- Fixed exit code bug that was introduced in version 2.0.0
- Renamed -EnableLegacyAssertions to -EnableLegacyExpectations
- Functioanlity equivalent to 1.2.0 except legacy assertions disabled by default. This is a breaking change for anyone who is already using Pester
- Fixing many of the scoping issues [GH-9]
- Ability to tag describes [GH-35]
- Added new assertion syntax (eg: 1 | Should Be 1)
- Added 'Should Throw' assertion [GH-37]
- Added 'Should BeNullOrEmpty' assertion [GH-39]
- Added negative assertions with the 'Not' keyword
- Added 'Match' asserion
- Added -DisableOldStyleAssertions [GH-19] and [GH-27]
- Added Contain assertion which tests file contents [GH-13]
- Add should.not_be [GH-38]
- Add mocking functionality [GH-26]
This changelog is inspired by the Vagrant file. Hopefully this will help keep the releases tidy and understandable.