All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.1 (2018-02-19)
- package: move unused deps to optionalDeps (0ab1e75)
3.0.0 (2018-02-19)
- actions: fix awral config (e729bee)
- actions: fix Awral configuration (7344e04)
- actions: in awral fix (af4ae75)
- actions: insert awral directly in project (1a79238)
- actions: no pending for Login Auth (84f8aa8)
- actions-common: remove flowtypes (7911160)
- actions-layout: remove flow types, update test, open -> toggle (bad63f8)
- actions-links: don't handle REJECTED action, update tests (5a7d262)
- actions/links: fix flow types (f471a58)
- actoins: fix tests (ad3fcf6)
- api: commented checkStatus func (dd3110b)
- api-links: update links (4921e7e)
- api-utils: simplified json parsing for request (b88f800)
- api/utils: fix FormData reqs, add fetch
(0ce99be) - app: add scss import as an example (acc1db6)
- app: remove routes from configure_* funcs (8bf5a0f)
- app-container: fix react warning about no "key" in aStyledDimmer (94d10ae)
- babel: add ie10 as target (ec2cff2)
- babel: use stage-0 (22e28bc)
- client: disable react-hot-loader warnings (46fb13e)
- client: log initial state (50ba267)
- client-entry: remove flowtypes (bffb163)
- components: fix rendering of Redirects in RoutingWrapper (4b72701)
- components: in Root don't pass store to RoutingWrapper (4c15942)
- components: in Sidebar use getLayoutMobileStatuses (dfb6eb0)
- components: remove components tests (91fa196)
- components: RoutingWrapper -> container, render only allowed routes (d6b3a05)
- componets: in Sidebar don't pass routing as props (d35af3b)
- containers: add "id" property to Login inputs (d6c3beb)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- containers: in App use getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (70bbf9d)
- containers: make Dashboard simpler (2384c6b)
- containers: remove LinksComponent (0e97e37)
- containers: remove unused LoginComponent (7e60d32)
- containers: rename LinkItemComponent -> LinkItem (2b33eac)
- dashboard: remove "dumb container" (653cc93)
- eslint: disable "jsx-a11y/label-has-for" rule (5e5c950)
- eslint: remove jsx-a11y plugin (3c36429)
- flow: fix flow errors (c39f5ae)
- footer: update footer component (69e8f5f)
- footer: update footer snapshot (0d61178)
- header: remove
prop handling (b0fd734) - jest: add envs in jest setup script (745dffd)
- link-item: move LinkItem to /components folder (af60e17)
- links-api: getLinksAPI use absolute url (5c42199)
- links-container: update links container (5ea7b4b)
- links-reducer: fix tests, don't handle REJECTED action (ecb9750)
- links-reducer: update reducer and tests (5d0262c)
- manifest: add correct start_url property (59da7fb)
- manifest: remove icons field (9980614)
- manifest: start_url: "." (7d78b12)
- notfound-container: remove unused var (8bce8e4)
- package: bump version to current (cb7d127)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: remove awral (9952102)
- package: remove jwt-decode (4d80f56)
- package: remove npm run test from prepush (9a4afc6)
- package: update chokidar to version 2.0.0 (b2deda8)
- package: update deps (d89991b)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.78.0 (b150321)
- package: update styled-components to version 3.0.0 (03d70d8)
- package: update versions (b11348c)
- package: use @commitlint/config-(angular -> conventional) (b3a80d9)
- package: use config-(angular -> conventional) (4e0c96c)
- reducers: don't handle LOGIN_AUTH_PENDING (ca39340)
- reducers: fix tests (b260685)
- reducers: in links fix GET_LINKS_FAIL (4a5f6bb)
- reducers: update rootReducer creation (5b78ac3)
- reducers-links: update to promise-middleware (56a26a7)
- root: move root to /components (0107754)
- routing: make 404 lazy for server too (6345592)
- routing: make all routes non lazy (06528b6)
- routing: move routes array to index.js (2f4b3ce)
- routingwrapper: remove old routingwrapper (78a53ad)
- selectors: remove getWindowInnerWidth selector (3d037a0)
- selectors: remove unused selectors (a5600f4)
- server: make ssr properly return 404 (4123286)
- server: close chokidar watcher when stats file found (5fbb823)
- server: fix initialState creation (82c73c4)
- server: fix stats reading (c358e0f)
- server: lil style fix (8e811fa)
- server: make i18n less complex (8cbd0f4)
- server: make ssr properly returns 404 (972580d)
- server: move entry to src/index (cff2618)
- server: move server creation to ./server/index (2eefb8f)
- server: remove auth endpoint (9a35cbe)
- server: remove safeStringifiedState from HTMLComponent (106fef0)
- server: use language middleware instead of user middleware (554bef0)
- sidebar: remove unused vars (61e93ec)
- ssr: remove
, adapt to renderToString (31bbb0f) - styles: make media grid compatible with SUI (c138972)
- styles: make theme less complex (14ed15d)
- styles: remove .pushable from global styles (3f2cc04)
- webpack: eslint fixes (ef81ab5)
- webpack: get INSPECT_ENABLED from process.env (88fded3)
- webpack: prevent server from handling css (62d1462)
- webpack_config: add publicPath in webpack server config (bb91d69)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- webpack_config: GA_ID/sentr to global conf, add BASE_API_SSR var (c836e7c)
- merge (71f0339)
- webpack_config: remove unused alias from webpack.isomorphic (d30c0f8)
- webpack-server: fix previous merge (5a4bf33)
- merge master (5528074)
- merge master (d84d865)
- remove unnecessary components/actions/reducers (209164b)
- sidebar: new sidebar component (f2ed57e)
- make Sidebar and Header autonomous containers (9b8192a)
- 404-page: update NotFound container (db0a0fa)
- actions: add Awral directly to project (9e34091)
- actions: layout - OPEN/CLOSE_SIDEBAR -> TOGGLE_SIDEBAR (fbcfc67)
- actions: pass
to LOGIN_AUTH_SUCCESS (e2de72f) - actions-links: use promise-middleware, fix tests (66e70f4)
- api-utils: make xhr wrapper less complex (1b4dfe3)
- app-container: update container (3979fd6)
- components: in header add getLayoutMobileStatuses (3cd0ce1)
- containers: add data fetching in Links (2e653e9)
- containers: rewrite Login using redux-form (ba56d6d)
- containers: simplify Links container, add data fetching (a303334)
- header: new header component (64c2bb5)
- package: add copy-webpack-plugin (0a9616c)
- package: add source-map-support (066d6bf)
- package: update deps list (80fac11)
- public: add favicon and robots.txt (0722c54)
- reducer-layout: update layout reducer and test (db2d698)
- reducers: add
reducer (eaeffed) - reducers: simplify redurecers, remove metarouter (7bc8676)
- root: dispatch APP_INIT and render only once (343e982)
- routing: add
selector (ba143a6) - routing: add getMetaRoutes func (44732f4)
- routingwrapper: get routes directly in routingwrapper (2391b7d)
- update locals and project's title (7587dd2)
- selectors: fix getAuthState, add getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (757c302)
- server: use API_PREFIX env var for api prefix (00ff85c)
- ssr: render Helmet on server (3378ff6)
- ssr: render Helmet on server in (97808c5)
- ssr: renderToString instead of renderToStream (a7a7843)
- static: move locals to static (5525c6f)
- webpack: add copy-webpack-plugin (f2148d9)
- webpack: update webpack dev mode (989ec69)
- webpack_config: default BASE_API is not relative (e6ef3ca)
2.2.0 (2017-12-05)
- actions: fix awral config (e729bee)
- actions: fix Awral configuration (7344e04)
- actions: in awral fix (af4ae75)
- actions: insert awral directly in project (1a79238)
- actions: no pending for Login Auth (84f8aa8)
- actions/links: fix flow types (f471a58)
- actoins: fix tests (ad3fcf6)
- api/utils: fix FormData reqs, add fetch
(0ce99be) - client: disable react-hot-loader warnings (46fb13e)
- client: log initial state (50ba267)
- components: fix rendering of Redirects in RoutingWrapper (4b72701)
- components: in Root don't pass store to RoutingWrapper (4c15942)
- components: in Sidebar use getLayoutMobileStatuses (dfb6eb0)
- components: remove components tests (91fa196)
- components: RoutingWrapper -> container, render only allowed routes (d6b3a05)
- componets: in Sidebar don't pass routing as props (d35af3b)
- containers: add "id" property to Login inputs (d6c3beb)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- containers: in App use getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (70bbf9d)
- containers: make Dashboard simpler (2384c6b)
- containers: remove LinksComponent (0e97e37)
- containers: remove unused LoginComponent (7e60d32)
- containers: rename LinkItemComponent -> LinkItem (2b33eac)
- eslint: disable "jsx-a11y/label-has-for" rule (5e5c950)
- manifest: add correct start_url property (59da7fb)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: remove awral (9952102)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- package: update versions (b11348c)
- package: use @commitlint/config-(angular -> conventional) (b3a80d9)
- package: use config-(angular -> conventional) (4e0c96c)
- reducers: don't handle LOGIN_AUTH_PENDING (ca39340)
- reducers: fix tests (b260685)
- reducers: in links fix GET_LINKS_FAIL (4a5f6bb)
- server: fix initialState creation (82c73c4)
- server: remove safeStringifiedState from HTMLComponent (106fef0)
- webpack_config: add publicPath in webpack server config (bb91d69)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- webpack_config: GA_ID/sentr to global conf, add BASE_API_SSR var (c836e7c)
- merge (71f0339)
- merge master (5528074)
- merge master (d84d865)
- webpack_config: remove unused alias from webpack.isomorphic (d30c0f8)
- reducers: simplify redurecers, remove metarouter (7bc8676)
- make Sidebar and Header autonomous containers (9b8192a)
- actions: add Awral directly to project (9e34091)
- actions: layout - OPEN/CLOSE_SIDEBAR -> TOGGLE_SIDEBAR (fbcfc67)
- actions: pass
to LOGIN_AUTH_SUCCESS (e2de72f) - components: in header add getLayoutMobileStatuses (3cd0ce1)
- containers: add data fetching in Links (2e653e9)
- containers: rewrite Login using redux-form (ba56d6d)
- containers: simplify Links container, add data fetching (a303334)
- reducers: add
reducer (eaeffed) - routing: add getMetaRoutes func (44732f4)
- selectors: fix getAuthState, add getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (757c302)
- server: use API_PREFIX env var for api prefix (00ff85c)
- webpack_config: default BASE_API is not relative (e6ef3ca)
2.1.0 (2017-12-05)
- actions: fix awral config (e729bee)
- actions: in awral fix (af4ae75)
- actions: insert awral directly in project (1a79238)
- actions: no pending for Login Auth (84f8aa8)
- actions/links: fix flow types (f471a58)
- actoins: fix tests (ad3fcf6)
- client: log initial state (50ba267)
- components: fix rendering of Redirects in RoutingWrapper (4b72701)
- components: in Root don't pass store to RoutingWrapper (4c15942)
- components: in Sidebar use getLayoutMobileStatuses (dfb6eb0)
- components: remove components tests (91fa196)
- components: RoutingWrapper -> container, render only allowed routes (d6b3a05)
- componets: in Sidebar don't pass routing as props (d35af3b)
- merge master (d84d865)
- containers: add "id" property to Login inputs (d6c3beb)
- containers: in App use getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (70bbf9d)
- containers: make Dashboard simpler (2384c6b)
- containers: remove LinksComponent (0e97e37)
- containers: rename LinkItemComponent -> LinkItem (2b33eac)
- eslint: disable "jsx-a11y/label-has-for" rule (5e5c950)
- manifest: add correct start_url property (59da7fb)
- reducers: don't handle LOGIN_AUTH_PENDING (ca39340)
- reducers: fix tests (b260685)
- reducers: in links fix GET_LINKS_FAIL (4a5f6bb)
- server: fix initialState creation (82c73c4)
- merge master (5528074)
- server: remove safeStringifiedState from HTMLComponent (106fef0)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- webpack_config: GA_ID/sentr to global conf, add BASE_API_SSR var (c836e7c)
- webpack_config: remove unused alias from webpack.isomorphic (d30c0f8)
- server: use API_PREFIX env var for api prefix (00ff85c)
- make Sidebar and Header autonomous containers (9b8192a)
- actions: layout - OPEN/CLOSE_SIDEBAR -> TOGGLE_SIDEBAR (fbcfc67)
- actions: pass
to LOGIN_AUTH_SUCCESS (e2de72f) - components: in header add getLayoutMobileStatuses (3cd0ce1)
- containers: rewrite Login using redux-form (ba56d6d)
- containers: simplify Links container, add data fetching (a303334)
- reducers: add
reducer (eaeffed) - reducers: simplify redurecers, remove metarouter (7bc8676)
- routing: add getMetaRoutes func (44732f4)
- selectors: fix getAuthState, add getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (757c302)
2.0.0 (2017-12-05)
- actions: fix awral config (e729bee)
- actions: in awral fix (af4ae75)
- actions: insert awral directly in project (1a79238)
- actions: no pending for Login Auth (84f8aa8)
- actions/links: fix flow types (f471a58)
- actoins: fix tests (ad3fcf6)
- client: log initial state (50ba267)
- components: fix rendering of Redirects in RoutingWrapper (4b72701)
- components: in Root don't pass store to RoutingWrapper (4c15942)
- components: in Sidebar use getLayoutMobileStatuses (dfb6eb0)
- components: remove components tests (91fa196)
- components: RoutingWrapper -> container, render only allowed routes (d6b3a05)
- componets: in Sidebar don't pass routing as props (d35af3b)
- merge master (d84d865)
- containers: add "id" property to Login inputs (d6c3beb)
- containers: in App use getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (70bbf9d)
- containers: make Dashboard simpler (2384c6b)
- containers: remove LinksComponent (0e97e37)
- containers: rename LinkItemComponent -> LinkItem (2b33eac)
- eslint: disable "jsx-a11y/label-has-for" rule (5e5c950)
- manifest: add correct start_url property (59da7fb)
- reducers: don't handle LOGIN_AUTH_PENDING (ca39340)
- reducers: fix tests (b260685)
- reducers: in links fix GET_LINKS_FAIL (4a5f6bb)
- merge master (5528074)
- server: remove safeStringifiedState from HTMLComponent (106fef0)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- webpack_config: GA_ID/sentr to global conf, add BASE_API_SSR var (c836e7c)
- webpack_config: remove unused alias from webpack.isomorphic (d30c0f8)
- server: use API_PREFIX env var for api prefix (00ff85c)
- make Sidebar and Header autonomous containers (9b8192a)
- actions: layout - OPEN/CLOSE_SIDEBAR -> TOGGLE_SIDEBAR (fbcfc67)
- actions: pass
to LOGIN_AUTH_SUCCESS (e2de72f) - components: in header add getLayoutMobileStatuses (3cd0ce1)
- containers: rewrite Login using redux-form (ba56d6d)
- containers: simplify Links container, add data fetching (a303334)
- reducers: add
reducer (eaeffed) - reducers: simplify redurecers, remove metarouter (7bc8676)
- routing: add getMetaRoutes func (44732f4)
- selectors: fix getAuthState, add getLayoutMobileStatuses selector (757c302)
1.5.0 (2017-12-03)
- actions: fix Awral configuration (7344e04)
- api/utils: fix FormData reqs, add fetch
(0ce99be) - client: disable react-hot-loader warnings (46fb13e)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: remove awral (9952102)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- package: update versions (b11348c)
- package: use @commitlint/config-(angular -> conventional) (b3a80d9)
- package: use config-(angular -> conventional) (4e0c96c)
- webpack_config: add publicPath in webpack server config (bb91d69)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- actions: add Awral directly to project (9e34091)
- containers: add data fetching in Links (2e653e9)
- webpack_config: default BASE_API is not relative (e6ef3ca)
1.4.0 (2017-12-03)
- actions: fix Awral configuration (7344e04)
- api/utils: fix FormData reqs, add fetch
(0ce99be) - client: disable react-hot-loader warnings (46fb13e)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: remove awral (9952102)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- package: use @commitlint/config-(angular -> conventional) (b3a80d9)
- package: use config-(angular -> conventional) (4e0c96c)
- webpack_config: add publicPath in webpack server config (bb91d69)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
- actions: add Awral directly to project (9e34091)
- containers: add data fetching in Links (2e653e9)
- webpack_config: default BASE_API is not relative (e6ef3ca)
1.3.7 (2017-11-30)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- package: use @commitlint/config-(angular -> conventional) (b3a80d9)
- package: use config-(angular -> conventional) (4e0c96c)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
1.3.6 (2017-11-30)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- package: move pseudossl to optinalDeps (c6c2146)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
1.3.5 (2017-11-30)
- containers: fix sticky footer on FF (77f37ca)
- package: update packages (05bb1c6)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.77.0 (a4dc873)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
1.3.4 (2017-11-10)
- webpack_config: clean autodll libraries list (e289153)
1.3.3 (2017-11-10)
- containers: fix App styles (56baaa0)
- containers: fix Login height (e379234)
- containers: fix NotFound height (e81d2de)
- containers: NotFoundLayout height (635eb9e)
1.3.2 (2017-11-10)
- package: remove "precommit" hook, add cross-env (875ab6a)
1.3.1 (2017-11-10)
1.3.0 (2017-11-10)
- .babelrc: add ie11 to supported browsers (b91b0e4)
- .babelrc: remove transform-runtime, add ie11 in env (e3cab45)
- client: remove statistic.css, add babyl-polyfill (f22d0a2)
- components: make footer smaller [height] (8b7fb7f)
- containers: App styles formatting, remove unused code (7ec19b8)
- containers: fix SidebarSemanticPusherStyled max-width from SSR (b2e136b)
- containers: make footer sticky in App/style (1c7522a)
- server: add babel-polyfill in production (8df5ff4)
- server: default port in dev (e9d22eb)
- server: remove express-useragent (fe054c3)
- server: remove useragent, layoutState, move getStats in req (64c7ff6)
- styles: make primaryColorText: white (824d548)
- styles: remove unused .pushable styles (307027e)
- styles: remove unused code for media (9302da2)
- xhr_wrapper: remove
because we use cookies (033c886)
1.2.4 (2017-11-07)
1.2.3 (2017-11-07)
- server/api: fix mistakes/links/typos inside links.json (1749e54)
1.2.2 (2017-11-07)
1.2.1 (2017-11-07)
1.2.0 (2017-11-07)
- package: remove validate-commit-msg, install commitlint (d27b81d)
1.1.3 (2017-11-07)
- remove store2 from project (c3658e7)
1.1.2 (2017-11-07)
- webpack_config: remove url-loader duplication in server and client configs (7cea591)
1.1.1 (2017-11-06)
- .babelrc: add "dynamic-import-node" in production (17060b7)
- webpack_config/client: different chunkFilename in prod/dev (3e32c02)
- webpack_config/server: remove unused aliases, different chunkFilename in prod/dev (9ce7a7a)
1.1.0 (2017-11-06)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.76.0 (eff0262)
- server: remove console.log (d82f045)
- webpack_config: clean
dir on run (b5b8ff3)
- server: get webpack stats using
(5221391) - server: resolve assets and faviconsAssets async using
(ca8ae99) - server/ssr: wait for stats file before reading it using chokidar (a968954)
1.0.1 (2017-11-04)
1.0.0 (2017-11-04)
0.4.0 (2017-11-04)
- App: add
instead of direct filtering inside component (75d5bf0) - client/index: remove devtools for R15, add isomorphic-fetch (cefba8c)
- containers/App: uncomment Sentry code (a58db5e)
- Footer: add min-height for Footer (be521a8)
- Header: fixed height for header (027ed0a)
- jest_config: add scss|sass as extensions to mock by jest (210fb1b)
- Links: use isLinksLoading instead of isLinksLoaded (143e5a4)
- locals: update ru locals (e41ea18)
- Login: add 100% height for Login component (6b247e2)
- reducers/links: fix tests (payload should be array) (8fbd57c)
- Root: use
as routes for RoutingWrapper (f539033) - routing: fix detection of routerRoutes (f1224b9)
- routing: use only direct imports (no LL) (53c479d)
- server: add FormData for server (80b6071)
- server: return correct status code if path matched (a2c637f)
- server/api: fix links to repo in links.json (58c7f7d)
- Sidebar: fix shapshot (e09c965)
- webpack_config: es6ify code (de3de45)
- webpack_config: fix logo import path (609d241)
- webpack_config: PORT -> HTTP_PORT, remove
alias (89c5d80) - webpack_config: remove lazy-containers chunk (d01676f)
- webpack_config: remove UglifyJSPlugin (1e8d061)
- webpack_config: SENTRY_DSN_PUBLIC -> SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN (a8ca4b1)
- webpack_config/devServer: add dummy check for
(ae38d2e) - fix
import in app (a862358) - formatting, small design fixes (9d921a4)
- make all lazy routes (cce4088)
- move tests in own describe block (1a61c67)
- remove ShakePlugin (c1e01f9)
- use only plain dynamic imports with no comments (b09e40c)
- addons/LazyLoad: remove LazyLoad component (01bf70e)
- addons/RoutingWrapper: remove mentions about
(2dcaa6e) - app: use
instead ofroutes
(3c09b54) - App: add
max-height: 100% - 72px
for MainLayout (a0c03ab) - client: add async-component and async-bootstrapper (db5ef11)
- Links: add isLinksLoaded, get links only if links aren't loaded (969bcf0)
- NotFound: add NotFound container (404 error) (2070c0a)
- package: install form-data (50c8160)
- package.json: install react-async-component and react-async-bootstrapper (a3e8fc8)
- package.json: update deps (5961bde)
- reducers/links: add count property (7399f8e)
- redux-persist: v5 integration (1c439eb)
- routing: add
(4d9ec26) - routing: add asyncComponent, routingFnCreator, (c742eb4)
- routing: export
funcs fromroutes
(57bb4c3) - routing: make all routes lazy (d0a19c6)
- RoutingWrapper: use
instead of routes (64c4f30) - server: add Raven, disable x-powered-by (4c3ed6f)
- server: remove HTTPS server and config, remove spdy, remove
script (0d8ddb5) - remove redux-persist from project (86d781e)
- server: remove server_push code (2eba2fe)
- server/ssr: add , Html -> HTML (8fa5ca8)
- server/ssr: add async-component, async-bootstrapper (64dc579)
- server/ssr: add Lazy loading with SSR (ff0d42d)
- styles: duplicate some styles to make SSR result nicer (862d8c4)
0.3.0 (2017-10-19)
- actions/utils: fix awral import (4ee2c9a)
- actions/utils: fix comments about awral disabling (f12aa33)
- containers/Login: fix input fields onChange (486601e)
- jest_config: add process.env.BASE_API (bfff20b)
- jest_config: remove BASE_API assign in test mode (651e370)
- package: update jsonwebtoken to version 8.0.0 (c2aad78)
- package: update react to version 16.0.0 (ace78b4)
- package: update react-dom to version 16.0.0 (54089cc)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.72.0 (a914351)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.73.0 (1f1adf8)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.74.0 (9707aec)
- package: update semantic-ui-react to version 0.75.0 (1a8b3e7)
- package.json: remove babel-preset-es2015 (f341308)
- package.json: remove uglify-js (b6d3980)
- reducers/layout: remove APPLICATION_INIT (f615586)
- webpack_config: use rimraf instead of rm rf (18ba44f)
- webpack_config: use webpack's uglifyjs instead of uglifyjs plugin (5ebcc3c)
- webpack_config/: fix UglifyJS plugin, use rimraf (c720fc8)
- xhr_wrapper: add status in response, use 'options' and 'cb' (a52318a)
- actons/auth: add nock in tests (7cef458)
- actons/auth: add nock in tests, fix tests (17e9b55)
- actons/utils: disable "FINALLY", "BEFORE_PENDING" in awral (3558336)
- api/LocalStorateCookiesSvc: remove store2, add comments (a056b6c)
- components/Header: make Header stateless (c657cc8)
- components/Logo: add test file (de4d758)
- components/RouteAuth: add RouteAuth tests (c824599)
- package.json: install "sinon" in dev deps (3dfa763)
- package.json: install awral@1.2.0 (6e5716c)
0.2.0 (2017-10-16)
- reducers: fix reducers layout/links/auth tests (94d82fd)
- .babelrc: add "selectors" folder to module-resolver in .babelrc (7ec78eb)
- jest_config: add enzyme adapter configuration (f8adc27)
- package.json: add snapshot_update script, update deps (283e9a8)
- update jest snapshots (e39d11d)
0.1.0 (2017-10-16)
- .babelrc: remove preprocess option from babel-plugin-styled-components (2b35f35)
- .eslintrc: throw warning for "no-unused-vars" (fc9e36b)
- actions/common: fix flow type of APPLICATION_INIT (cf0a540)
- api/UsersSvc: getUsersApi - use few args instead of one object-arg (25e555d)
- App: bigger margin-top for MainContainer (c04bb3c)
- App: export getWindowInnerWidth from selectors (7dccc03)
- App/style: fix App styles for better adoption of react-headroom (d5dcef9)
- App/style: grids inside App don't have 100% height (14cdf48)
- common/routing: fix lazyLoadComponent function (8651c23)
- containers/App: make sidebar pusher overflow visible (7b19e87)
- containers/Links: UI fix (6289132)
- containers/Login: fix mapDispatchToProps.login (4c61b2e)
- containers/Login: remove stage-0 "::" bind (037ba73)
- Dashboard: remove DashboardCardComponent (85bd58d)
- devServer: use HTTP_PORT instead of PORT (c05dc83)
- Footer: fix text in footer (b0cd19e)
- Footer/style: remove useless margin-top: 30px on lg screen (4063871)
- Login: vars names (f94c47b)
- Logo: fix logo import path (95794d1)
- reducers/layout: remove APPLICATION_INIT_TYPE (3c76706)
- server: fix config import path in dev mode (ebfee5d)
- server/api: remove i18n stuff from /auth api (a759826)
- server/i18n: move summaryLocaleData to inner func (34a5f91)
- server/ fix port numbers (3960490)
- Sidebar: use styled(Item) instead of Item.extend (15e094f)
- src/client: remove use SUI dropdown, flag, use hydrate from react 16 (45c3b2b)
- UserItem: use logo as default img (c2e8cce)
- fix eslint warnings (4c8e0ad)
- remove eslint warnings (unused-vars) (58de337)
- remove prefer-const rule (82f7bd2)
- webpack_config: devtool 'eval' (c73a8bb)
- webpack_config: import ANALYZE_BUNDLE from config (7a19f41)
- webpack_config: remove isProduction from client/ (f3253b1)
- webpack_config: remove pug-loader (a41cdcd)
- webpack_config/client: eslint fixes (4080878)
- webpack_config/client: fix favicons plugin, low url-loader limit (a512c8a)
- .babelrc: add env preset, remove SUIR from lodash plugin (b84c0d9)
- .babelrc: remove es2015 preset, add babel-polyfill: true (e223f2e)
- .eslintrc: add "prefer-const" rule (5da5c3d)
- actions: rewrite actions using awral (468949c)
- actions/links: add actions for links (9ab21ab)
- actions/links: add tests for links (73d3da6)
- actions/posts: remove posts actions (bcd5a17)
- actions/posts: remove tests for posts actions (87a1e75)
- actions/users: remove actions for users (711ca1d)
- actions/utils: add base awral (6cba7c3)
- api: remove services for users/posts (14404e0)
- api/links.json: fix links desc (7c91334)
- api/LinksSvc: add service for links (aba120f)
- api/utils: remove export of normalization (5475db8)
- api/utils/xhr_wrapper: move to ponyfill from polyfill (c76addb)
- App: init handleWindowResize on App willMount (7d41107)
- client: remove item.css, add list.css (2a41841)
- client/index: use direct imports for SUI css, add @flow (72d2f13)
- components/Header: add react-headroom, add i18n menu (c8cc890)
- containers: add Links container (e813450)
- containers: remove containers/Users (a7d7397)
- containers/App: replace custom GA with react-ga (6d53628)
- containers/Dashboard: add i18n for Dashboard component (42e6166)
- containers/Links: add LinksItemComponent (0c830ab)
- containers/UserItem: remove UserItem component (ec859d0)
- containers/UserItem: remove UserItem container (09ee2b3)
- Dashboard: remove old redux stuff from Dashboard container (7c31517)
- Header: remove language selection button (964c82f)
- jest_config: add 'jest-styled-components' package (e3ac0a1)
- Lnks: add Links component (fba2240)
- locals: add basic locals (66e6cb8)
- locals: add basic text for dashboard (d0dd619)
- LocalStorageCookiesSvc: add
(bea8213) - Login: remove TextCenter wrapper, make styles for LoginButton simple (01875c4)
- package.json: add rapscallion (c408f9d)
- package.json: add raven, reselect, nock (89e6964)
- package.json: install chokidar (9eef237)
- package.json: install new deps (ef265d2)
- package.json: update deps, install awral (50e6d22)
- parts/Header/style: remove position:fixed from Header (f927162)
- reducers: remove posts, users reducers from
(d9867bd) - reducers/auth: remove jwt token from (1e23aea)
- reducers/layout: remove APPLICATION_INIT handling (be37230)
- reducers/links: add tests for links reducer (06c2a2a)
- reducers/links: add tests for links reducer (23372a4)
- reducers/posts: remove posts reducer (fa41df8)
- reducers/posts: remove tests for posts reducer (0d3df5b)
- Root: add more flow typesm fix APP_INIT dispatch (8dc70ef)
- routing: temporarily remove lazy loading (d19bcb6)
- routing: use "lazy" instead of "lazy-once" for lazy loading in browser env (a08a070)
- selectors: remove posts/users selector, add links selector, remove /const (235b122)
- server: add both https and http server in dev mode (9c24f66)
- server: add useragent middleware (44a51fd)
- server: rename HtmlComponent, remove unused vars (e4116c2)
- server: use HTTP(S)_PORT env vars instead of PORT (f3d9a31)
- server: use process.env.BASE_API instead of /api/v1 for API (bdd3dcf)
- server/api: server send links.json on /links req (9d5d4c5)
- server/config: add default ssl (86fe771)
- server/i18n: add flow types (i18nConfigObject) (3904e56)
- server/i18n: move i18n to own folder (ae47826)
- server/i18n: watch locals dir for updates in development (4cafcb5)
- server/ add both http and https servers in prod (a33c3e9)
- server/middlewares: add i18n stuff to auth middleware (9db4b9e)
- server/ssr: add rapscallion instead of react-dom/server renderToString (4a6146b)
- server/ssr: move i18n stuff to i18n, fix state creation (13dec07)
- server/ssr: move server push code to own file (37b7e2e)
- server/ssr: move to react 16 (a3b2010)
- server/ssr: React 16 streaming (ed419d1)
- server/ssr: React 16 streaming, remove rapscallion (1b76528)
- server/ssr: use
func from rapscallion in HtmlComponen (dab06eb) - ssr/HtmlComponent: use serialize-javascript instead of JSON.stringify (e203edf)
- styles: add more comments in /utils.jsx (4696bb7)
- styles: remove unused styled-components (acb04b5)
- types: add i18nConfigObject (c997f45)
- types: add LinkItem type, remove old types (f7f4be9)
- webpack_config: add ANALYZE_BUNDLE to main config file (95e92e6)
- webpack_config: use HTTPS/HTTP ports instead of PORT (d08d743)
0.1.0-alpha.0 (2017-09-12)
- .eslintrc: add jest env for eslint (7ddfeab)
- actions/auth: fix tests, comment "untestable" stuff (7c2905a)
- actions/layout: fix layout's actions tests (b0d2ede)
- actions/layout: fix tests (6357142)
- actions/posts: fix tests (249f4e2)
- actions/users: fix tests (91aa905)
- api.utils: don't remove ok property in resultOK, remove old comments (21409ec)
- api/PostsSvc: fix query string creation (3798d75)
- api/utils: fix resultOK(), add flow, export wrapped request creators (f219b2d)
- app/configure_app: add flow, fix arg (a8d2ded)
- app/configure_root: add flow, add fix for hmr for reducer (234c817)
- client/index: fix arg (21174b6)
- component: fix exports (from /views to /parts) (eaafde3)
- components: remove export * from parts and addons folders (a596e02)
- components/parts: fix flow applying for components (e7699c0)
- containers: use componentDidMount instead of componentWillMount (d891cd3)
- DashboardCardComponent: fix a11y issues (1b512c5)
- Header: remove (date: from formattedMessage (39a3358)
- locals: make locals minimalistic (c726e00)
- reducers/auth: fix tests for auth reducer (44a1965)
- reducers/layout: fix import path of APPLICATION_INIT (7e8bf15)
- reducers/layout: fix tests for layout reducer (81884a8)
- reducers/layout: fix tests for reducer (a7aa430)
- reducers/posts: fix tests for posts reducer (9ab67f9)
- reducers/users: fix tests for users reducer (64a3a51)
- routing: add more types, use absolute imports for containers (55b2699)
- server: remove
import keys
, we don't have https (36e5e36) - server/index: add more flow types (b6a1a59)
- server/middlewares/auth: set req.user's values to false instead of empty (00cfbaf)
- Sidebar: add flow (6c5fd30)
- Sidebar: create SidebarLogo based on Logo component (d4c4b85)
- ssr/IndexHTMLComponent: return string instead of component (af7aca6)
- UserItemComponent: fix a11y issues (be0bb13)
- webpack_config: remove i18n from alias (d0a1d5f)
- webpack_config/config: make CLIENT_DIST_PATH non env (8bd737b)
- webpack_config/server: fix name of webpackGetCodeOnDone, (b0394c1)
- webpack_config/server: fix syntax error (7bfe31a)
- webpack.isomorphic: eslint fixes, add const, selectors, types aliases (c3b163a)
- eslint fixes, small design fixes (6089114)
- eslint fixes, small design fixes (7765814)
- fix links to repo (753848e)
- fix RouteItem type import path (850f3ca)
- formatting, small fixes (2f41c9b)
- remove "index.js"s which exports all content from folder (d1b5009)
- remove emotion from project (99f4c95)
- .babelrc: add "flow" preset (34334ba)
- .babelrc: add babel-plugin-webpack-alias in test and development (fd0a898)
- .babelrc: add styles and images alias in test env (0937c73)
- .babelrc: remove plugin-webpack-alias from dev, add module-resolver for test (30c0685)
- .eslintrc: add react-a11y plugin for eslint (762fae9)
- .eslintrc.json: add flow plugin for eslnit (cf421f4)
- actions: rewrite actions with Flow and redux-thunk (1b14cc3)
- actions/auth: add test to handle LOGIN_AUTH_FAIL, fix LOGIN_AUTH_SUCCESS test (2185e6e)
- actions/posts: add userId as param to GET_POSTS (f9e6724)
- actions/utils: add Awral prototype (152a68f)
- addons/RouteAuth: add tests for RouteAuth (cdb5d80)
- api: add flow for /api files (ab09fe8)
- client/prod: remove favicons/preload/babili/sri/html plugins (1f2815e)
- client/webpack.base: use favicons and assets plugin in base mode (952b6e6)
- component/addons: add flow for components/addons (350b1fa)
- components/RouteAuth: use functional component, add flow types (fe3204f)
- components/RoutingWrapper: add flow types (18871c3)
- configure_root: add i18n as props for Root (04dfa0d)
- const: add /const folder which stores project's constants (9afc58f)
- containers: rewrite containers using thunked actions and flow (a8e9543)
- containers/App: rewrite with flow, fix export of component (f282fa3)
- containers/components: rewrite "dummy" components using flow (51bdd5e)
- containers/Users: use componentDidMount, add flow types (d4c7018)
- Footer: add basic test (1577664)
- Header: add basic test (9da0ee7)
- Header: add FormattedMessage (61915c6)
- indexHTMLComponent: add i18n stuff (456ebb7)
- jest: add process.env.BROWSER=false (28bb1f2)
- jest: use isomorphic-fetch instead of node-fetch (cb44eed)
- jest_config: add mocks dir with mocks for styles/imgs (0aad133)
- jest_config: add mocks and disable coverage of styles (06e09bb)
- Login: use navigator language as lang in auth request (cf9eb74)
- Logo: create Logo element (40246c1)
- package.json: fix desc, add/remove deps, fix start command (0d25462)
- package.json: install new deps, remove unused (19ed13f)
- package.json: update deps, add new deps, remove old deps, update scripts (4badb14)
- package.json: update deps, install react-intl, remove i18next (d64b57b)
- package.json: update scripts, deps, add new deps (1eaea14)
- parts/Root: add getWindowInnerWidth, RouteItem type (a6971ad)
- parts/Root: add IntlProvider (bda6b45)
- reducers: create GlobalState type (208cd57)
- reducers: rewrite reducers using flow, fix object properties (54a5b4c)
- reducers/posts/test: add test to handle location change to own path (48d8221)
- reducers/users/test: add test to handle location change to other paths except /users (dc8849b)
- routing: add RouteItem type (709e242)
- routing: make all containers lazy, simplify code (a1231ec)
- selectors: create /selectors with selectors for states (f9b4c5c)
- server: add /config folder, add serverOptions for server (spdy options) (4e72d73)
- server: add default ssl, split development and prod server config (78f3b14)
- server: add server entry file (039df01)
- server/api/auth: get lang from req, add lang to jwt (6cb9b16)
- server/middlewares: init app express middlewares using function and
context (59c2a30) - server/middlewares/auth: add default language (441a4ff)
- server/ssr: add translation in SSR (ff0370e)
- server/ssr: rewrite ssr, add HTML component, use stats instead of hadrcoded html (f4744c3)
- server/webpack.base: add 'webpack-assets' and 'favicons-assets' to aliases (4dd5fd4)
- Sidebar: add basic test (37e8071)
- Sidebar: use SidebarLogo based on Logo component (2664663)
- src/client: add react-a11y, fix export of main configuration scripts(configureRoot, configureA (0277ac4)
- src/common/app: configure store and root moves to own files in /app (259eb43)
- src/server: add
which mounts middlewares, ssr, api (54204cf) - src/server: add flow types and some comments in server middlewares (b4366a3)
- src/server: rewrite SSR with flow types, use stats.json instead of index.html (cbe8819)
- ssr: add translation from server in SSR (403ae4e)
- ssr: add translations for ssr (8a923d3)
- working on locals for react-intl (2492a20)
- types: create /types folder with core types (83a9f2d)
- utils/normalize: add flow (c195867)
- webpack_config/client: add AutoDLLPlugin, compute hints/devtool/filename/isProduction (fe9db2f)
- webpack_config/client: remove unused plugins, add WriteFilePlugin (6832969)
- webpack_config/config: add vendor and polyfills arrays for AutoDLLPlugin, style fixes (3900d63)
- webpack_config/config: compute isProduction inside config.js (6151dc9)
- webpack_config/server: add experimental ssr in development (0d4886e)
- webpack_config/server: add locals dir to alias (77a386e)
- webpack_config/server: add ssl alias (054a80f)
- webpack_config/server: add webpackHotMiddleware (13f5414)
- webpack_config/server: remove plugins from development config (4e97a6d)
- webpack.isomorphic: add i18n folder to aliases (4e3f6a1)
- add emotion/babel plugin to .babelrc (c48eb2a)
- add redux-persist (8bc96ea)
- xhr_wrapper: rewrite xhr_wrapper, add more comments (4d4388c)
- add shapshots for Footer, Header, Sidebar (5b9bd47)
- install emotion (ae74670)
3.0.0 (2017-08-12)
- .babelrc: move plugins from ssr.env to main plugins (07d1896)
- .babelrc: remove unused babel plugin: transform-react-jsx-img-import (033cc2a)
- .gitignore: add yarn.lock to repo (6d99cf9)
- .travis: run npm run server_dev instead of npm run test on travis build (9cf0c8a)
- : fix eslint errors (fc54fea)
- actions/auth: fix setLocalToken argument (14c3dca)
- actions/auth: fix setLocalToken argument (4c41c6d)
- api/AuthSvc: export JWT_TOKEN (047c760)
- common/index.ejs: uncomment link to manifest.json (78906e2)
- containers/App: fix Sidebar/Header/Footer imports (65c9195)
- i18n: fix eslint issues (2749ec4)
- jest_config/jest.config: fix ^routing to "^routing$ (a09d102)
- package.json: fix npm run serve_dist command, add APP_LANGUAGE param to this (6049f8a)
- package.json: fix npm start script (8aa8c4c)
- package.json: move lqip-loader to optional deps, finish merge (a7a793b)
- routing: use IS_SSR instead of BABEL_ENV in createHistory (f41d258)
- RoutingWrapper: remove unused console.log (2ac1030)
- src/client/index: use isomorphic-fetch instead of whatwg-fetch, add es6-promise polyfill, configureRootComponent arg fix (275d37f)
- src/client/index: use whatwg-fetch instead of isomorphic (b602134)
- src/common/api/AuthSvc: export JWT_TOKEN from file (eec3ec2)
- src/common/api/utils/xhr_wrapper.js: fix import (c27d246)
- src/common/containers/App: formatting, add GA and Raven lazy loading after component was mounted (cdfaf58)
- src/common/containers/App/style: fix main scrollbar visibility (0349f40)
- src/common/index: fix configuration of Root component in SSR (c5a3dba)
- src/common/index: remove unnecessary comment (ce10e04)
- src/common/index.ejs: remove GA from index.html file (c0f4533)
- src/common/reducers/layout: computeMobileStatuses() - screen size for SSR is 1024px by default (042e2c0)
- src/common/routing: fix dynamic require according to webpack code-splitting docs (d046a6b)
- src/common/RoutingWrapper: remove unnecessary console.log (47ccb05)
- src/common/styles/global: comment styles that hides scrollbars on page (481944e)
- src/Login: fix typo (2a9d7a1)
- src/server/api/auth: fix eslint issues (4cc4978)
- src/server/index: use node-fetch instead of isomorphic (39d6231)
- src/server/server: fix variable name (3f948fb)
- webpac_config/client: fix process.env (3f93d75)
- webpack_config: fix eslint issues (indent) (fe61956)
- webpack_config: fix some typos in webpack_config (0d7b8f0)
- webpack_config/client: comment OfflinePlugin options (5defd8d)
- webpack_config/ remove safeToUseOptionalCaches from OfflinePlugin (b99b987)
- webpack_config/client/ fix eslint issues (7d19a58)
- webpack_config/client/ fix output path, add safeToUseOptionalCaches for OfflinePlugin (68db4c4)
- webpack_config/client/ remove OfflinePlugin cache of root path (27ff0da)
- webpack_config/config: fix merge (c014cd9)
- webpack_config/config: fix path to icons that are generated by FaviconsWebpack (c4359ff)
- webpack_config/server: add BASE_API default fallback (fc93613)
- dev version (53718e3)
- fix commented OfflinePlugin (adf2967)
- fix eslint error (860dbf4)
- fix eslint indent (ac950a5)
- fix eslint issue (c5fce67)
- fix eslint issues (e43f7c1)
- fix eslint issues (indentation) (c4cb097)
- fix indentation (2895b4e)
- fix lint issues (5ff7275)
- fix "loggedIn" property to "isLoggedIn" (e6932ac)
- remove ads (5c0acba)
- small fixes (f407a1e)
- uncomment "require(common/pwa)" (2db21bb)
- webpack_config/webpack.base.js: fix default BASE_API path, fix ignore of i18n in development (a9b83f8)
- webpack_config/ uncomment moduleconcatenation, fix some typos (869a8e1)
- webpack.base: fix i18n ignore (39e4df2)
- comment moduleconcatenationplugin, small fixes (7cfa1de)
- .babelrc: add decorators support (3b34ff8)
- .babelrc: remove babel-plugin-webpack-alias, remove dynamic-import node, use react-hot-loader only in development (2c0b22b)
- .eslintrc: use tabs (023c9e7)
- .eslintrc.json: add Raven and ga to globals (54b097b)
- .gitignore: add built server code to ignored files (7090f2f)
- common/components/addons/RouteAuth: add logging (4f54e9e)
- common/containers/App/index.jsx: App gets routes from props (970a3b7)
- jest_config/setupJest: use isomorphic-fetch instead of node-fetch (8dfaa54)
- merge: merge local dev branch into remote dev (a524885)
- merge: merge local dev branch into remote dev (3d2a29b)
- package.json: add build_server script, remove BABEL_ENV, add IS_SSR, fix build script (ef4243b)
- package.json: add npm start command that is equal to npm run dev (339f7ca)
- package.json: add server_build/server_dev/frontend_dev/frontend_build/build/start scripts, update deps (993ec63)
- package.json: add styles for "concurrently" in npm run dev (d2a8a87)
- server/express/index: add auth middleware, add morgan (c228820)
- src/client/index: allow to run whyDidYouUpdate (78a4b29)
- src/common: require images with url-loader (679cdf0)
- src/common/api/index.js: export LocalStorageCookiesSvc from
(2356ea0) - src/common/components/addons: add exports of LazyLoad and RoutingWrapper (fae04b4)
- src/common/components/addons/LazyLoad: implement LazyLoad addon component (9503508)
- src/common/components/addons/RouteAuth: remove handling on lazy loading from RouteAuth (75e53ae)
- src/common/components/addons/RoutingWrapper: Implement RoutingWrapper component that renders routes (bf2921c)
- src/common/components/views/Root: pass routes as prop to (9c3c755)
- src/common/reducers/users/index.test: add /* eslint-disable */ (0a50cf0)
- src/common/routing/index.jsx: use /* webpackMode: "eager" for server-side code (b7af6fb)
- src/server: formatting + add expiresIn for JWT (d1fc014)
- src/server: install bodyParser (8ae6d8d)
- src/server: remove env vars defaults, remove global.window patch, remove babel-core/register (8a360a2)
- src/server/api/auth: add auth route for server (e860567)
- src/server/index: use process env vars BASE_API and PORT for server (2611c0e)
- src/server/server: add chalk, fix SSR express's handling (cbcb966)
- src/server/server: server use env vars PORT and BASE_API (1d50a6f)
- src/server/ssr: use auth middleware, some comments (5b6bab0)
- webpac_config/client/prod: remove comments from css files (a724beb)
- webpack_config: add SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN and SENTRY_DSN to config (fef60c3)
- webpack_config: use naming module for client and server webpack_configs (9a7784c)
- webpack_config/client: add to index.html independent of FaviconsPlugin (6822200)
- webpack_config/client: uncomment moduleconcatenationplugin (c7b80eb)
- webpack_config/client: use {analyzerMode: 'static'} for BundleAnalyzerPlugin (f8df477)
- webpack_config/client/webpack.base: add GA_ID to env vars (acca41d)
- webpack_config/client/webpack.base.js: add more style extension to resolve (25eaced)
- webpack_config/client/ add optimized OfflinePlugin config (1a1bd57)
- webpack_config/client/ clean only dist/client/ dir, not all dist/client (8e42ddf)
- webpack_config/server: add http-proxy to proxy request to server (a836862)
- webpack_config/server: add NormalModuleReplacementPlugin to server (904feec)
- webpack_config/server/webpack.base: add code for lqip-loader, add url-loader, remove replacement plugin (d7f71c2)
- webpack_config/webpack.base.js: use url-loader, add img-loader, remove copywebpackplugin, add aliases for static dirs (fb5ccf5)
- webpack_config/webpack.isomorphic: add circular dependency plugin (fcab055)
- webpack_config/webpack.isomorphic: add commonly used rules/plugins to a separate file (9f4372b)
- add webpack-sri, replace babili-webpack with uglifyjs, uncomment preloadWebpackPlugin, add ShakePlugin (350b681)