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The ANARI Device Implementation Guide

This directory contains the ANARI frontend library (libanari) which is the core C API which applications directly use. This document will outline the details of what is necessary in order to implement a device, as using the API itself is detailed at length in the ANARI specification.

The primary function of this library is to dispatch ANARI C API function calls to the corresponding ANARI devcie implementing the API (designated by an ANARIDevice handle in the functioin signature). There are two core concepts that implementations must implement, along with optional additional tools which can aid in implementing various ANARI features.

The headers used to implement the required components of a device for this frontend library are found in the backend directory of the core installed headers. Implementations are primarily expected to build their devices against an installation of the ANARI-SDK.

Implementing ANARILibrary

The first required item that must be implemented is ANARILibrary. This is done by subclassing LibraryImpl and providing the required method definitions. LibraryImpl acts as the concrete representation of ANARILibrary, where the frontend library uses this class to manage all C API calls which are done on ANARILibrary (where the function's first argument is the library).

Note that anariLoadLibrary() uses the following naming convention for dynamically loading an ANARILibrary at runtime: anari_library_[name], where [name] matches the string passed to anariLoadLibrary. [name] is used to construct a C function name which is looked up as the entry point needed to create an instance of LibraryImpl. Implementations should use the ANARI_DEFINE_LIBRARY_ENTRYPOINT macro at the bottom of LibraryImpl.h to define this entrypoint function, where it is necessary to match the first macro argument with [name] in the physical shared library file. For example, the provided helide device on linux compiles into the shared library, and helide is the first argument to ANARI_DEFINE_LIBRARY_ENTRYPOINT, as seen here.

It is possible to directly construct a device if client applications directly links your library itself, but it is highly recommended to always provide the dynamic path via anariLoadLibrary() and LibraryImpl as this is the most common way to create ANARI devices. The alternate method of directly constructing a device via linking is show by the anariTutorialDirectLink sample app which includes a custom header created by helide to directly create an instance of the helide device.

Implementing ANARIDevice

The majority of the ANARI C API is implemented by subclassing DeviceImpl. Similar to implementing ANARILibrary, ANARIDevice directly represents an instance of DeviceImpl where the methods of the class correspond to functions in the ANARI API handled by the device (where the function's first argument is the device). Device implementations should always seek to make each instance of DeviceImpl independent from each other by avoiding any shared state between them (i.e. static state within the class or shared library).

Almost the entirety of DeviceImpl directly corresponds to functions found in anari.h. The only state held by DeviceImpl are the default status callback and callback user pointer. DeviceImpl is intended to be very minimal -- implementors who desire SDK-provided implementations of much of the API should use the helium layer which implements many common concepts, but requires implementations to opt-in to various helium abstractions and classes. The provided helide device demonstrates ultimately how to implement DeviceImpl through using helium::BaseDevice. Device implementors can use the sum of helium::BaseDevice and helide::HelideDevice as a full example of implementing ANARI. Further documentation of what functionality helium provides can be found in its README.

Object query code generation

Devices should implement the device and object queries offered by the ANARI API in order for applications to introspect what extensions (and their details) are offered. However, these functions can be quite tedius and repetitive to implement, so Python-based code generation tools are offered to let library and device authors minimize the effort in writing them. They use JSON definition files to generate C++ which can then be used to implement the various query functions.

All of the Python tooling is installed when INSTALL_CODE_GEN_SCRIPTS is enabled when the SDK is installed. This can then be consumed by including the code_gen component name in find package:

find_package(anari REQUIRED COMPONENTS code_gen)

This brings the anari_generate_queries() CMake function into scope downstream, which has the following signature:

  NAME [device_name]
  PREFIX [device_prefix]
  CPP_NAMESPACE [namespace]
  JSON_DEFINITIONS_FILE [path/to/device/definitions.json]

This CMake function will create a target called generate_[device_name]_device, which must be built manually in order to generate any C++. By invoking this targets, a [device_prefix]Queries.cpp/.h are created, which can be included in the local device build's source. Please refer to helide as an example of how these components all go together.

Note that all core spec extensions are defined in a collection of JSON files that are referenced in the downstream JSON definitions. It is recommened to copy an existing JSON definitions file and modify it accordingly.