This is an attempt to rein the rake tasks. Some seem old and I'm (pj5) not sure when/where/if they are used.
Since we will add support scripts here it might be helpful to add comment and RT ticket reference here for prosterity.
To view all the tasks available, run bundle exec rails -T
To view all the support tasks, run bundle exec rails -T support
Adds the printers available from PMB and the label templates needed.
File: add_templates_and_printers_to_pmb.rake
Updates the library type of the aliquots for the given batch.
File: support/update_library_types.rake
: The batch ID - probably in RT ticketlibrary_type_name
: The library type name to update to
bundle exec rails "support:update_library_types[<batch_id>,<library_type_name>]"
Confirm that the MLWH has been updated:
id_flowcell_lims = <batch_id>;
- 684348