This is a detailed instruction on how to use MVPTR as the backbone for datasets that are not involved in our experiments.
MVPTR is mainly designed for the input of image-text pairs, for image-only or text-only inputs, you may use the uni-modal encoders of MVPTR.
On the vision side, we use the VinVL object detector to extract object-level features (region features and object tags) of images.
Before you start to extract features by yourself, please check here to see if the image features of your target dataset are provided by VinVL;
Please refer to the "VinVL Feature extraction" part in scene_graph_benchmark to extract features from images by yourself:
Follow here to install the environment of VinVL object detector;
Download the pre-trained object detector and label map;
Extract the tsv-format features from images in your data directory;
Each line in the tsv file contains the extracted object tags and base64-encoded dense features, decode it into numpy arrays, we provide a simple example here
import numpy as np import base64, json from oscar.utils.tsv_file import TSVFile tsv_file = TSVFile('YOUR_RESULT_TSV_FILENAME') img2size = json.load(open('YOUR_IMAGE_TO_SIZE_FILENAME')) line = tsv_file[0] # you can iterate through all lines img_id = line[0] img_w, img_h = img2size[img_id] # width and height of the image obj_info = json.loads(line[1]) for obj in obj_info['objects']: od_tags = obj['class'] # object tags obj_feat = obj['feature'] # region features (2048-dim) obj_feat = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(obj_feat), dtype=np.float32) # augment obj feature with its position box = obj['rect'] # normalized box coordinates pos_feat = [box[0]/img_w, box[1]/img_h, box[2]/img_w, box[3]/img_h] # normalized box width and height pos_feat.extend([pos_feat[2]-pos_feat[0], pos_feat[3]-pos_feat[1]]) input_obj_feat = np.concatenate([obj_feat, pos_feat]) # 2054-dim
You can store the processed features and tags in the tsv-format like COCO (encode with base64) or the pt-format like flickr30k (image_id: feature mapping).
To extract phrases in the text, we utilize SPICE to extract tuples in scene graphs as phrases:
Prepare the SPICE parser from here
Unzip this file, download Stanford CoreNLP using the included download script
Prepare your captions in a json file like:
[{"image_id": "1406296515.jpg#2r5c", "test": "a girl is touring germany.", "refs": []}, {"image_id": "1406296515.jpg#2r1e", "test": "the girl is outside.", "refs": []}]
Running the following command to extract phrases from captions:
java -Xmx8G -jar spice-1.0.jar YOUR_JSON -out YOUR_OURPUT -threads 100 -detailed
Please check the phrase format in the id2phrase.json json file (Tuple[str]).
We need to tensorize an image-text pair to fit the model input (this procedure is similar in different tasks), you can refer to the dataset definition in run scripts, we provide an example here:
from transformers.pytorch_transformers import BertTokenizer
max_img_seq = YOUR_MAX_IMG_SETTING
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('CHECKPOINT_DIR')
id2phrase = json.load(open('./datasets/mvp/id2phrase_new.json', 'r')) # id2phrase mapping
phrase2id = {tuple(v):int(k) for k,v in id2phrase.items()} # phrase tuple to id
phrase_ids = [phrase2id[tuple(t)] for t in phrases if tuple(t) in phrase2id] # phrases: the extracted phrases of your text
tokens_a = ['[CLS]'] + tokenizer.tokenize(text) + ['[SEP]'] # text: your input text
input_ids_a = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens_a) + phrase_ids
segment_ids_a = [0] * len(max_seq) # segment embedding
attention_mask_a = [1] * len(input_ids_a) + [0] * (max_seq - len(input_ids_a))# attention mask
# Padding to maximal length
input_ids_a += tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(['[PAD]']*(max_seq - len(input_ids_a)))
tokens_b = tokenizer.tokenize(object_tags) # a space-separated object tags string
input_ids_b = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(['[CLS]'] + tokens_b + ['[SEP]'])
segment_ids_b = [1] * len(max_tag) # segment embedding
attention_mask_b = [1] * len(input_ids_b) + [0] * (max_tag - len(input_ids_b)) # attention mask
# Padding to maximal length
input_ids_a += tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(['[PAD]']*(max_tag - len(input_ids_b)))
img_len = img_feat.shape[0] # img_feat is the [num_objects, 2054] feature
if img_len > max_img_seq:
# truncating
img_feat = img_feat[0 : max_img_seq, :]
img_len = img_feat.shape[0]
img_padding_len = 0
input_mask_b += [1]*self.max_img_seq
# padding
img_padding_len = max_img_seq - img_len
padding_matrix = torch.zeros((img_padding, img_feat.shape[1]))
img_feat =, padding_matrix), 0)
input_mask_b += [1]*img_len + [0]*img_padding_len
In this example, we ignore the situation that the string is too long and needs to be truncated.
To encode the representation of the image-text pair, please check the BiImageBertRep class in modeling_vlbert, you can build your model on top of it or use it to extract representations.