This mono-repo contains many packages. The subset of these that are generally useful are published to hackage and stackage.
The project as a whole can be built with stack build
and executables installed with;
flare-timing> stack install
Copied executables to /Users/_/.local/bin:
- align-time
- build-flare-timing
- comp-serve
- cross-zone
- discard-further
- extract-input
- fs-effort
- fs-filter
- fs-route
- fs-score
- gap-point
- land-out
- mask-track
- peg-frame
- tag-zone
- task-length
- test-fsdb-parser
- test-igc-parser
- test-kml-parser
- unpack-track
> stack install pier --stack-yaml=stack-pier.yaml
> pier build
> pier run flare-timing:exe:fs-filter -- --help
> pier test siggy-chardust:test-suite:digits
With vernix I can pin versions, jail break and skip docs and testing in the
setup, shown here with for uom-plugin
HaskellPackage("uom-plugin", version = "", dontCheck = True, jailBreak = True),
To regenerate flare-timing-project.nix
> cd vernix
vernix> nix-shell
[nix-shell:~/.../flare-timing/vernix]$ ./vernix
Generating nix specifications from flare-timing.vx2 ...
Using here: .
..pkg flare-timing-project.nix as flare-timing-project from ./flare-timing-project.nix
Package siggy-chardust: ../siggy-chardust
Package detour-via-sci: ../detour-via-sci
Package detour-via-uom: ../detour-via-uom
Package tasty-compare: ../tasty-compare
Package flight-clip: ../clip
Package flight-cmd: ../cmd
Package flight-comp: ../comp
Package flight-earth: ../earth
Package flight-fsdb: ../fsdb
Package flight-gap: ../gap
Package flight-igc: ../igc
Package flight-kml: ../kml
Package flight-latlng: ../latlng
Package flight-lookup: ../lookup
Package flight-mask: ../mask
Package flight-route: ../route
Package flight-scribe: ../scribe
Package flight-span: ../span
Package flight-task: ../task
Package flight-time: ../time
Package flight-track: ../track
Package flight-units: ../units
Package flight-zone: ../zone
Package flare-timing: ../flare-timing
Package app-serve: ../app-serve
Package hcoord: 3c3859dac5da111e57a6de09764ffdb127197c4a 3c3859dac5da111e57a6de09764ffdb127197c4a
Package hcoord-utm: 3c3859dac5da111e57a6de09764ffdb127197c4a 3c3859dac5da111e57a6de09764ffdb127197c4a
Package hxt-xpath: hackage
Package uom-plugin: hackage
Package doctest: 0.15.0 hackage
Package megaparsec: 7.0.4 hackage
Package parser-combinators: 1.0.0 hackage
Package summarygen: ./flare-timing-project.nix
[nix-shell:~/.../flare-timing]$ exit
To build a single package;
vernix> nix-build -A siggy-chardust flare-timing-project.nix
To build them all;
vernix> nix-build flare-timing-project.nix
Tasks that are not simple by hand have been added to the shake build project build-flare-timing.
The nix-shell
shake build rule ensures for each package that there's
a shell.nix
and drv.nix
with a nix derivation created with
> stack install cabal2nix --stack-yaml=stack-cabal2nix.yaml
Copied executables to /Users/.../flare-timing/__shake-build:
- cabal2nix
- hackage2nix
> ./ nix-shell
# cabal2nix (for zone/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for units/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for track/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for time/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for task/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for span/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for scribe/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for route/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for mask/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for lookup/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for latlng/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for kml/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for igc/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for gap/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for fsdb/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for earth/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for comp/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for cmd/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for clip/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for app-serve/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for flare-timing/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for tasty-compare/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for siggy-chardust/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for detour-via-uom/drv.nix)
# cabal2nix (for detour-via-sci/drv.nix)
Build completed in 0:01m
The shell.nix
files are copied from nix/hard-shell.nix
config = import ../nix/config.nix {};
pkgs = import ../nix/nixpkgs.nix { inherit config; };
import ./drv.nix { nixpkgs = pkgs; }
The *.cabal
files are generated using
hpack-dhall and there's a shake build
target setup for doing this and formatting the package.dhall
files but first
both dhall
and hpack-dhall
need to be installed.
> stack install dhall hpack-dhall --stack-yaml=stack-dhall.yaml
Copied executables to /Users/.../flare-timing/__shake-build:
- dhall
- dhall-hpack-cabal
- dhall-hpack-dhall
- dhall-hpack-json
- dhall-hpack-yaml
> ./ cabal-files
# dhall (for dhall-format-tasty-compare)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-tasty-compare)
tasty-compare.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-app-serve)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-app-serve)
app-serve.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-zone)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-zone)
flight-zone.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-units)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-units)
flight-units.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-track)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-track)
flight-track.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-time)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-time)
flight-time.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-task)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-task)
flight-task.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-span)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-span)
flight-span.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-siggy-chardust)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-siggy-chardust)
siggy-chardust.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-scribe)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-scribe)
flight-scribe.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-route)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-route)
flight-route.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-mask)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-mask)
flight-mask.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-lookup)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-lookup)
flight-lookup.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-latlng)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-latlng)
flight-latlng.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-kml)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-kml)
flight-kml.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-igc)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-igc)
flight-igc.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-gap)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-gap)
flight-gap.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-fsdb)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-fsdb)
flight-fsdb.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-flare-timing)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-flare-timing)
flare-timing.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-earth)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-earth)
flight-earth.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-comp)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-comp)
flight-comp.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-clip)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-clip)
flight-clip.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-cmd)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-cmd)
flight-cmd.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-build)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-build)
build-flare-timing.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-detour-via-uom)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-detour-via-uom)
detour-via-uom.cabal is up-to-date
# dhall (for dhall-format-detour-via-sci)
# dhall-hpack-cabal (for hpack-dhall-detour-via-sci)
detour-via-sci.cabal is up-to-date
Build completed in 0:02m
There are three shell scripts for building the shake build using stack
or pier
Any of these can be used to call further steps relying on either stack
, cabal
> ./ stack-lint-kml
> ./ cabal-lint-kml
> ./ stack-lint-kml
> ./ cabal-lint-kml
> ./ pier-prod-apps
> ./ pier-test-flight-fsdb:parse
> ./ stack-test-flight-fsdb:parse
> ./ cabal-test-flight-fsdb:parse
There's a target for building all doctest
> ./ stack-doctest
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-track)
flight-track-0.1.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 19 Tried: 19 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-track-0.1.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-igc)
flight-igc-2.0.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 87 Tried: 87 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-igc-2.0.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-kml)
flight-kml-1.1.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 57 Tried: 57 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-kml-1.1.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-comp)
flight-comp-0.1.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 5 Tried: 5 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-comp-0.1.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-clip)
flight-clip-1.1.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 12 Tried: 12 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-clip-1.1.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-siggy-chardust)
siggy-chardust-1.0.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 35 Tried: 35 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
siggy-chardust-1.0.0: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-detour-via-uom)
detour-via-uom-1.0.1: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 30 Tried: 30 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
detour-via-uom-1.0.1: Test suite doctest passed
# stack (for stack-doctest-detour-via-sci)
detour-via-sci-1.0.1: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 50 Tried: 50 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
detour-via-sci-1.0.1: Test suite doctest passed
Build completed in 8:27m
The doctest
targets can be run individually too;
> ./ stack-doctest-flight-kml
# stack (for stack-doctest-flight-kml)
flight-kml-1.1.0: test (suite: doctest)
Examples: 57 Tried: 57 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
flight-kml-1.1.0: Test suite doctest passed
Build completed in 0:09m
> ./ cabal-doctest-flight-kml
# cabal (for cabal-doctest-flight-kml)
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite doctest: RUNNING...
Examples: 57 Tried: 57 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
Test suite doctest: PASS
Test suite logged to:
1 of 1 test suites (1 of 1 test cases) passed.
Build completed in 0:22m
For handling decimal places and significant digits;
Units, latitudes, longitudes and distances on Earth;
Parsing input file formats;
Command line inputs;
The competition and scoring;
To do with files read from and written to during scoring;
The command line programs for scoring are in ./flare-timing