This scope addresses notifications that are displayed to the user in the NotificationCenter (a dedicated item in the MetaBar). Components can - as in all other scopes - via an implementation of a NotificationProvider
provide the MainNotificationCollector
with a list of notifications. These are summarized and displayed in the NotificationCenter.
The following types are currently available via the Factory:
An own provider is quickly implemented, e.g:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ILIAS\Mail\Provider;
use ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Identification\IdentificationInterface;
use ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Scope\Notification\Provider\AbstractNotificationProvider;
use ILIAS\GlobalScreen\Scope\Notification\Provider\NotificationProvider;
* Class MailNotificationProvider
class MailNotificationProvider extends AbstractNotificationProvider implements NotificationProvider
* @inheritDoc
public function getNotifications() : array
$factory = $this->globalScreen()->notifications()->factory();
$id = function (string $id) : IdentificationInterface {
return $this->if->identifier($id);
$new_mails = 2;
//Creating a mail Notification Item
$mail_icon = $this->dic->ui()->factory()->symbol()->icon()->standard("mail","mail");
$mail_title = $this->dic->ui()->factory()->link()->standard("Inbox", 'ilias.php?baseClass=ilMailGUI');
$mail_notification_item = $this->dic->ui()->factory()->item()->notification($mail_title,$mail_icon)
->withDescription("You have $new_mails Mails.")
->withProperties(["Time" => "3 days ago"]);
$group = $factory->standardGroup($id('mail_bucket_group'))->withTitle($this->dic->language()->txt('mail'))
//@Todo: Memories, that those notifications have been closed.
var_dump("Mail Notifications received closed event.");
//@Todo: Memories, that those notifications have been seen.
var_dump("Mail Notifications received opened event.");
return [
In this case, the effective notifications are collected in a NotificationGroup. These will rendered as a group in the NotificationCenter.
For more details on the properties of the UI Component Notification Item, see the respective documentation in src/UI/Components/Item/Notification and the respective examples.