Other than simply using Design Patterns, there are also universal principles we need to be applying whenever we're coding. Consistency is one of the hallmarks of good software engineering. One of reasons why we recommend the use of Design Patterns is to promote the consistency of the code. The benefits of promoting consistency are:
- Decrease in Errors.
- Increase in Detecting Errors.
- Cost Savings.
A large scale way of accomplishing consistency are:
- Software Architecture: identifying a pattern to be used throughout software consistently
- Frameworks: the frameworks usually consist of a set of design patterns and put them together in a specific fashion to accomplish a specific goal.
The use of design patterns also promote the other ideal qualities of software, such as completeness, correctness, coupling and cohesion.
- Completeness: how much does a software solution meets its requirement?
- Correctness: correct results
- Coupling: how much the different elements of your software are related or connected.
- Cohesion: how independent a software component is.