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Copy pathDemo.tscn
19 lines (15 loc) · 4.58 KB
[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://bi3eeh4aq7oq1"]
[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://bk2gh3rjug0vu" path="res://07-2DCharacterController/assets/basic-tileset.tres" id="1_wue0u"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://blqx32wryscef" path="res://07-2DCharacterController/player.tscn" id="2_3owpy"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://11-InputActions/scripts/PlayerController.cs" id="3_kp0g5"]
[node name="Root" type="Node2D"]
[node name="TileMap" type="TileMap" parent="."]
position = Vector2(-3, -25)
tile_set = ExtResource("1_wue0u")
format = 2
layer_0/name = "base"
layer_0/modulate = Color(0.960784, 0.960784, 0.960784, 1)
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-65536, 524288, 10, -65535, 458752, 8, -65534, 458752, 8, -65533, 458752, 8, -131066, 458752, 8, -65531, 458752, 8, -65530, 524288, 12, -65529, 524288, 12, -65528, 524288, 12, -65527, 458752, 8, -65526, 458752, 8, -131065, 458752, 8, -131064, 458752, 8, -262134, 524288, 5, -262133, 524288, 3, -65532, 393216, 8, -262148, 458752, 8, -262147, 524288, 8, -65525, 458752, 8, -65524, 524288, 8, 2, 524288, 12, 3, 524288, 12, 1, 524288, 12, 5, 524288, 12, 6, 524288, 12, 7, 524288, 12, 8, 524288, 12, 9, 524288, 12, 10, 524288, 12, 11, 524288, 12, 4, 458752, 3, 65540, 458752, 3, 65538, 524288, 12, 65539, 524288, 12, 65537, 524288, 12, 65541, 524288, 12, 65542, 524288, 12, 65543, 524288, 12, 65544, 524288, 12, 65545, 524288, 12, 65546, 524288, 12, 65547, 524288, 12, -262145, 524288, 5, -327680, 524288, 3, -196612, 524288, 12, -131078, 655360, 12, -131079, 655360, 12, -131080, 655360, 12, 65528, 720896, 2, 131064, 458752, 4, 131065, 720896, 2, 131066, 720896, 2, 131067, 720896, 2, -65545, 655360, 12, -9, 655360, 12, 65527, 458752, 4, -131081, 655360, 12, -196616, 655360, 12, -196615, 655360, 12, -196614, 655360, 12, -196613, 655360, 12, -65546, 655360, 12, -10, 655360, 12, 65526, 458752, 4, 131063, 458752, 4, 196599, 458752, 4, 196600, 458752, 4, 196601, 458752, 4, 196602, 458752, 4, 196603, 458752, 4, 131068, 524288, 12, 65533, 458752, 8, 131069, 524288, 12, 65534, 458752, 8, 131070, 524288, 12, 196604, 524288, 12, 196605, 524288, 12, 196606, 524288, 12, 131062, 458752, 4, 262135, 458752, 4, 262136, 458752, 4, 262137, 458752, 4, 262138, 458752, 4, 262139, 458752, 4, 196598, 458752, 4, 131061, 458752, 4, 196597, 458752, 4, 262133, 458752, 4, 262134, 458752, 4, 327670, 458752, 4, 327671, 458752, 4, 327672, 458752, 4, 327673, 458752, 4, 327674, 458752, 4, 327675, 458752, 4, 327676, 458752, 4, 65525, 458752, 4, 131060, 458752, 4, 196596, 458752, 4, 262132, 458752, 4, 327669, 458752, 4, 65524, 655360, 12, -12, 655360, 12, -65548, 655360, 12, -131084, 655360, 12, -196620, 655360, 12, -11, 655360, 12, -65547, 655360, 12, -131083, 655360, 12, -196619, 655360, 12, -131082, 655360, 12, -196618, 655360, 12, -196617, 655360, 12, -262155, 655360, 12, -262154, 655360, 12, -262153, 655360, 12, -262152, 655360, 12, -262151, 655360, 12, -262150, 655360, 12, -131085, 655360, 12, -65549, 655360, 12, -13, 655360, 12, 65523, 655360, 12, 262140, 524288, 12, 262141, 524288, 12, 262142, 524288, 12, 327678, 524288, 12, 327677, 524288, 12, 131073, 524288, 12, 196609, 524288, 12, 262145, 524288, 12, 327681, 524288, 12, 131074, 524288, 12, 196610, 524288, 12, 262146, 524288, 12, 327682, 524288, 12, 131075, 524288, 12, 196611, 524288, 12, 262147, 524288, 12, 327683, 524288, 12, 131077, 524288, 12, 196613, 524288, 12, 262149, 524288, 12, 327685, 524288, 12, 131078, 524288, 12, 196614, 524288, 12, 262150, 524288, 12, 327686, 524288, 12, 131079, 524288, 12, 196615, 524288, 12, 262151, 524288, 12, 327687, 524288, 12, 131080, 524288, 12, 196616, 524288, 12, 262152, 524288, 12, 327688, 524288, 12, 131081, 524288, 12, 196617, 524288, 12, 262153, 524288, 12, 327689, 524288, 12, 131082, 524288, 12, 196618, 524288, 12, 262154, 524288, 12, 327690, 524288, 12, 131083, 524288, 12, 196619, 524288, 12, 262155, 524288, 12, 327691, 524288, 12, 131076, 458752, 3, 196612, 458752, 3, 262148, 458752, 3, 327684, 458752, 3, -262156, 655360, 12, -196621, 655360, 12, -131086, 655360, 12, -65550, 655360, 12, -14, 655360, 12, 65522, 655360, 12, 131058, 655360, 12, 131059, 655360, 12, 196594, 458752, 4, 196595, 458752, 4, 262130, 458752, 4, 262131, 458752, 4, 327667, 458752, 4, 327668, 458752, 4, 393204, 458752, 4, 393205, 458752, 4, 393206, 458752, 4, 393207, 458752, 4, 393208, 458752, 4, 393209, 458752, 4, 393210, 458752, 4, 393211, 458752, 4, 393212, 458752, 4, 196593, 458752, 4, 262129, 458752, 4, 327665, 458752, 4, 327666, 458752, 4, 393203, 458752, 4, 393202, 458752, 4)
[node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_3owpy")]
position = Vector2(156, -221)
script = ExtResource("3_kp0g5")