diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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+# Trashvim
+> A neovim configuration focusing on TypeScript and web development, utilising LSP and other features to deliver a powerful IDE like editing experience with the performance and productivity of neovim.
+## Features
+* Fully setup LSP configuration using Mason, lspconfig and typescript.nvim.
+* Linters and formatters support using null-ls.
+* Terminal panes support using toggleterm.
+* Winbar support outlining the code scope.
+* Buffer organisation using bufferline.
+* File explorer and git management using neo-tree.
+* Highlight of colors including TailwindCSS.
+* Typescript actions such as remove unused, organise imports, adding missing imports...etc
+And many more!
+## Installation
+**Note: Before starting the installation, make sure that if you have a `~/.config/nvim` folder that you move it somewhere else.**
+# Clone the configuration
+cd ~/.config
+git clone https://github.com/ixahmedxi/trashvim nvim
+cd ~/.config/nvim
+# Run PackerSync to get all of the plugins
+nvim --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync'
+To make sure that everything is working fine, try running `nvim init.lua` and seeing if any errors occur, it should start installing treesitter languages and lsp servers on that initial open. If any errors are present, try running `:PackerSync` again.