From f24032c28c4868a5935ae1909e54c71087d65700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: VargaanyaMuuvek Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:34:02 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Automated Extension submission for issue #1441 --- extensions/community/Superflight.json | 2571 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2571 insertions(+) create mode 100644 extensions/community/Superflight.json diff --git a/extensions/community/Superflight.json b/extensions/community/Superflight.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..097a0f81e --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/community/Superflight.json @@ -0,0 +1,2571 @@ +{ + "author": "", + "category": "Movement", + "extensionNamespace": "", + "fullName": "Superflight", + "helpPath": "", + "iconUrl": "", + "name": "Superflight", + "previewIconUrl": "", + "shortDescription": "Achieve supernatural flight movements.", + "version": "1.0.1", + "description": [ + "This extension allows the user to apply a behavior an any object, that when enabled, will be able to fly.", + "", + "It allows the programmer to:", + "-enable or disable flight", + "-change the maximum speed, and the acceleration/deceleration of the flight", + "-use up-and-down movement while inactively flying", + "-make the object do a jump-up when flight begins", + "-use built-in expressions that check the flight stats", + "", + "Released on: 2024. 11. 19. (YMD)" + ], + "tags": [ + "flight" + ], + "authorIds": [ + "G8sPKMwHFzQYyvfdfNWLxxIkSdG3" + ], + "dependencies": [], + "globalVariables": [ + { + "name": "flightSpeedX", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightSpeedY", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightBobbing", + "type": "boolean", + "value": false + }, + { + "name": "flightXdir", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightYdir", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightOnX", + "type": "boolean", + "value": false + }, + { + "name": "flightOnY", + "type": "boolean", + "value": false + }, + { + "name": "flightOldYpos", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightActXdir", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "flightActYdir", + "type": "number", + "value": 0 + } + ], + "sceneVariables": [], + "eventsFunctions": [], + "eventsBasedBehaviors": [ + { + "description": "Enabling this behaviour makes the object detach from the ground, and fly.", + "fullName": "Flight ability", + "name": "Flight", + "objectType": "", + "eventsFunctions": [ + { + "description": "Fly to object to the left.", + "fullName": "Fly to left", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight controls", + "name": "FlyLeft", + "sentence": "Fly _PARAM0_ to left with _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + ">", + "-1" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "-", + "1/Object.Behavior::PropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationX()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Fly to object to the right.", + "fullName": "Fly to right", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight controls", + "name": "FlyRight", + "sentence": "Fly _PARAM0_ to right with _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "<", + "1" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "+", + "1/Object.Behavior::PropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationX()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Fly to object down.", + "fullName": "Fly down", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight controls", + "name": "FlyDown", + "sentence": "Fly _PARAM0_ down with _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "<", + "1" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "+", + "1/Object.Behavior::PropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationY()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Fly to object up.", + "fullName": "Fly up", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight controls", + "name": "FlyUp", + "sentence": "Fly _PARAM0_ up with _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + ">", + "-1" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "-", + "1/Object.Behavior::PropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationY()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set object's horizontal acceleration and deceleration.", + "fullName": "Set horizontal acceleration and deceleration", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight characteristics", + "name": "SetXacc", + "sentence": "Set horizontal flight acceleration and deceleration of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationX" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewXacc" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New horizontal acceleration and deceleration", + "name": "NewXacc", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set object's vertical acceleration and deceleration.", + "fullName": "Set vertical acceleration and deceleration", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight characteristics", + "name": "SetYacc", + "sentence": "Set vertical flight acceleration and deceleration of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyAccelerationAndDecelerationY" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewYacc" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New vertical acceleration and deceleration", + "name": "NewYacc", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set object's maximum horizontal speed.", + "fullName": "Set maximum horizontal speed", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight characteristics", + "name": "SetMaxXspeed", + "sentence": "Set maximum horizontal flight speed of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyMaxSpeedX" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewMaxXspeed" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New horizontal speed", + "name": "NewMaxXspeed", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set object's maximum vertical speed.", + "fullName": "Set maximum vertical speed", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight characteristics", + "name": "SetMaxYspeed", + "sentence": "Set maximum vertical flight speed of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyMaxSpeedY" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewMaxYspeed" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New maximum vertical speed", + "name": "NewMaxYspeed", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set the speed at which the object jumps up when flight begins.", + "fullName": "Set jump up speed", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Flight characteristics", + "name": "SetJumpUpSpeed", + "sentence": "Set the flight's jump up speed of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyJumpHeightAtStart" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewJumpUpSpeed" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New jump-up speed", + "name": "NewJumpUpSpeed", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set whether the object jumps up or not when flight begins.", + "fullName": "Set the ability of jumping up when flight begins", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetJumpUpAbility", + "sentence": "Set the jump-up ability of _PARAM0_ when flight begins: _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"NewJumpUpAbility\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyJumpWhenStart" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"NewJumpUpAbility\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyJumpWhenStart" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "no" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "Set the jump up ability", + "name": "NewJumpUpAbility", + "supplementaryInformation": "[\"No\",\"Yes\"]", + "type": "yesorno" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set the maximum distance of floating when object is not actively flying.", + "fullName": "Set floating distance", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetFloatingDistance", + "sentence": "Set maximum flight floating distance of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyFloatingMagnitude" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewFloatingDistance" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New floating distance", + "name": "NewFloatingDistance", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set the speed of bobbing when object is not actively flying.", + "fullName": "Set bobbing speed", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetFloatingSpeed", + "sentence": "Set flight bobbing speed of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyFloatingSpeed" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewFloatingSpeed" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New floating speed", + "name": "NewFloatingSpeed", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set whether the object bobs when in a still place, or not.", + "fullName": "Set bobbing ability", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetFloatingAbility", + "sentence": "Set bobbing ability of _PARAM0_ when inactively flying: _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"NewFloatingAbility\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyFloatingWhenPassive" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"NewFloatingAbility\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyFloatingWhenPassive" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "no" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "defaultValue": "yes", + "description": "New floating ability", + "name": "NewFloatingAbility", + "optional": true, + "supplementaryInformation": "[]", + "type": "yesorno" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Set the speed value where active and inactive motion is considered.", + "fullName": "Set the speed cutoff value", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetSpeedCutoffValue", + "sentence": "Set flight speed cutoff value of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_ (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetPropertyMotionCutoff" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "NewCutoffValue" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "New cutoff value", + "name": "NewCutoffValue", + "type": "expression" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Check if the object is flying.", + "fullName": "Is object moving?", + "functionType": "Condition", + "group": "Flight", + "name": "Moving_", + "sentence": "_PARAM0_ is flying _PARAM2_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "False" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Or" + }, + "parameters": [], + "subInstructions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::And" + }, + "parameters": [], + "subInstructions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightXdir2", + ">=", + "Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "CompareArgumentAsString" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"Axis\"", + "=", + "\"horizontally\"" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::And" + }, + "parameters": [], + "subInstructions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightYdir2", + ">=", + "Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "CompareArgumentAsString" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"Axis\"", + "=", + "\"vertically\"" + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "True" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + }, + { + "description": "Direction", + "name": "Axis", + "supplementaryInformation": "[\"horizontally\",\"vertically\"]", + "type": "stringWithSelector" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Check if the object can bob when not moving.", + "fullName": "Is the object bobbing?", + "functionType": "Condition", + "group": "Flight", + "name": "Floating_", + "sentence": "_PARAM0_ is bobbing (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "False" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::And" + }, + "parameters": [], + "subInstructions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightXdir2", + ">", + "0-Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightXdir2", + "<", + "Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::And" + }, + "parameters": [], + "subInstructions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightYdir2", + ">", + "0-Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::CompareNumbers" + }, + "parameters": [ + "__Superflight_FlightYdir2", + "<", + "Object.Behavior::PropertyMotionCutoff()" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "Superflight::Flight::Property__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::PropertyFloatingWhenPassive" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "True" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Check if the object can float.", + "fullName": "Can the object float?", + "functionType": "Condition", + "name": "CanFloat_", + "sentence": "_PARAM0_ can float (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "False" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::PropertyFloatingWhenPassive" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "True" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Does the object jump up a little bit when flight is started?.", + "fullName": "Does the object jump up at start?", + "functionType": "Condition", + "name": "JumpUpAtStart_", + "sentence": "_PARAM0_ jumps up when flight is started (_PARAM1_)", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "False" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::PropertyJumpWhenStart" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "True" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Returns the direction of flight vertically. If up: -1. If down: 1.", + "fullName": "Direction of flight vertically", + "functionType": "Expression", + "group": "Flight", + "name": "FlightYDir", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Comment", + "color": { + "b": 0, + "g": 0, + "r": 0, + "textB": 255, + "textG": 255, + "textR": 255 + }, + "comment": "I just noticed that there exists a \"Sign of number\" function that does just exactly what I have written below. Oh well." + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnNumber" + }, + "parameters": [ + "abs(__Superflight_FlightYdir2) / __Superflight_FlightYdir2" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Returns the direction of flight horizontally. If left: -1. If right: 1.", + "fullName": "Direction of flight horizontally", + "functionType": "Expression", + "group": "Flight", + "name": "FlightXDir", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "SetReturnNumber" + }, + "parameters": [ + "abs(__Superflight_FlightXdir2) / __Superflight_FlightXdir2" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "The flight's horizontal acceleration and deceleration.", + "fullName": "Flight horizontal acceleration and deceleration", + "functionType": "Expression", + "group": "Flight", + "name": "FlightXacc", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": 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If it is not going, then the flight is over." + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "no" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOldYpos2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "Object.Y()" + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "onActivate", + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "BehaviorActivated" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Once" + }, + "parameters": [] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "0" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "0" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "ResetTimer" + }, + "parameters": [ + "", + "\"__Superflight_flightClock\"" + ] + } + ], + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::PropertyJumpWhenStart" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "yes" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Superflight::Flight::SetProperty__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "Behavior", + "=", + "-1/Object.Behavior::PropertyJumpHeightAtStart()" + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "type": "object" + }, + { + "description": "Behavior", + "name": "Behavior", + "supplementaryInformation": "Superflight::Flight", + "type": "behavior" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + } + ], + "propertyDescriptors": [ + { + "value": "10", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelAcceleration", + "label": "Horizontal acceleration and deceleration", + "description": "The higher the value, the slower the acceleration is.", + "group": "", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "AccelerationAndDecelerationX" + }, + { + "value": "100", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelAcceleration", + "label": "Vertical acceleration and deceleration", + "description": "The higher the value, the slower the acceleration is.", + "group": "Active movement", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "AccelerationAndDecelerationY" + }, + { + "value": "600", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelSpeed", + "label": "Maximum horizontal speed", + "description": "", + "group": "Active movement", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "MaxSpeedX" + }, + { + "value": "450", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelSpeed", + "label": "Maximum vertical speed", + "description": "", + "group": "Active movement", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "MaxSpeedY" + }, + { + "value": "true", + "type": "Boolean", + "label": "Does it float when not moving?", + "description": "If in a still place, enabling this property makes the object float in a sinusodial pattern.", + "group": "Passive movement; a*sin(t*b)", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "FloatingWhenPassive" + }, + { + "value": "20", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "Pixel", + "label": "Floating distance", + "description": "Approximated maximum number of pixels away from the player center, when floating. The more you type in, the less precise it gets. (\"a\")", + "group": "Passive movement; a*sin(t*b)", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "FloatingMagnitude" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Number", + "label": "Floating speed", + "description": "The speed of the floating (\"b\")", + "group": "Passive movement; a*sin(t*b)", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "FloatingSpeed" + }, + { + "value": "true", + "type": "Boolean", + "label": "Can collide with platforms?", + "description": "If enabled, then any object with an active \"Platform\" behaviour can stop the flying object.", + "group": "Reaction to surroudings", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "CollisionWithPlatforms" + }, + { + "value": "0,05", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelSpeed", + "label": "Motion cutoff value", + "description": "This number means the clear border between passive (stop) and active movement. If you don't have to, do not really fiddle with this.", + "group": "", + "extraInformation": [], + "advanced": true, + "name": "MotionCutoff" + }, + { + "value": "true", + "type": "Boolean", + "label": "Does it jump up at start?", + "description": "It makes the object jump up when flight is begun.", + "group": "Flight begins", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "JumpWhenStart" + }, + { + "value": "80", + "type": "Number", + "unit": "PixelSpeed", + "label": "The speed of jumping up", + "description": "This is a momentary speed, which is not conserved. The higher the number, the smaller the speed is.", + "group": "Flight begins", + "extraInformation": [], + "name": "JumpHeightAtStart" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Number", + "label": "Direction of flight on X", + "description": "", + "group": "Superflight variables", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "__Superflight_FlightXdir2" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Number", + "label": "Direction of flight on Y", + "description": "", + "group": "Superflight variables", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "__Superflight_FlightYdir2" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Boolean", + "label": "Is the object flying horizontally?", + "description": "", + "group": "Superflight variables", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "__Superflight_FlightOnX2" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Boolean", + "label": "Is the object flying vertically?", + "description": "", + "group": "Superflight variables", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "__Superflight_FlightOnY2" + }, + { + "value": "", + "type": "Number", + "label": "Old Y position of the object", + "description": "", + "group": "Superflight variables", + "extraInformation": [], + "hidden": true, + "name": "__Superflight_FlightOldYpos2" + } + ], + "sharedPropertyDescriptors": [] + }, + { + "description": "An object that can completely stop a flying object. Incompatible with the gDevelop's built-in \"Platform\" behaviour.", + "fullName": "Flight platform", + "name": "FlightPlatform", + "objectType": "", + "private": true, + "eventsFunctions": [], + "propertyDescriptors": [], + "sharedPropertyDescriptors": [] + } + ], + "eventsBasedObjects": [] +} \ No newline at end of file