Extention to github/fcoo/fcoo-maps to have time-dependencies layers and to add bottom-menu with time-selector, add time-controls to the maps, and add options for time-sync in application-settings
In multi-map-mode in fcoo-maps there are different ways to select time for the main map and for the 1-4 secondary maps in single-map-mode the map is as main amp
The main map can one of four time-modes:
- FIXED : Select time from range - typical between -1day to +2-5days
- RELATIVE : Select time as relative to current time ("Now") - typical between -24 hours - +48 hours
- SELECT : Select a specific date or range of dates - Not implemented
- ANIMATION : Animation over a range of time-steps (fromTime - toTime) - Not implemented
The time for the secondary map(s) is always relative to either
- The main map
- Current time (Now) The time can be +/- 24 hours relative to 1. or 2.
Control to show time
For main map: Show A clock-icon [, current time] (E.q. "14:00")
For secondary map(s): Show A clock-icon, [current time,] relative to main map or Now (E.q. "18:00 | + 4h") It also give access to the "Time Setting" in map-setting where mode and (for secondary maps) relative Shift is selected
var ns = window.fcoo;
var nsTime = window.fcoo.map.time;
The content of the bottom-menu (slider, buttons, info about current time etc.) are created in
, src/12_bottom-menu-elements-timeSilder.js
, and src/20_bottom-menu-content.js
There are tree different sizes for the bottom-menu named bottom-menu-size
with abbreviation: bms
- Minimized: Only buttons
- Normal: Buttons and small time-slider (a la range)
- Extended: Buttons and full time-slider