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Jackson Release 2.5

cowtowncoder edited this page Nov 10, 2014 · 42 revisions

Version 2.5.0 is in development as of October 2014. It is a "minor" release following 2.4, meaning that it adds new functionality but be backwards compatible with earlier 2.x releases.


None yet.

Changes: compatibility

None yet

Changes, core

None yet

  • #148: BytesToNameCanonicalizer can mishandle leading null byte(s).
  • #164: Add JsonGenerator.Feature.IGNORE_UNKNOWN (but support via individual data format modules)
  • #421: @JsonCreator not used in case of multiple creators with parameter names
  • #521: Keep bundle annotations, prevent problems with recursive
  • #543: Problem resolving self-referential recursive types
  • #540: Support deserializing [] as null or empty collection when the java type is a not an object (aka "work around PHP issues")
  • #552: Improved handling for ISO-8601 (date) format
  • #565: Add support for handling Map.Entry

Changes, Data Formats

  • #50: Support JsonGenerator.Feature.IGNORE_KNOWN for CSV, to ignoring extra columns Add a way to specify "null value" (String) for CsvGenerator to use when writing nulls (part of CsvSchema; method withNullValue())
  • #22: Add support for disabling use of YAML native Type Ids
  • #23: Add support for disabling use of YAML native Object Ids
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