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105 lines (91 loc) · 4.24 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (91 loc) · 4.24 KB

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Metadata database for IGVF project.

Run with Docker Compose

  1. Clone repository and make sure Docker is running.
  2. Start services and load data inserts:
# From repository.
$ docker compose up
# Note if any dependencies have changed (e.g. switching between branches that
# rely on different versions of snovault) use the build flag as well
# to rebuild the underlying Docker image:
$ docker compose up --build
  1. Browse at localhost:8000.
  2. Stop services and remove data volume:
$ docker compose down -v

Test with Docker Compose

Run all unit tests automatically and clean up:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --exit-code-from pyramid
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down -v

Run all indexer tests automatically and clean up:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test-indexer.yml up --exit-code-from indexer-tests
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test-indexer.yml down -v

Or run unit tests interactively:

  1. Start postgres and localstack services (for use as fixtures).
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up postgres localstack
  1. Connect to testing environment.
# In another terminal (starts interactive container).
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --service-ports pyramid /bin/bash
  1. Run tests.
# In interactive container (modify pytest command as needed).
$ pytest
  1. Stop and clean.
docker compose down -v

Or run indexer tests interactively:

  1. Start the services (for use as fixtures): postgres, localstack, opensearch, pyramid, nginx, invalidation-service and indexing-service.
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test-indexer.yml up localstack postgres opensearch pyramid nginx invalidation-service indexing-service
  1. Connect to testing environment.
# In another terminal (starts interactive container).
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.test-indexer.yml run --service-ports indexer-tests /bin/bash
  1. Run tests.
# In interactive container (modify pytest command as needed).
$ pytest
  1. Stop and clean.
docker compose down -v

Automatic linting

This repo includes configuration for pre-commit hooks. To use pre-commit, install pre-commit, and activate the hooks:

pip install pre-commit==2.17.0
pre-commit install

Now every time you run git commit the automatic checks are run to check the changes you made.

Generate Opensearch mappings

The igvfd-check-opensearch-mappings test on CircleCI will fail if the mappings haven't been updated after changing schemas, calculated properties, or embedded fields.

$ docker compose down -v && docker compose build
$ docker compose run pyramid /scripts/pyramid/

This will regenerate the mappings and allow you to see any differences with git diff. Commit the changes and push.

Note if you are adding a new item type, you must add a template JSON file to the mappings/ folder with the same name as the new type (e.g. access_key.json). The template file requires the index_name and item_type keys, but the values can be empty:

$ echo '{"index_name": "", "item_type": ""}' > src/igvfd/mappings/new_type.json

Once the JSON template exists the correct values will be filled in by the script.