Clients to connect to the Farfetch Platform Solutions' services.
The current version (2.x) requires at least Node 14.
yarn add @farfetch/blackout-client
npm i @farfetch/blackout-client
Make sure that you have installed the correct peer dependencies of this package:
yarn add lodash-es [email protected]
npm i lodash-es [email protected]
You just need to import and use what you need. All imports should be done from the root of the package like in the following example:
import { getBag } from '@farfetch/blackout-client';
const fetchBag = myFetchBagAction(getBag);
IMPORTANT This package is a Pure ESM package which means it cannot be require()
'd from CommonJS. If you cannot change to ESM or want to keep using Commonjs, consider using the import()
function to load the modules from this package asynchronously.
If it is necessary to transpile the package, add a specific loader for it:
// Webpack example config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.jsx?$/, // This will add all @farfetch packages, lodash-es and crypto-es packages which are ESM only include: [/node_modules\/(@farfetch|lodash-es|crypto-es)/], use: [ { loader: 'babel-loader', options: myBabelConfig, }, ], // If using webpack 5, you might need this depending on the transformations used resolve: { fullySpecified: false }, });
- In order to support unit tests via jest, it is necessary to transpile the package to Commonjs by adding the following value to the
option in Jest configuration:
// jest.config.js
transformIgnorePatterns: [
By default, all the clients exported by this package use axios
with its default adapters, which fetch
is not a part of.
If you need to use this package in an environment which only supports fetch
API for making requests (e.g. Cloudflare Workers), we recommend you to use a custom adapter:
- Install the package
yarn add @vespaiach/axios-fetch-adapter
npm i @vespaiach/axios-fetch-adapter
- Add the following code before any client requests are performed (for example, in your entry point file):
import { client } from '@farfetch/blackout-client';
import fetchAdapter from '@vespaiach/axios-fetch-adapter';
client.defaults.adapter = fetchAdapter;
This sets the custom adapter to the axios instance used in @farfetch/blackout-client.
All set! Now you should see all requests from @farfetch/blackout-client
clients using fetch
under the hood.
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please read the CONTRIBUTING file to know what we expect from your contribution and the guidelines you should follow.
MIT @ Farfetch