Schema based validation is done in ContrailService
which is the first one in the inner service chain.
Validation function for each resource is generated from template file.
Each generated function may be overwriten or extended in this file.
Each property may have enum
parameter defined which allows only specified values.
Each property may have format
parameter defined which assures value in proper format is being stored.
Definitions of format are located in source code.
New formats must be added to the same file.
- date-time
- ipv4
- mac
- hostname
- base64
- positive_int_as_string
- service_interface_type_format
type: string
- reject
- accept
- next
description: timestamp when subnet object gets created
format: date-time
presence: optional
type: string
More complex type specific validation is done in ContrailTypeLogicService
This type of validation must be added to appropriate files in this folder.