A Telegram Bot that send you a Calvin and Hobbes comic once everyday.
You can define your time at which you want to receive the comic.
!!! Bot is currently offline !!!
Open Telegram and search for @calvinandhobbesbot.
- /start -> start the bot
- /help -> open help area
- /time hh:mm -> set the time you want to receive the comic. (24h)
- -> i.e. '/time 18:25' to receive the daily comic at 18:25
- /dailycomic -> sends you the daily comic
- /randomcomic-> sends a random comic
- /stop -> to stop the bot
- /restart -> to restart the bot with your old time. use '/time' to set a new one
- /status -> get your time and if your bot active or not
- /version -> to get the bot information
Version: 0.1.4