Refactoring hackerweb (HTML5 app from Lim Chee Aun) with Angular.JS
I'm a huge fan of Lim Chee Aun (cheeaun) work on a HTML5 app named hackerweb. The hard work to make the app mobile friendly is very interesting. The author spend time to create or integrate libraries and I learned a lot looking at the code.
I'm also impressed by the Angular.JS framework and I play a lot with it.
So I decided to refactor hackerweb app with Angular.JS, as a game and a learning purpose.
My goal is to be as close as possible from the original app, only using Angular.JS framework capacities.
It depends on the last (non-stable) release of Angular.JS Framework.
Working app using cheeaun's web css theme.
Make it working with cheeaun's iOS css theme.
Licenced under the MIT License