- Version: 1
- Software: BioDocker base Image
- Software Version: 20150814
- Base Image: scratch
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/biodocker .
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/biodocker
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/biodocker bash
- Version: 1
- Software: NCBI BLAST+
- Software Version: 2.2.28-2
- Description: basic local alignment search tool
- Website: http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=Download
- Tags: Genomics|Protemomics|Transcriptomics|General
- Provides: blast 2.2.28-2
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/ncbi-blast 2.2.28-2/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/ncbi-blast
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/ncbi-blast
- Version: 1
- Software: Clustal-omega
- Software Version: 1.2.1-1
- Description: general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for proteins
- Website: (http://www.clustal.org/omega/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: Clustal-omega 1.2.1-1
- Base Image: biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/clustalo 1.2.1-1/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/clustalo
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/clustalo
- Version: 1
- Software: Comet
- Software Version: 2015011
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build -t biodckr/comet 2015011/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/comet
- Run Cmd: docker run biodckr/comet
- Version: 1
- Software: Comet
- Software Version: 2015012
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build -t biodckr/comet 2015012/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/comet
- Run Cmd: docker run biodckr/comet
- Version: 1
- Software: Comet
- Software Version: 2015020
- Description: basic local alignment search tool
- Website: http://comet-ms.sourceforge.net/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: Comet 2015020
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/comet 2015020/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/comet
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/comet
- Version: 1
- Software: Crux
- Software Version: 2.1
- Description: a software toolkit for tandem mass spectrometry analysis
- Website: http://cruxtoolkit.sourceforge.net/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: crux 2.1
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/crux 2.1/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/crux
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/crux [./crux ./xlink-assign-ions ./xlink-score-spectrum]
- Version: 1
- Software: denovogui
- Software Version: 1.5.2
- Description: graphical user interface for de novo sequencing of tandem mass spectra
- Website: https://code.google.com/p/denovogui/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: denovogui 1.5.2
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/denovogui 1.5.2/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/denovogui
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix biodckr/denovogui
- Version: 1
- Software: DIA-Umpire
- Software Version: 1.4256
- Description: computational analysis of data independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry-based proteomics data
- Website: http://diaumpire.sourceforge.net
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: dia-umpire 1.4256
- Base Image: biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/diaumpire 1.4256/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/diaumpire
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/diaumpire
- Version: 1
- Software: emboss
- Software Version: 6.6.0-1
- Description: software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community
- Website: http://emboss.sourceforge.net/what/
- Tags: Proteomics|Genomics|General
- Provides: emboss 6.6.0-1
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/emboss 6.6.0-1/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/emboss
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/emboss
- Version: 1
- Software: MSAmanda
- Software Version:
- Description: scoring system to identify peptides out of tandem mass spectrometry
- Website: http://ms.imp.ac.at/?goto=msamanda
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: MSAmanda
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/msamanda
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/msamanda
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/msamanda
- Version: 1
- Software: MSGF+
- Software Version: 9949
- Description: MS/MS database search tool
- Website: http://proteomics.ucsd.edu/Software/MSGFPlus/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: MSGFPlus 9949
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/msgfp 9949/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/msgfp
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/msgfp
- Version: 1
- Software: Novor
- Software Version: 1b
- Description: real-time peptide de novo sequencing
- Website: http://www.rapidnovor.com/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: novor 1b
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/novor 1b/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/novor
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/novor
- Version: 1
- Software: OpenMS
- Software Version: 1.11.1-3
- Description: C++ libraries ans tools for MS/MS data analysis
- Website: http://open-ms.sourceforge.net/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: openms 1.11.1-3
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/openms 1.11.1-3/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/openms
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/openms
- Version: 1
- Software: PepNovo+
- Software Version: 20120423
- Description: de novo sequencing of low precision MS/MS data
- Website: http://proteomics.ucsd.edu/Software/PepNovo/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: PepNov+ 20120423|dos2unix
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/pepnovo 20120423/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/pepnovo
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/pepnovo
- Version: 1
- Software: Rstudio
- Software Version: ?
- Description: Rstudio-Proteomics is an adaptation from the original images provided by the Rocker-org. The container provided here contains a Rstudio server configurated with several packages dedicated to Proteomcis data analysis.Rstudio-Proteomics is an adaptation from the original images provided by the Rocker-org. The container provided here contains a Rstudio server configurated with several packages dedicated to Proteomcis data analysis.
- Website: https://github.com/rocker-org
- Tags: Genomics|Proteomics|Transcriptomics|Metabolomics|General
- Provides: Rstudio
- Base Image: bioconductor/release_core
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/rstudio .
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/rstudio
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 biodckr/rstudio
- Extra: The Rstudio will be available via browser at:
- Extra: http://localhost:8787
- Extra: user: rstudio
- Extra: pass: rstudio
- Version: 1
- Software: SearchGUI
- Software Version: 1.30.1
- Description: graphical user interface for proteomics identification search engines
- Website: https://code.google.com/p/searchgui/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: searchgui 1.30.1
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/searchgui 1.30.1/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/searchgui
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/searchgui
- Version: 1
- Software: X!Tandem
- Software Version: 10-12-01-1
- Description: software that can match tandem mass spectra with peptide sequences
- Website: http://www.thegpm.org/tandem/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: tandem 10-12-01-1
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/tandem 10-12-01-1/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/tandem
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/tandem
- Version: 1
- Software: OpenMS
- Software Version: 1.11.1-3
- Description: a graphical workflow editor for the analysis of high-throughput proteomics data
- Website: http://open-ms.sourceforge.net/workflow-integration/toppasworkflows/
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: openms 1.11.1-3|topp 1.11.1-3
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/toppas 1.11.1-3/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/toppas
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix biodckr/toppas
- Version: 1
- Software: TPP
- Software Version: 4.8
- Description: a collection of integrated tools for MS/MS proteomics
- Website: http://tools.proteomecenter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software:TPP
- Tags: Proteomics
- Provides: tpp 4.8.0
- Base Image: biodckr/biodocker:latest
- Build Cmd: docker build --rm -t biodckr/tpp 4.8/.
- Pull Cmd: docker pull biodckr/tpp
- Run Cmd: docker run --rm biodckr/tpp
- Extra: This container only posses the binary files, the web interface is not configurated