- GameObject types (refresher)
- The Transform Component
- Enabling / Disabling GameObjects and Components
- World vs Local Space
- 3D Objects / Meshes / Mesh Filter
- Rendering / Mesh Renderer / Materials
- Lights
- Colliders
- Rigidbodies
- Joints
- The Rectangle Tool
- Sketchfab
- Open "First Person Scene"
- Create a hallway with a floor, walls, and a roof
- Create a room at the end of the hallway (try to do this efficiently)
- Make a stack of boxes at the end of the hallway, such that your player has to smash through them, Kool-Aid Man-style
- Build a swinging pendulum that does the same
NOTE: Your player uses standard keyboard FPS controls, which are as follows:
W,A,S,D keys = forward, left, back, right
Mouse = rotate view
Space = Jump
A game designer sends you an email for a game element with this story: Your character walks down a long hallway into a room. They see shadows on the walls in the room. On the floor is text telling them to "stand here" and a dot on the floor. When they stand there, the shadows resolve into text that gives them a clue to a puzzle on how to leave the room.Assets: use the provided 3D Text models in Assets > Art > 3D Models as your text object(s) (NOTE: if you want to make your own 3D text, you'll need to get the program Blender, which is free, and follow the first two steps of this guide: and export the model as an FBX file into your Assets folder via File > Export > FBX in Blender)
Special conditions for the puzzle: in the Scene (and therefore the start of the Game), there are no lights in the room with the 3D text (nor a light object near enough to cast any shadows); how is it your character (while playing the game) can see shadows on the walls?
HINT: To write on the floor, use a particular kind of GameObject...
After the player escapes the room, they must jump between a series of swinging platforms. Use Triggers to activate some of the elements in the Scene. the above challenges, but build it all with the ProBuider package instead of primitives.
BONUS: Instead of boxes in Level part #4, make a REALISTIC stack of traffic cones (that is, they should stack as cones naturally stack)
Add in a new game element of your choosing.