OT.PLATFORM. License agreement.
Version 2, January 1, 2020
1.1. This License agreement ( "License") sets the terms of use of the program "OT.PLATFORM" ("Program").
1.2. The exclusive rights for the Program belong to LLC ISG Neuro, Ofc 5-68, bldg 6, 19 Leninskaya Sloboda St., Moscow/115280, MRSN 1127746127277 ("Copyright holder ").
1.3. By copying and/or using this Program (starting to use it ), the user gives their full and unconditional consent to all the terms of this License. Use of the Program in violation of any of the License terms is prohibited. -
Basic Permissions
2.1. The Copyright holder grants the user the right to use the Program for non-commercial purposes for their own needs on the territory of countries around the world free of charge, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive), perpetual, irrevocable license in the following ways:
reproduce the Program , that is, make one or more copies of the Program in any material form, including by writing the Program to an electronic medium and/or writing it to computer memory
modify the Program, i.e. make any changes, including translating the Program from one language into another language, as well as make subsequent use of a new (derivative) work (hereinafter referred to as the "Derivative work") subject to the limitations set out in article 3 of this License, and to the extent such actions are expressly permitted by applicable law;
adapt the Program, i.e. make changes for the purpose of the Program operation on specific User equipment or under the control of specific User programs.
2.2. The program consists of separate components (modules), but is licensed as a whole. Some components (modules) included in the Program may contain open source software that is provided on its own terms. The user agrees to comply with all the terms of such licenses.
Links to the license:
https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html -
3.1. Use of the Program under the terms of this License for your own needs for non-commercial purposes is free of charge.
3.2. The use of the Program by users who are legal entities for the internal needs is not considered commercial use.
3.3. The use of the Program or a Derivative work for the commercial purpose is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the Copyright holder. Contact for queries: [email protected].
3.4. The user is prohibited from investigating algorithms, disassembling, decompiling, and converting object code into source code by any other means of those components (modules) of the Program that are provided with closed source code, except in cases and only to the extent that such actions are explicitly permitted by applicable law.
3.5. Any distribution of the Program is prohibited. Distribution means granting access to third parties to any components of the Program reproduced in any form, including network and other methods, as well as by sale, loan, deposit, pledge, rental or lending. -
Limitation of liability
4.1. The Copyright holder is not responsible for any direct or indirect consequences (including, but not limited to: loss of profit or expected savings, loss of data) of any use or inability to use the Program and/or damage caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use or non-use of the Program, including possible errors or failures in the Program. -
5.1. The program is provided on an "as is" basis. The Copyright holder does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program, the program's compliance with specific goals and expectations of the User, and does not provide any other guarantees not expressly specified in this License. -
Updates/New versions of Program and third-party software
6.1. This License applies to all future updates/new versions of the Program. Installing an update/new version of the Program means that the user accepts the terms of this License for the corresponding updates/new versions of the Program, unless the upgrade/installation of the new version of the Program is accompanied by a different license agreement. -
Changes to the terms of this License
7.1. This License Agreement may be modified unilaterally by the Copyright holder. Notification of the user of the changes made to the terms of this License is published on the page: www.ot-platform.ru. Such changes in the terms of the license agreement shall take effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. -
Other conditions
8.1. This license agreement and all relations related to the use of the Program are subject to the laws of the Russian Federation and any claims or claims arising from this License or use of the Program must be filed and considered in court at the location of the Copyright holder.
8.2. The Copyright holder may provide the User with translation of this License from Russian into other languages, but in case of conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, only the Russian-language version of the License has legal force.