To enable Finder Extension, right click on Finder toolbar, select Customize Toolbar...
as shown below:
Then drag the OpenInTerminal
icon to the toolbar:
Starting with macOS 15, Apple removed the Finder Sync Extension configuration from System Settings. To enable the Finder Extension, use the pluginkit
command-line tool as follows:
$ pluginkit -mAD -p -vvv
You should see output similar to the following:
Path = /Applications/
UUID = F2547F13-4E43-4E88-9D8F-56DF05C020D8
Timestamp = 2024-09-17 09:34:07 +0000
Parent Bundle = /Applications/
Display Name = OpenInTerminalFinderExtension
Short Name = OpenInTerminalFinderExtension
Parent Name = OpenInTerminal
Platform = macOS
To manually enable the Finder Extension, run the following command with the UUID from the output:
$ pluginkit -e "use" -u "F2547F13-4E43-4E88-9D8F-56DF05C020D8"
Alternatively, you could use a GUI tool called FinderSyncer to enable the extension.
For macOS 14 and earlier, ensure the Finder Extension is enabled via System Preferences:
- Open the OpenInTerminal app.
- Navigate to
System Preferences
->Finder Extensions
. - Check the checkbox next to
, as shown below:
If you select Neovim as your editor in OpenInTerminal, the app will use Kitty as the default terminal. To switch to a different terminal (supported options: Alacritty, WezTerm, and Kitty), update the configuration with the following command. Replace <Your Name>
with your username and adjust the Neovim path (/opt/homebrew/bin/nvim
in this example) to match your installation:
defaults write /Users/<Your Name>/Library/Group\ Containers/ NeovimCommand "open -na wezterm --args start /opt/homebrew/bin/nvim PATH"
Other terminal configurations:
// kitty:
"open -na kitty --args /opt/homebrew/bin/nvim PATH"
// WezTerm:
"open -na wezterm --args start /opt/homebrew/bin/nvim PATH"
// Alacritty:
"open -na Alacritty --args -e /opt/homebrew/bin/nvim PATH"
The default launch behavior for kitty is to open a new instance for each command, like the following:
open -na kitty --args --single-instance --instance-group 1 --directory
If you want to customize this behavior, you can run the following command in your terminal. Make sure to replace <Your Name>
with your username and adjust the open command as what you want:
defaults write /Users/<Your Name>/Library/Group\ Containers/ KittyCommand "open -na kitty --args --single-instance --instance-group 1 --directory"
Oops, hit Don't Allow
button by mistake.
No sweat! Just run the following command in your terminal, and it'll reset the permissions in System Preferences.
tccutil reset AppleEvents
Special characters in the path
Please do not use backslash \
and double quotes "
in the path.
Open two Terminal windows on Mojave
This problem usually occurs when you first start Terminal. Try using ⌘W
to close Terminal window, instead of using ⌘Q
to quit Terminal.
OpenInTerminal doesn't work as I expected
OpenInTerminal works as the following order:
- 1. Open the file or folder you selected.
- 2. If nothing's selected, it opens the top Finder window.
- 3. If there's no Finder window, it opens the desktop.
My custom app doesn't work.
If your custom application doesn't work with the following command, then it's not supported. For example, GitHub Desktop:
open -a GitHub\ Desktop ~/Desktop