This directory contains example code, templates, and demonstrations of various features and implementations within the monorepo.
- Case conversion and manipulation examples/gpu-stuff
- GPU computation examples/node-js
- Node.js implementation examples/open-ai
- OpenAI API integration examples/OpenHands
- Hand gesture recognition examples/phash-scout
- Perceptual hash computation examples/playground
- Experimental code and testing ground/template
- Project templates and boilerplates/typescript
- TypeScript implementation examples
These examples serve as reference implementations and starting points for new projects. Each example is documented and demonstrates best practices for its specific use case.
Each example directory contains its own documentation and setup instructions. To use an example:
- Navigate to the specific example directory
- Read the example's README for specific setup instructions
- Follow the provided documentation to understand the implementation
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† Scientia est lux principium✨ is a Trade Mark of Benjamin Vincent Kasapoglu