diff --git a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
index 04b2fc99823..9c22d422f25 100644
--- a/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
+++ b/docs/getting-into-the-code/guidelines-for-setting-up-a-local-workspace/intellij-89-run-with-intellij.md
@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ Due to [IDEA-119280](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119280), it is a
1. Navigate to **File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle**.
2. Change the setting "Build and run using:" to "IntelliJ IDEA".
-3. Navigate to **File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler**.
-4. Uncheck `--Use 'release' option for cross-compilation`.
-5. **Build > Build Project**
-6. Open the project view (Alt+1, on macOS cmd+1)
-7. Copy all build resources to the folder of the build classes
+3. Navigate to **File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler**.
+4. Uncheck `Clear output directory on rebuild`.
+5. Navigate to **File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler**.
+6. Uncheck `--Use 'release' option for cross-compilation`.
+7. Click "OK" to store the preferences and close the dialog.
+8. **Build > Build Project** (Ctrl+F9)
+9. Open the project view (Alt+1, on macOS cmd+1)
+10. Copy all build resources to the folder of the build classes
1. Navigate to the folder `build/resources/main`
1. Right click -> "Open In" -> "Explorer (Finder on macOS)"
1. Navigate into directory "main"
@@ -24,12 +27,12 @@ Due to [IDEA-119280](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119280), it is a
1. Right click -> "Open In" -> "Explorer (Finder on macOS)"
1. Navigate into directory "classes"
1. Now you have two Explorer windows opened. Copy all files and directories from the first one to the second one.
-8. Locate the class `Launcher` (e.g., by ctrl+N and then typing `Launcher`). Press Enter to jump to that class.
+11. Locate the class `Launcher` (e.g., by ctrl+N and then typing `Launcher`). Press Enter to jump to that class.
-9. Click on the green play button next to the `main` method to create a Launch configuration. IntelliJ will fail in launching.
+12. Click on the green play button next to the `main` method to create a Launch configuration. IntelliJ will fail in launching.
-10. On the top right of the IntelliJ window, next to the newly created launch configuration, click on the drop down
-11. Click on "Edit Configurations..."
-12. On the right, click on "Modify options"
-13. Ensure that "Use classpath of module" is checked
-14. Select "Add VM options"
-15. In the newly appearing field for VM options, insert:
+13. On the top right of the IntelliJ window, next to the newly created launch configuration, click on the drop down
+14. Click on "Edit Configurations..."
+15. On the right, click on "Modify options"
+16. Ensure that "Use classpath of module" is checked
+17. Select "Add VM options"
+18. In the newly appearing field for VM options, insert:
@@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ Due to [IDEA-119280](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119280), it is a
--add-reads org.jabref=org.fxmisc.flowless
--add-reads org.jabref=org.apache.commons.csv
-16. Click "Apply"
-17. Click "Run". You can also click on the debug symbol next to it to enable stopping at breakpoints.
+19. Click "Apply"
+20. Click "Run". You can also click on the debug symbol next to it to enable stopping at breakpoints.