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Unit 2 - Week 3 - Objects


Relevant Manual Pages


  • GameObject types (refresher)
  • The Transform Component
  • Enabling / Disabling GameObjects and Components
  • World vs Local Space
  • 3D Objects / Meshes / Mesh Filter
  • Rendering / Mesh Renderer / Materials
  • Lights
  • Colliders
  • Rigidbodies
  • Joints
  • The Rectangle Tool
  • Sketchfab


  1. Open "First Person Scene"
  2. Create a hallway with a floor, walls, and a roof
  3. Create a room at the end of the hallway (try to do this efficiently)
  4. Make a stack of boxes at the end of the hallway, such that your player has to smash through them, Kool-Aid Man-style
  5. Build a swinging pendulum that does the same

NOTE: Your player uses standard keyboard FPS controls, which are as follows:

W,A,S,D keys = forward, left, back, right

Mouse = rotate view

Space = Jump



A game designer sends you an email for a game element with this story: Your character walks down a long hallway into a room. They see shadows on the walls in the room. On the floor is text telling them to "stand here" and a dot on the floor. When they stand there, the shadows resolve into text that gives them a clue to a puzzle on how to leave the room.

Assets: use the provided 3D Text models in Assets > Art > 3D Models as your text object(s) (NOTE: if you want to make your own 3D text, you'll need to get the program Blender, which is free, and follow the first two steps of this guide: and export the model as an FBX file into your Assets folder via File > Export > FBX in Blender)

Special conditions for the puzzle: in the Scene (and therefore the start of the Game), there are no lights in the room with the 3D text (nor a light object near enough to cast any shadows); how is it your character (while playing the game) can see shadows on the walls?

HINT: To write on the floor, use a particular kind of GameObject...


After the player escapes the room, they must jump between a series of swinging platforms. Use Triggers to activate some of the elements in the Scene.

Demon of Hatred

Do the above challenges, but build it all with the ProBuider package instead of primitives.

BONUS: Instead of boxes in Level part #4, make a REALISTIC stack of traffic cones (that is, they should stack as cones naturally stack)

Add in a new game element of your choosing.