You can find below information and references related with the project management in our team:
Backlog management: Product backlog and Iteration backlog in a Github Projects board;
Iteration planning and retrospectives:
We were planning on completing the 5 features below, but unfortunately the "Categories" feature is still in progress, since we came across some issues during the creation of our SQLite Database. However, we managed to balance that, by implementing another feature which was not planned and whose effort and priority values are the same: the "Reset Data" feature.
What went well
- We were able to connect our app with Firebase, which enabled us to fully implement the Login feature
- The Transactions are now fully functional
- Although it wasn't planned, we ended up implementing the Reset Data feature, which turned out to be trully useful for testing
What went wrong
- It took us a while to discover how to store the same variable, but with different types, in SQLite and Flutter
- The Categories feature ended up not being fully implemtned, due to the issue discribed in the last topic
What is still a problem
- We haven't been able to connect our Firebase database with our SQLite one, but we're working on it
Once again, we were unable to fullfill all our expectations, although we believe we accomplished some outstanding remarks: the connection with both Firebase and GoogleMaps API, and the implementation of the required tests (Unit and Acceptance). Plus, we managed to finish the "Categories" feature, which was left behind on the last iteration.
What went well
- We successfully connected our app with Firebase
- The acceptance tests (although started as a struggle) are now mastered
- The connection with the GoogleMaps API was fairly simple
What went wrong
- It was a struggle to develop the Unit Tests, due to Firebase issues
- Because of the last topic, we were unnable to fullfill the "Dark Mode" feature
What is still a problem
- Accomplishing to implement all the features we initially planned
This time, we managed to set realistic expectations, which allowed us to get all the user stories for this iteration to the DoneDoneDone✅. Our users are now able to check their monthly statistics, compare their yearly spendings with the National average, set budget limits for their categories, and see all the data associated with each transaction they have created.
What went well
- We were finally able to fulfil all our expectations in terms os user stories
What went wrong
- It turned out impossible to get the data we needed directly from PORDATA. Instead, we chose to export it as a cvs file, and then read it from there in the app
- Since we focused on accomplishing all the user stories for this iteration, we ended up misprizing the Unit Tests (which we hope to balance on the next iteration)
What is still a problem
- Time managing. We tend to leave everything to the last minute
This is our last iteration, which means our app is now totally functional and ready for our users to enjoy. It is also free of bugs, and we have successfully enhanced some of the features we had previously implemented. We even added a new one: the Pie Chart, so users can check their monthly expenses in a friendly way. We made sure to update the app icon as well, in order to improve the user experience.
What went well
- Once more, we were able to set realistic expectations, since we fulfilled all the work items we had planned
What went wrong
- Mocking Firebase was a pretty hard task to accomplished, but we eventually did it
- Automating unit tests on Github became an issue, since the last flutter update seems not to be compatible
What is still a problem
- There are no more problems which could possibly affect our team