Provides a selection tool (default hotkey is ctrl-n), which when used to select a set of machines, calculates the maximum possible rate of items consumed and produced by those machines. These rates are displayed in a GUI window on the left side of the Factorio window, in items per second, and items per minute.
- Initial release - only handles assemblers, chemical plants, refineries, centrifuges.
- Fixed default hotkey (CONTROL-N not CTRL-N). Fixed en locale strings
- Fixed calculation bug when mixed set of modules in an assembler
- Calculates production/consumption for furnaces (but not fuel)
- Beacon effectivity no longer hardcoded
- Dropdown list lets user select rate units
- Rate per machine and surplus/deficit number of machines calculated
- Fix red belt calculation
- Add warning if assemblers/furnaces have no recipe
- Adds calculations in terms of inserters
- Tooltip on item icons shows num of machines using/producing the item in the selection
- Vertical scroll bars if too many items
- Don't show rates of fluids on belts, in inserters
- Added rate calculations for train wagons per minute and per hour
- Items are sorted alphabetically
- Use LuaEntityPrototype::fluid_capacity for fluid-wagon (surfaced in 0.15.32) rather than hardcoded 75000
- Use beacon.prototype.distribution_effectivity rather than hardcoded 0.5 (also from 0.15.32)
- Fixed to work with modded versions of beacons, such as Creative Mode's Super Beacon.
- Speed cost won't go lower than 20%
- Fixed bug with new games getting fatal error when hotkey pressed for first time
- Added in-game four function calculator, accessed via hotkey or toggle button on Max Rate Calculator window
- Values in MRC window, when clicked on, appear in the calculator
- Added missing locale string for calc hotkey
- Fixed bug with text entry in other mods crashing
- Fixed bug recipes (like uranium processing) that have % chance causing crash
- Added fix for possible uninitalized variable (marc_selected_units) crash reported in mod portal. Could not reproduce this, but added defensive code.
Fix for crash on player death when using selection tool Calculates rates for mining drills and pumpjacks (however, not sulfuric acid consumption for uranium mining)