- To to get earthquakes data from international sources.
Application receives the requested via
On the swagger page you can find the relevant api endpoint. You can reach the OpenApi page by
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.0
- Open API Documentation
- Spring Data JPA
- Restful API
- Maven
- Docker
- Maven or Docker
The application can be built and run by the Docker
engine. The project has a Dockerfile
To build and run the application with Maven
, please follow the directions below;
$ cd earthquakes
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run
You can reach the swagger-ui via http://{HOST}:8080/swagger-ui.html
In no specific order:
- crud methods with db integration with H2 and PostgreSQL
- exception handling
- authentication with OAuth2
- connect more api than only USGS api
- convert to microservices
- some kafka integration
- some redis integration