Welcome to the Snake Water Gun game! This is a simple command-line game where you play against the computer.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Ensure you have Python installed.
- Install the required dependencies using:
pip install colorama
- Run the game using:
python swg1.py
- Snake vs Water: Snake wins
- Water vs Gun: Water wins
- Gun vs Snake: Gun wins
- If both players choose the same, the game is a tie.
- Play multiple rounds.
- Scores are tracked for both the player and the computer.
- Colorful terminal output using the colorama library.
Welcome to the Snake Water Gun!!
Enter the number of rounds you want to play: 3
You have 3 chances to play this game
You have to choose from the following:
Snake, Water & Gun
The rules are as follows:
Snake vs Water: Snake wins
Water vs Gun: Water wins
Gun vs Snake: Gun wins
If both players choose the same, then the game is a tie
You will be playing against the computer
Round 1 of 3
Enter your choice:
Enjoy the game!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes.