Thank you for your interest in contributing documentation for HandBrake.
Everyone should first read the existing docs before submitting changes.
If you're a non-technical person, feel free to suggest changes via the HandBrake Community Forums (registration is free) or open an issue on GitHub (also free). To report minor issues (typos, etc.) or to ask questions, say hi on the HandBrake IRC channel.
You may work directly on the source documents by creating a GitHub account and forking HandBrake/HandBrake-docs. See Working with the source files for more information.
The documentation project's main goals are, in order of importance:
- Provide a guide to common HandBrake workflows for normal humans
- Describe in detail the features and controls that make up these workflows
- Define multimedia terms in common language to further clarify points number 1 & 2
In short, workflows in common language for normal humans.
Work not meeting this general standard is unhelpful and potentially confusing, and as such will be rejected.
Don't be a jerk.
Most of our forum rules apply. Please do not attempt to document topics of dubious legality, such as illegally obtaining content (piracy or working with pirated material) or illegally circumventing copy protections. Harassment and abusive speech will not be tolerated.
HandBrake is open-source software, created and maintained by a small group of people in their spare time. It is provided to the general public essentially for free, under the GNU General Public License Version 2.
Similarly, the HandBrake Documentation is the product of volunteer work and provided to the general public essentially for free, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Basically, nobody working on HandBrake or HandBrake Docs owes you anything. So please be kind, considerate, and constructive in your contributions and criticisms of what is being freely provided to you.
TODO: Style notes here.
We're aware of disagreements regarding Markdown implementation differences, attempts at standardization, and even file name extensions. We ask that you respect the non-political nature of this project by discussing these topics elsewhere, and politely suggest that time is better spent writing quality documentation.
The documentation's source files are written in Markdown and use the .markdown
file extension.
Metadata such as title, author, and license information is included at the top of each Markdown document in the form of YAML headers, allowing each document to be self-describing.
For publishing, the Markdown text is converted to HTML using Discount and wrapped in an HTML template for presentation.
UTF-8 (without BOM) and Unix (LF) newlines everywhere.
More technical details are available under Working with the source files.
Here is an example excerpt from source/en/latest/introduction/quick-start.markdown
Title: Quick start
Project: HandBrake
Project_Version: Latest
Language: English
Language_Code: en
Text_Encoding: utf-8
Authors: Bradley Sepos
Copyright: 2016 HandBrake Team
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License_Abbr: CC BY-SA 4.0
Quick start
HandBrake takes videos you already have and makes new ones that work on your mobile phone, tablet, TV media player, game console, computer, or web browser—nearly anything that supports modern video formats.
This quick start guide assumes you have already downloaded and installed HandBrake. If you do not already have HandBrake, please see [Downloading and installing HandBrake](../get-handbrake/download-and-install.html).
Let's get started.
The document begins with a YAML section encapsulated by two sets of three dashes (---
). This allows us to describe the document in a standard manner that both humans and computers can read. The YAML section is typically followed by a blank line for legibility.
The rest of the document is Markdown. Anything you see in the published documentation is written here in this format.
Markdown is a markup language that allows plain text to be "marked up" with special identifiers to enhance formatting and meaning. Markdown directly translates into HTML, while being easier to read and write than HTML.
In the example, the underlined "Quick start" text is a heading, and there is a link at the end of the second sentence. We could have added stars around certain words to indicate emphasis, for instance *italics* (italics) or **bold** (bold).
If you are unfamiliar with Markdown and would like to know more, GitHub has a guide called Mastering Markdown that may be helpful.
TODO: Notes on preferred Markdown style, features to avoid (ideally just disable them).
TODO: Notes on formatting multi-platform (Linux/OS X/Windows) sections
If you're new to using Git or GitHub, check out GitHub Guides to get started.
If you haven't already, create a GitHub account and fork HandBrake/HandBrake-docs.
Every copy of the source files includes third-party tools needed build the HTML documentation from the Markdown source. Make sure you clone your fork to your computer using git clone --recursive
to get all the tools.
Run build-tools
from the main directory to build all associated third-party tools.
Once the tools are built, run build-docs
from the main directory to build the HTML documentation in the docs
directory. You may now view and interact with the documentation by opening docs/index.html
in your web browser.
Security restrictions in modern web browsers may prevent web fonts from displaying properly when viewing local files. One workaround is to serve the files instead of opening them directly. From the docs
directory, run python -m http.server 8000 || python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
and then open http://localhost:8000
in your web browser.
Before editing the documentation, first create and switch to an appropriately named local branch to track your changes (e.g. git checkout master; git checkout --branch revise-download-instructions
). This allows you to make as many changes as you like without affecting the master
branch, and helps identify groups of changes when submitting pull requests later on.
To make a change, edit the appropriate file(s) in the source
directory. Run build-docs
again from the main directory to rebuild the HTML documentation in docs
including your changes.
When you've finished editing the documentation, commit your changes and push your local branch to your fork on GitHub. You may then open a pull request using the GitHub website. For more on this workflow, read Understanding the GitHub Flow.
While it is our goal to allow everyone to contribute, contributions not meeting the project's standards may be rejected. If this happens to you, don't fret. We usually provide reasons for rejection to give you the opportunity to correct anything out of place. Make sure to review the guidelines herein, and consider asking first before attempting to make sweeping changes.
HandBrake Documentation on the official website is automatically updated after a short delay.
Please wait at least 24 hours for changes to appear before reporting problems.
HandBrake Website
HandBrake Community Forums
HandBrake on GitHub