Releases: LazeMSS/OctoPrint-UICustomizer
Features & improvements
Added a new feature for customizing the center/main tabs:
- Change the label of the tab
- Hide/show tabs
- Assign icons with easy icon search
- Set icon alignment
- Change the tab order
Added an easy "report a bug" button in settings.
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem with the wifistatus plugin when not using responsive mode caused the dialogs content show up in the top bar - thanks for the bughunting
- Fixed probem with "Dropdown Menu Disappears Off Screen" #16 - thanks to:
- Fixed problem with settings search fields in non-responsive mode
- Proper JS logic for checking objects and undefined :/
- Improved logic arround interaction with other plugins
- Improved icons used - using FA5 only
- Automatic set a better zoomed out webcam size
- Fixed problem with webcam zoom loosing its grip when main camera was disabled
- Fixed problems with plugins adding extra stuff to the webcam fields
- Tried fixing the problem with fullscreen width - hopefully now fully fixed
Roadmap/Planned features
- Consolidate tabs - better use of widescreen layouts
- Icon changer for widgets/accordions + full width accordion
- Webcam overlays with customisation
- Webcam pop out to new window
Features & improvements
Improved compatibility with other plugins and added "warnings" about it
Improved settings dialog alot on small screens
Improved settings dialog to make better use of the screen estate
Made buttons responsive to keep the layout better floating
Improved the resizing handler
Added a custom scrollbar to settings dialog to improve scrolling on touch devices
BETA: Added an option to disable updating the terminal display when not visible - gives a bit of perfomance boost NOT FULLY TESTED!
Added top tabs to the UI Customer settings to make room for future new functions
Automatic show elements your updating when using preview ie temperature graph, webcam etc.
Topbar icons is now also working without responsive mode turned on (I dont recommend it, but its there) and includes all icons not just plugins icons - should also fix #15
Bug fixes
Moved the "burger" menu on responsive layout into the right div container - maybe related to #10
Fixed the problem with scroll not working inside settings on small screens
Fixed problems with responsive icons in Octoprint 1.5
Settings are now reverted when the dialog is closed by clicking outside the modal
Fixed offset in compact menu on small screens
(Hopefully) fixed problems with "Consolidated Temp Control" - thereby hopefully closing: #13 #11
Features & improvements
- Centering of topbar icons can now be turned off (#3)
- Floating webcam is now always centered when opening
- Default settings now has everything turned on except for "Main camera turned off"
- Added option to compact the main menu
- Added tooltip/title tags to all feature settings
- Settings now makes more use of the extra screen estate
- Webcams are now paused when not visible
- Main webcam can now be hidden/disabled (#6)
Bug fixes
- #8 - Webcam portrait mode support fixed
- #9 - Unwanted relod of CamWidget if Active Filters Extended (0.1.0) is installed
- Fixed problems with HLS webcam stopping
- #7 - Everything is gone by help of activating "Suppress processing responses" duplicate
- #5 - Floating Webcam doesn't follow "flip webcam" settings bug
- Preview in settings now also works toggling widgets on/off
Sorting is sorted :)
Fixed problem with saving sort orders
Fixed HLS webcam widget and improved error handling
Added support for better native mp4 playback
Fixed spelling mistake
Octopi 1.5.0 support
- Added support for HLS webcam comming in 1.5.0rc3
- Fixed broken settings dialog on 1.5.0rc3
- Added support for the new FontAwesome 5 in Compact navbar top menu
- Improved webcam zoom on widgets
- Fixed broken webcam widget not being rotated, aspect fixed
- Remove old todos
Fixed broken settings dialog
Layout/CSS fixes for Settings dialog - fixes problem with plugin dialogs for firmware plugin and Webcam section and more.