sure to add docstrings to your functions, and comment them as necessary.
- New extensions go in emote_collector/extensions/. New utilities should go in the appropriate file in emote_collector/utils/ or emote_collector/utils/misc.py.
If a new cog requires access to the database, it should be split into three files: a database abstraction cog, a discord.py commands cog, and a jinja2 template file containing SQL query definitions.
Add its schema definitions (if any) to emote_collector/sql/schema.sql.
Add its database abstraction cog to emote_collector/extensions/extname/db.py and queries to a new file in the sql/ directory, named after the extension that uses it (e.g. extensions/bingo/db.py → sql/bingo.sql).
Finally, the commands cog should use the database cog in the following way:
from ...utils.proxy import ObjectProxy
class Xyz:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.db = ObjectProxy(lambda: bot.cogs['XyzDatabase'])
self.queries = bot.queries('xyz.sql') # see below
The ObjectProxy ensures that the Xyz cog has an up to date reference to XyzDatabase even if XyzDatabase is reloaded.
Your SQL query file should use the following format:
-- :macro query1_name()
-- params: parameter 1 description, parameter 2 description, ...
SELECT whatever
FROM tab
WHERE example_code = true
-- :endmacro
-- :macro query2_name()
-- :endmacro
If you need conditional inclusion, use varargs
in the macro, like so:
-- :macro get_bingo_board()
-- params: user_id
-- optional varargs: with_categories, ...
-- :if 'with_categories' in varargs
, pos, category
-- :endif
-- :if 'with_categories' in varargs
INNER JOIN bingo_board_categories USING (user_id)
INNER JOIN bingo_categories USING (category_id)
-- :endif
WHERE user_id = $1
-- :endmacro
You may also use any jinja2 features, including the normal {% tag %}
and {{ }}
The database abstraction cog should use emote_collector.utils.connection
and emote_collector.utils.optional_connection
like so:
async def get_xyz(self, user_id):
async with connection().transaction():
x1 = await connection().fetchval(self.queries.get_x1(), user_id)
x2 = await connection().fetchrow(self.queries.get_x2('with_abc'), user_id)
return await connection().fetchrow(self.queries.get_xyz(), user_id)
This ensures that a pool connection is always acquired before get_xyz is called, unless one has already been acquired in that Task.
If the commands cog needs to call @optional_connection methods more than once, either decorate the command itself:
async def get_xyz(self, context):
Or acquire the connection manually (in case there are other HTTP calls or other expensive IO in the function that should not hold on to a connection):
async def get_xyz(self, context):
await do_expensive_io()
async with self.bot.pool.acquire() as conn:
await self.db.get_xyz(context.author.id)
abc = await self.db.get_abc(context.author.id)
await context.send(abc) # note that this is done *after* the pool is released